Update notes — March 13

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Hi everyone,

Today we're releasing another Friday update. This week we've mainly focused on improving naval battles: the game mechanic had a number of exploits from which we tried to get rid of. As a result, naval battles became more challenging, AI got more dangerous and chainshots are now more useful.


In addition we made some changes in the trading balance — in particular, the traits "Trader" and "Entrepreneur" are now reworked.

We'd also like to bring up the loot subject. We saw a lot of complaints that the "Sutler" trait wasn't working. It's not supposed to increase the loot's amount itself — it only increases the food percent in the loot that you find.

Update notes:


- Reworked traits "Trader" and "Entrepreneur" — they now reduce harbor charges and property upkeep instead of trading fines.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from getting the "Cavalry colonel" trait.

Naval battle:

- Player's ship now keeps the ammunition type it used before boarding.
- Added new fleet order — "Don't use cannonballs". It helps to avoid unwanted sinking of enemy vessels.
- Notably reduced damage from fire for bigger ships.
- Fixed a bug that caused half-destroyed sails to become invincible for chaishots.
- Improved accuracy for chainshots.
- Improved AI behavior in naval battles — it now tries to avoid boarding at any cost, except for cases when it has a clear advantage.
- Notably reduced ramming damage.
- Removed illogical text menu with suggestion to "Continue the battle" when the player lost all ships in battle.
- AI now actively tries to position itself for a successful broadside against the player.

General fixes:

- Increased speed for soldier recruiting in AI's garrisons — now capturing enemy towns should get more difficult.
- Added prices display for governor's buildings.
- Lots of fixes in the Russian localization.
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