[Starting a Clan?]VC Recruiting Wave

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kraggrim said:
I'm curious, how are these kind of area/kingdom "reservations" that people have posted actually enforced?
First come first serve basis. Someone claims a clan by all rights of this unwritten rule they 'own' it being the first to use the name. There is even 'reservation threads/posts' to claim certain names on other mods.

The early bird gets the worm as they say.

And any second same-named clan will surely get flak for trying to copy one of the first clans.  :lol:
First come first serve basis, got it. I was more talking about what happens if another clan decides to use a pre-claimed one anyway.
Flak, flak everywhere on them.

It happens way too often for regimental names.

'Name's taken mate' is the common response to people trying to claim an old number with a long history.

The clans in the multiplayer board of the newly setup Viking Conquest sub-board are the pre-claimed ones.
That's always the problem with historical names, it's in a way why I prefer when people are creative enough to create their own names and clan names that can be historical in composition but that aren't just name claiming a real unit or person, who likely he has nothing to do with them.

You can only see so many "legendary" units or personas online, before you find them ridiculous.
I claim the name "RDP Clan" for RDP and RDP Clan. Others are not invited at this stage, but feel free to post grovelling requests. Do not put "RDP" in your name unless you want to make us angry. I mean it.
Úlfheðinn said:
That's always the problem with historical names, it's in a way why I prefer when people are creative enough to create their own names and clan names that can be historical in composition but that aren't just name claiming a real unit or person, who likely he has nothing to do with them.
I agree, but to coin a plausible and grammatically correct name you need to do some research first. I don't think many people have that kind of patience or desire to learn, unfortunately.
rariisan said:
nacholoko16 said:
Dryykon said:
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Allmighty lord those horned vikings make my eyes bleed!!!!

I think he put an exaggerated version of a viking on purpose to mock NW :razz:

I wrote something useful then decided arrogance would get my point across better.

Basically I don't want to see vikings running around in organized lines wearing 7 layers of ranking tags or standing in a line volleying arrows for 10 minutes. Vikings fought much differently than trained soldiers did in Napoleonic times.
Dryykon, sorry if i look arrogant later :smile: Wasnt the idea! Was just talking about the helmts and armors of the vikings only joking about it! Nothing personal fella!
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