Project HoloLens

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Microsoft are really serious about their holographic technology,
and apparently so far ahead they want to release it for developers in the spring.

I think holographic technology is great, and the right direction in interactivity.
Just hope at some point they can skip the goggles (but that technology is perhaps in Star Trek future).
Anything you need to wear is a drawback for me.
It certainly sounds and looks impressive. I really want to give it a go.

(though for some reason I was slightly more intrigued in their 84" 4K all-in-one PC)
It's impressive and neat, but I fail to see the real use for it. What's it for, at the end of the day?

Seems like for a lot of the profitable applications it might serve, you'd need tactile elements.
The fact that you can 3D print the things you make is pretty useful for quite a few fields of work. I can see it being beneficial for health care as well.

Also, this could have the potential to replace your TV if you can just pin up a TV of any size you want.
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