What made you happy today?

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I guess the gloves are for the weight you carry while doing those squats? But a balaclava is a hat whatsthatgottodo with buttcercise
Came across a mother duck and her cute, fluffy, little ducklings on my way home.


(Not my picture)

Those little things can cheer anyone up
Had got braces a few days back, chewing hurt really badly at first but it has got much better now. The bracket over my left canine does keep brushing into my lip so it does hurt a bit over there, but my teeth hurt less now.

FrisianDude said:
I guess the gloves are for the weight you carry while doing those squats? But a balaclava is a hat whatsthatgottodo with buttcercise
Sorry, it was a really obscure gestpost about slavs.
I do have a plan for them though. You'll all see.
Uhm, uhm...

Polska a Češka stronk!

Oh wait, the balaclava is from Crimea.
Addit : More proof that Swedes are just Slavs, or vice versa...
Haha! After 100 years, the first new statue of Franz Joseph I has been uncovered in the Czech Republic. This is just so great  :lol: The event was organised by the monarchist party (who are kind of nutjobs), but - Jesus - stuff so absurd, cute and unbelievable as this thing is exactly what should make front pages - let others have refugees, Trump or hurricanes, we are uncovering a bust of an Emperor who died 100 years ago! Viribus unitis, brothers  :lol:

I'm fairly sure the breadbags they're wearing is from the CSLA. Nice irony, ya dorpfs.
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