What made you happy today?

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Just got word today that I got hired at the charcuterie of a big supermarket. Does really help considering I've been living the last year off of student loan and aid.  :party:

Then again, my apartment is freezing due to temp-sensitive radiators and I'm temporarily staying at my parents' house which is 40 minute drive from work and school. But see good in all things, I guess?

They adjust after the temperature outside as to find the optimal temperature, saves wake up in sweat in the summer. You can change the radiator somewhat, but the levels go in increments of X amounts of "meh".
The weather the last couple days has been perfect: bright sunshine, bit breezy, cool but not chilly. The trees are turning into their fall colors. Days like today are why this is one of my favorite times of the year. I love fall when it's like this. We've had a good couple of days at the farm: it's been good to get stuff done outside. My dad and uncle started harvesting today, so the harvest season craziness has officially begun, but it's a relief to get started since the weather hadn't been cooperating until now. I've spent the past year with a somewhat low opinion of our combine, since it's getting older and has needed a lot of maintenance, but seeing it out and running today I was reminded what a good machine it really is. It's been very reliable when we've needed it, even if lately it's been needing an overhaul. And it's always cool to see big machinery out and about: they're more awe-inspiring in motion than when they're just sitting around.

edit: typos
Beautiful sunset tonight and walking home from the corner store I saw the ISS and another satellite move on 90 degree paths, intersect perfectly and moved away from each other. It was a little surreal.
ComingWinter said:
Beautiful sunset tonight and walking home from the corner store I saw the ISS and another satellite move on 90 degree paths, intersect perfectly and moved away from each other. It was a little surreal.

That's great, can you see such a thing with the naked eye? I suppose you must have, unless you were carrying a pair of powerful binoculars  :razz:. I've never looked up at a clear night sky in a rural area, so I've no idea what's possible (and my eyesight beyond 3 metres is not great without glasses).
DanAngleland said:
That's great, can you see such a thing with the naked eye? I suppose you must have, unless you were carrying a pair of powerful binoculars  :razz:. I've never looked up at a clear night sky in a rural area, so I've no idea what's possible (and my eyesight beyond 3 metres is not great without glasses).

Yes you can see it easily without binoculars- it is the brightest man-made satellite.
Thanks for the reply  :grin: I just found the NASA site which tells you when it will be visible in your area, and at what position in the sky it will be. I will have to get out into the countryside sometime!
The two best night skies I've ever seen were from the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and sailing in the Florida Keys. Simply amazing, and really makes you understand how the ancients felt when they looked up
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