Did the vikings continue to raid monastaries even after establishing the Danelaw

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I've taken to raiding the monks within the vicinity of Jorvik over and over again.  Seems strange.  They should either dissolve or you should be given the option to repurpose the monastaries for pagan worship.
Well, the Danelaw isn't really a thing, but if we take it to mean the rules established in the treaties between Alfred and Guthrum by which their kingdoms were delineated, then no, they did not continue raiding monasteries, because Guthrum was Christian by then.  However, I'm not sure exactly when this game is set, but it is definitely earlier than that, so it is kind of OK that you carry on raiding.  What is not OK, as mentioned in other threads, is that no other Norse or Dane NPCs come over to Britain at all to raid or settle at any point in the game, so if you have taken over a town you are the entirety of the Viking horde!..... :shock:

On a slightly more serious note, completely agree with you.  If you own the town and are answerable to nobody then surely you can eradicate places of worship that don't follow your chosen faith..
Geoff said:
Well, the Danelaw isn't really a thing, but if we take it to mean the rules established in the treaties between Alfred and Guthrum by which their kingdoms were delineated, then no, they did not continue raiding monasteries, because Guthrum was Christian by then.  However, I'm not sure exactly when this game is set, but it is definitely earlier than that, so it is kind of OK that you carry on raiding.  What is not OK, as mentioned in other threads, is that no other Norse or Dane NPCs come over to Britain at all to raid or settle at any point in the game, so if you have taken over a town you are the entirety of the Viking horde!..... :shock:

On a slightly more serious note, completely agree with you.  If you own the town and are answerable to nobody then surely you can eradicate places of worship that don't follow your chosen faith..

Guthrum was ultimately defeated in 878, at which point the Danelaw was established. I think this game starts in 868, so the viking conquest of England is still very much going on.
Aklis said:
Geoff said:
Well, the Danelaw isn't really a thing, but if we take it to mean the rules established in the treaties between Alfred and Guthrum by which their kingdoms were delineated, then no, they did not continue raiding monasteries, because Guthrum was Christian by then.  However, I'm not sure exactly when this game is set, but it is definitely earlier than that, so it is kind of OK that you carry on raiding.  What is not OK, as mentioned in other threads, is that no other Norse or Dane NPCs come over to Britain at all to raid or settle at any point in the game, so if you have taken over a town you are the entirety of the Viking horde!..... :shock:

On a slightly more serious note, completely agree with you.  If you own the town and are answerable to nobody then surely you can eradicate places of worship that don't follow your chosen faith..

Guthrum was ultimately defeated in 878, at which point the Danelaw was established. I think this game starts in 868, so the viking conquest of England is still very much going on.

Pretty sure you know you are agreeing with me, but just in case you think that I was saying anything different, then, yeah, this.

And thanks for the note on the game's setting date - didn't know that.
I see.  Were vikings still raiding and pillaging in the Lindisfarne sense during the Great Heathen Invasion?

Basically what I'm asking is if me raiding monastaries in 867 is still realistic or historical.  Especially the monastaries that seem to be within territorial control of the vikings.
I decided that I'd raid each monastery exactly once.  Only Finnian is unraided, as the kingdom actually tried to defend it by sending a force after I landed. In addition , in the storyline monastery trip, I made sure I both bullied and then pillaged to get the proper penalties - just pillaging didn't ruin my rep with the neighbouring kingdoms.

Self-policing. I don't raid villages anymore, either, or if I do, I only loot the items that were available for sale - the rewards are too much otherwise.
Zelekendel said:
Self-policing. I don't raid villages anymore, either, or if I do, I only loot the items that were available for sale - the rewards are too much otherwise.

What do you mean? I raided a town for the first time and got nearly nothing!
I like that monasteries are renewable!

Pretty much all features should be sandbox, imho. I think they SHOULD renew / reset, but probably they should take longer and not just the couple of days it takes now.
Geoff said:
Well, the Danelaw isn't really a thing, but if we take it to mean the rules established in the treaties between Alfred and Guthrum by which their kingdoms were delineated, then no, they did not continue raiding monasteries, because Guthrum was Christian by then.  However, I'm not sure exactly when this game is set, but it is definitely earlier than that, so it is kind of OK that you carry on raiding.  What is not OK, as mentioned in other threads, is that no other Norse or Dane NPCs come over to Britain at all to raid or settle at any point in the game, so if you have taken over a town you are the entirety of the Viking horde!..... :shock:

On a slightly more serious note, completely agree with you.  If you own the town and are answerable to nobody then surely you can eradicate places of worship that don't follow your chosen faith..

The Kingdom of Laithlind and half of the lords of Northumbria are Norse/Vikings, so they're your fellow invaders.
Denmark at the time was very much involved in the invasions in England, but alas, in the game they are sitting ducks in their land. This has been a problem in many big mods, that the lords afar may never leave. I hope they will be able to find a solution for this, because it's very disappointing to see a major contender completely voided.
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