B Musket Era [NW] Crimean War mod. (Need help with scripts)

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1st regiment of Zouaves


UPD: I forgot finish texture of pants, so I'll update post when finished:smile:

3e régiment de Tirailleurs algériens ("Turcos")

Officer of line infantry, undress uniform (same uniform wore most officers of French army in the Crimea)








French officer of tirailleurs algériens


Officer of voligeurs of the Imperial Guard (wearing crimeenne)



Similar uniform wore General of 2nd regiment of voltigeurs of the Imperial Guard Louis Roger de Marolles (1808-1855), when he was killed during attack on Malakhoff on 8th September 1855.


For now there is progress only with uniforms, guys who helped me earlier stopped for a time their work (on buildings and scenes), so for now I'm working alone and I have time only for uniforms.
I'll need many scripts, most important and most difficult of them probably is AI-controlled artillery with crew of 2 or 3 men (they can be replaced with nearby units with decreasing accuracy comparing to artillery units), in Warband there are siege towers which move only when there are soldiers near them, artillery can be made in similar way I guess, but I'm only beginner in Python, so such script I can't write myself.
And there will be plenty of other scripts, as example mine warfare - there will be tunnels (mines) underground in different directions, filled with destructible earth, so sappers can dig these tunnels, and there will be places, where explosion can be made, which will destroy part of defences, or make a big crater on the surface, and defenders can dig counter-mines and with directed blast destroy part of attacker's mines. But maybe it's too difficult, I don't know.
Also I'll need scripts for 6-horses artillery train, so on each left horse there will be player (or maybe bot), if horse is killed - it's corpse must be unharness, if rider is killed - there will be pauses in control of horses. With each killed horse decreases speed of train (if there are all six of them, they can gallop as ordinary heavy horses). It can be used in multiplayer, so we'll have fast horse artillery:smile:

But most important script is scripts for AI-controlled guns.
Ivkolya said:
For now there is progress only with uniforms, guys who helped me earlier stopped for a time their work (on buildings and scenes), so for now I'm working alone and I have time only for uniforms.
I'll need many scripts, most important and most difficult of them probably is AI-controlled artillery with crew of 2 or 3 men (they can be replaced with nearby units with decreasing accuracy comparing to artillery units), in Warband there are siege towers which move only when there are soldiers near them, artillery can be made in similar way I guess, but I'm only beginner in Python, so such script I can't write myself.
And there will be plenty of other scripts, as example mine warfare - there will be tunnels (mines) underground in different directions, filled with destructible earth, so sappers can dig these tunnels, and there will be places, where explosion can be made, which will destroy part of defences, or make a big crater on the surface, and defenders can dig counter-mines and with directed blast destroy part of attacker's mines. But maybe it's too difficult, I don't know.
Also I'll need scripts for 6-horses artillery train, so on each left horse there will be player (or maybe bot), if horse is killed - it's corpse must be unharness, if rider is killed - there will be pauses in control of horses. With each killed horse decreases speed of train (if there are all six of them, they can gallop as ordinary heavy horses). It can be used in multiplayer, so we'll have fast horse artillery:smile:

But most important script is scripts for AI-controlled guns.

I will look into it, I've been doing different AI stuff for my Blood for Land mod and I really want to have the bots use a ballista during the battles so if I can figure it out it should work for the arty as well. It might be a couple of weeks till I get back to you though.
In order to maintain interest for this thread - here are some screenshots of working on Malakoff Tower. I have not so many time for modding now, but work continues:smile:











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