Learning German

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Hi all! sorry if i speak to you in english, but that's the reason why i'm here.
I want to learn the german language, can you people help me? my knowledge about it is absolutely null so i would like to start from the most basic stuff, like greeting and presenting yourself and all that stuff.
Any of you know any good internet site, or book or method for learning of the language? I have a very old book, "Gramática Sucinta de la Lengua Alemana", Gaspey-Otto-Sauer method for the study of modern langauges, it's from 1926. (my native idiom is spanish by the way) and it seems good, but i need a good Spanish/German dictionary or a spanish->english->german pair of dictionaries.
Is there anyone here that speaks both german and spanish? is german an easy language to learn? I'm more interested in learning to write and read before trying pronunciation.
thanks a lot in advance :smile:
Livemocha, you learn and teach. That's the basic concept. However it's not enough to learn only through it. I tried to learn german through there. It's not that it's a bad site, but it teaches only the instrumental of  it. I will give you a hint even though i was lazy to learn through it: play a game, preferably an rpg until you know what everybody says and the name of everything in the game( ok not everything) then play it again on the language you want to learn. Well, I learned 70% of my english playing videogames since a kid so I thought this might work .
Wer ist der Narr? Der Narr der vergisst einmal die Leertaste zu drücken, oder der Narr der diesen Narren zitiert und dadurch auch noch einen "Satzanfang" klein schreibt.
ich Dachte mier, da ihr so Gerne sätzte korigirt, fiel spas mit diessen !


P.s. Niechts zu danken.

Mal sehen wer der erste ist. Etwa der Klugscheißer FimbulTýr ?
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