SP Info Scenes (In)Complete guide to entry points for singleplayer

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I recently been into this topic and I found out that many of the guides similar to this one are inaccurate or incomplete. This guide contains (will contain) all the entrypoints used in Singleplayer. Any willing to help is welcome.

NOTE: You won't find here information about passages!

(needs verification)
  • 0 - player
  • 6-7 - guards/nurse
  • 16 - chancellor/lady when visiting her
  • 17-24 - lords and ladies
  • 0 - place where attackers spawn
  • 1 - place where player spawns after choosing an option "Take a walk around the courtyard"
  • 2 - exit from Lord's hall
  • 3 - spawn for defenders if they're willing to fight outside the walls
  • 7 - exit from the dungeon
  • 10 - melee defenders
  • 11 - main ranged defenders
  • 15 - defenders' spawn point (this one also spawns a guard when failing at sneaking into the castle)
  • 23 - castle guard
  • 24 - prison guard
  • 40-43 - low-tier guards
  • 44-46 - high-tier guards
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Ranged defenders will also spawn in small groups on the low- and high-tier guards' entry points' location
  • 0 - player entering on foot
  • 1 - player entering on mount
  • 2 - player leaving the keep
  • 3 - player when ambushed
  • 4 - player leaving tavern/hired bandit
  • 5 - player leaving shop
  • 6 - player leaving arena
  • 7 - player leacing dungeon
  • 9 - armor merchant
  • 10 - weaponsmith
  • 12 - horse merchant
  • 11 - Guild Master/hired bandit
  • 23 - castle guard
  • 24 - prison guard
  • 25-26 - high-tier guards
  • 27-28 - low-tier guards/hired bandits
  • 30-40 - citizens

    • 0 - player
    • 9 - Tavern Keeper
    • 16-24 - tavern guests

  • -----
    (needs verification)
    • 0 - player's spawn point
    • 1 - player's party when rescuing village
    • 2 - player when training peasants
    • 3 - raiding party's spawn point
    • 11 - Village Elder
    • 30-40 - peasants
    • 45 - bandit from lords' quest

    To be done...

    Hope this helps

    Regards, Tajulek
and this one too : http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,260147.0.html

Passages have a "Entry No" and a "Menu Item No". It is pretty important to not mix them up!
From the inside or outside scenes your passage has to have the following "Menu Item No" to bring you to:
0 - castle (NATIVE: 0, related Entry Point from interior scene:2)
Don't use 1 to 5!!
2 - Castle, related Entry Point in the street/courtyard:2
3 - Town center, related entry point in the street depends on the place, the player comes from
4 - Tavern, related Entry Point in the street:4
5 - Shop, related Entry pointin the street: 5
6 - Arena, related Entry in the street: 6
7 - Dungeon, related Entry in the street/courtyard:7
8 - Castle courtyard

Entry numbers from OUTSIDE are "0".
Now from interiors to the outside you simply have to give the "Entry No" the number of the entry point you put into the scene your passage leads to.
For example, you are inside the castle and you give the passage "Menu Item No: 7" and "Entry No: 5" you simply have to put the entry point "Entry No: 5" in front of the castle within the street scene.
Just make sure you do not use the reserved Entry points such as player entry / guild master / guard etc.

0 - Player when entering village as normal
1 - Player when "defending" the village
2 - Player when training peasants
3 - Enemies
4 - Peasants when training (Attacked at night? Need more info.)
11 - Village Elder
30 - 40 - Village Walkers
45 - Fugitive from Lord quest

Town Centers (Cities)
0 - Player when entering on foot
1 - Player when entering on horseback
2 - Player when leaving the keep (Passages)
3 - Player instance (Crushing street resistance?)
4 - Player leaving Tavern(Passages) / Enemy ambusher
5 - Player when leaving shop (Passages)
6 - Player when leaving arena (Passages)
7 - Player when leaving the dungeon (Passages)
9 - Armor Merchant
10 - Weaponsmith
11 - Guild Master / Enemy Ambusher
12 - Horse Merchant
23 - Castle Guard
24 - Prison Guard
25&26 - High Level Guards
27&28 - Low Level Guards / Enemy Ambushers
30-40 - Town Walkers

Town walls (City Siege)
0 - Attackers
3 - Sally
10 - Defenders infantry gathering point
11 - Player when defending / Defenders Infantry spawn point
15 - Reinforcement for the defenders
40-46 - Archers
50-55 Siege towers path

Keep Indoors (Cities/Castles)
0 - Player
6 - Castle Guard
7 - Castle Guard / Nurse when 'visiting a lady'
16 - Chancellor / Tournament Knight / "Lady", when 'visiting a lady'
17-31 - Lords and Ladies

Castle Outdoors (Includes Siege)
0 - Attackers
1 - Player
2 - Player when leaving the keep (Passages)
3 - Sally point
7 - Player when leaving the dungeons (Passages)
10 - Defenders "gathering point"
11 - Player when defending / Defenders Infantry spawn
15 - Defenders reinforcements
24 - Prison Guard
40-46 - Guards
50-55 - Path for Siege Towers

0 - Player
9 - Tavern Keeper
17 - Mercenary
18 - Mercenary / Companion
19 - Ransom Broker / Companion Traveller
20 - Ransom Broker / Traveller / Bard / Companion
21 - Ransom Broker
22 - Traveller

0 - Player
16-31 Prisoners

0 - Player
9 - Merchant

Bandit Lair
0 Player
1-10 Bandits

Arena - Needs verified.
0-7 Team 1
8-15 Team 2
16-23 Team 3
24-31 Team 4
32-39 ???
50 Player watching
51 ???
52 Tournament Master
56-59 ???

Opening Scene/Alley
3- NPC (bandit, merchant, etc.)
Something a lot of people overlook (including myself) when making town scenes is the inner town/inner castle battles that sometimes occur after the actual siege - the one where the defenders fall back first to the town center and then the castle hall. Here's the entry points:

Castle siege fall back:

0 - player
6 - player troops
7 - player troops

16 - 20 - enemies

Town siege fall back:

0 - player and player troops

2 - enemies
23-28 - enemies

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