Sub-board guidelines

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Welcome to the Viking Conquest sub-board.
Please follow some simple guidelines before posting.

- Follow the general rules of the forum, which, among other things, means no slander or derogatory language.,12250.0.html

- If you experience bugs or crashes post these in the Support board:,373.0.html

And before posting a bug/crash please read this stickied thread:,319760.0.html

- If you have questions to features in the game, such as how stamina works e.g., please do a quick search to see if others have posted something similar.

- Remember spoilers!
If you post content from the game that reveals parts of the storyline - either screenshots or videos - remember to warn about spoilers.

- If you want to discuss historical matters, such as historical accuracy, or have suggestions in that regard, please keep it in relevant posts or make a post for a specific topic.

- Finally give threads relevant subject headlines.
For example if you ask how to build a refuge, don't write "help me", but instead "How do you build a refuge?".

Thank you
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