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mokrygorky said:
I looked but you didn't answer, so I will ask: Could you add freelancer in future? This mod has race compatible armours so there wouldn't be problems like in Warsword Conquest - it brings its sort of smaller bugs but it is one of the easier things to implement into game.
    It isn't a priority for me so it gets pushed back until I do first the things that ARE priorities.  Guspav hasn't completely accepted me as a co-worker,
although handing me his source is a pretty big first step.  My immediate calendar targets:
  a) prejudice system  (status: prepared at PhoII but waiting on tests)
  b) added debugging from reports
  c) for non-player factions, taking over towns/castles changes their npcs to race corrected variants, as well as their villages. (tested working at PhoII) 
  d) re-arrange items so that drinks immediately follow food in order to activate morale from drinks, which also needs a line in constants changed
  e) remove food and drink consumption / effects from undead
  f) adjust raw materials supply to promote player ability to engage in profitable early game trading.  Especially adjust supply of salt in desert, iron near dwarves, silk near drow capitol for lore purposes.  Adjust costs and output from enterprises to be more profitable.  Adjust starting prices and weights on some ordinary items.
  g) inspect trade routes and add routes according to location and natural alliances; reduce routes that go to enemies but allow some to exist where possibility of future capture or diplomacy state might allow temporary peace.  There should be *at least* 6 routes to/from each city, of 15 allowed.
  h) add graveyards after battles and remove them each 73 hours by simple_trigger  (code exists for this in Rigale)
  i) prisoner chat allows recruiting of prisoners except first is filtered by prejudice to block hostile races from accepting easily
  j) at least 2 more ransom brokers to adjust for added cities / factions
  k) a second tree viewer to specifically dump lords, ladies, mercenaries, special troops (elf/drow females etc) for inspection / dynamic stat checks
          this might be cheat menu hidden but needs doing for faster debugging.  It should show magic and resists as well.  Some kingdom ladies should have entertainment capability and entertainment skill should be a party function.
  l) at the moment the Diplomacy source I used had Wife as a Companion pre-merged, but it has an exploit where the player can farm gear by attaching the right personality wife to party then removing the wife.  I'd prefer to flag this the first time with a new, as yet undefined troop slot variable to block this from being able to be done more than once.  It's a simple change already done in my code elsewhere.
  m) selling prisoners to barkeep but at 2/3rds price, and subject to prejudice filters, with a check to block the option from happening again too quickly (each 71 or 73 hours).  In essence, I can't see a elf tavern keeper helping to repatriate orc prisoners, but might help some faction they don't greatly detest get their soldiers back.  The idea of prejudice filtering opens up a number of possibilities.  How would Blazing Hand look at prisoner selling?  Do females sell for more cash than males?  These are future discussions...
  code for all of these functions already exists so they should be quick enough integrations.

mokrygorky said:
Also, what is the status of this task "WORKING ON IT!- skeleton-zombie sources : cursed graveyard, cursed battlefield" ? Done, still working, removed?
  I can put in a generic graveyard following every battle, consisting of unburied soldiers and a few stragglers.  Stragglers might be a source of easy fights or recruitment, depending on your relations and prejudices; (later) it might be honorable to bury the dead or do other things.  Those are later steps; the first step is placing the battlefield and making sure they don't begin to make too many parties on the map, which leads to stutter in fast movement.  This is why a tool is put in early to count total active and inactive parties on map, and break out categories of interest.

edit: I just rode past a lair symbol marked "cursed cemetery" in the mage kingdom.  So Guspav already put SOMETHING in game ...
  this seems to be an ordinary bandit camp encounter with skeletons.  However my party spawned with a delay and then started attacking me, or at least some did.  Possibly they were charmed, so I'll have to test further...  mission_templates is entirely Guspav code at the moment.  If I think something really is broken in it I'll chase it down comparing with a clean source.  At least I have a half dozen or so mods to compare it with...

mokrygorky said:
gnome's crafting recipes, are there more than crossbow now?
There are already several things that can be made - at least 4, from the already released Phantasy you have now.  I won't be adding Rigale crafting, at least not in the short term.  I'm sort of against deep changes to Phantasy without Guspav's blessing; they belong more to a submod than his mod - at least for now.  Thus I have to make changes with a light touch.  I would like to see more crafting someday; it's not the 105 or so recipes from Rigale that excite me so much as just the roleplaying possibility of influencing the economy by personal actions.  But for now that is too much mutation for Phantasy.  It might yet make it to a submod, but only with Guspav's permission.  This is an October or later long term discussion.

mokrygorky said:
Not sure, but are the horseman lancer and horse archer fix part of diplomacy or PBOD?
I have PBOD turned off for Guspav's test and will turn it on after he first gets used to Diplomacy, since I want to know when exactly his test breaks.  The less variables, the more clear the testing feedback.  Both of those, and more, are options at PBOD.

  Technically, all of mission_templates should be re-optimized but this is a later phase and I'd prefer it to be done last not first to reduce the amount of time spent on finding errors that are already present.

mokrygorky said:
Last thing: Will you do something about village management? I love Pendor in this, they have patrols, many buildings to choose from and such.
  Many buildings to choose from implies changing the data model and adding the new choices to dialogs, game_menus, and simple_triggers from Diplomacy.
Before I would do that I must ask some permission from Guspav as to what sort of buildings he wants in a main mod.  Everything is possible in a possible later submod.  Patrols can be automatically created, but with fewer of them than Perisno 0.772/0.773 or Warsword Conquest.  The total number of parties on the map slows down fast movement so it is best to not auto-create many parties when possible.  Even graveyards are parties, so it is needed to perform some garbage collection with them or they start to become a big distraction.

- GS
By the patrols I meant custom hired patrols that hunt bandits around village(like in Pendor as I said) - not kingdom war parties like in Warsword, but good idea with that too, would make middle game much more interesting.
  Instead of starting vacation today and driving off to camping, work needed me to babysit a sick server, remotely, and start my journey tomorrow.
While waiting for a very slow script to finish, I ported the Pho II prejudice script definitions to Phantasy and adjusted all the intermediate scripts to use the new values.

    Along the way I added special handlers for Blazing Hand and Magocracy, giving my "virtual skins" trick for special prejudice to a faction (and towards class "Necromacy").  Player Necromancers, sooner or later, will find the doors shut to them at Blazing Hand, with less sympathy than usual in good aligned places and what passes for warm relations in other, less light aligned kingdoms.  Blazing hand is cooler to magic heavy factions than before, with less enthusiasm for elves, active dislike for Drows, mild relations equally with humans and Dwarves, and no preferential treatment (or disdain) for females.  Orcs they dislike about the same as the weak minions of necromancers, but shadows and higher undead they dislike more.  Absolutely worst relations for them are demons.  Mages in the party will chafe them somewhat less than golems, which are abominations to them.  Every race will feel slightly more of however they feel towards higher undead, and less towards simpler undead.

    Magocracy cares chiefly about magic and is less sensitive to alignment.  They dislike somewhat Blazing Hand and Blazing hand dislikes them, but both consider the other modest threats.  They are fairly neutral to non-magic using races, and likewise are treated neutrally by most factions.  Humans consider them less like themselves than like for example elves.

  Many races react differently to females of their own species than males, with some races friendly to other races women.  Orcs notably treat women as inferior; orc women are slightly less antagonistic towards females than males as a result of systemic abuse by the chauvinistic orcs.  Drow women consider themselves superior to Drow men, who are intended as willing sacrifices and cannon fodder; they dislike elves both male and female and have disdain for human females and males.  Dwarf females are widely regarded as so similar to human females that many races do not perceive a difference; however Drow and Dwarves dislike each other less than would be explained by alignment in as much as they are both burrowing races.

  Next up: adjusting scripts, troops, constants, and game_menus to turn prejudice on in Diplomacy...

  Guspav can still decide to overturn these nuanced behaviors, I just mostly felt that as adjustments to dice rolls go, this has quite a bit of background detail ...

  - GS

edit: added support for non-player factions to automatically replace all the various NPCs in town on change of faction ownership (by capture or owner defecting):
  towns get different {seneschal, arena_master, armorer, weaponsmith, tavernkeeper, merchant, horse_merchant,
      mayor, and master_craftsman}
  castles get {senechal}
  villages get {elder}

  This makes new games have a little more background detail, in that at start of game every town / castle / village implicitly changes faction
and this just puts the correct race in.  The routine should be amended so that Dwarves get a special handler to change clothes, but it's a fairly simple
change to place at script "give_center_to_faction_aux"

removed all yellow warnings returned by compiling under W.R.E.C.K.
edit2: game_menus changes will have to wait until next week when I get back.  I can upload what I have now to Guspav so he can see it for a few days.
  Start a fresh game but watch how diplomacy changes, and enjoy the race correct NPCs...

edit3: the setting of NPC chars isnt working like I expected, despite that it used to work at Pho II.
  also, noticed Gnomes can have male human facial hair when using "random" settings.  Next week!
a) PBOD has further issues at the moment so I'll not enable it just yet.
  I get a number of errors in formations that just didn't happen with PhoII, so I'll need some time to see why.
  Perhaps modmerger can't find a its merge landmarks.
  I did change the keys used for pike bracing and horse whistle (b and m respectively) to not conflict with Guspav's key useage (to j and t respectively).
  So far  i, m, c, p, r, q, l, o, b, v, n, f, and w,s,d,a,z keys are hot keys that need protection from PBOD re-definition

b) adjusted food & drink: re-ordered items for food and drink, added a few raw and dried foods, adjusted morale benefits:
      scripts  "initialize_item_info"  and "game_get_item_extra_text".  Adjusted simple_trigger # 100 to match values from script_initialize_item_info
      a few more items can go rotten now, to be balanced (LATER) by drying foods as a camp action.
      item modifiers such as "cheap", "fine", "well made" etc now apply correctly to food/drink adding or reducing morale benefit correctly.
      weights and servings of food goods are adjusted, which might help feed your planned siege better.

    enterprise costs and benefits adjusted; demand for raw materials adjusted.  Slightly more foodstuffs produced globally.
    starting materials adjusted via script_initialize_economic_information to add silk for Drow cities, more salt to deserts, iron to orcs land
        towns had economies set previously as did native villages, but {drow / orc / elf / dwarf / BH / undead}  villages needed starting adjustments.

  all of these changes require a fresh game to experience; the changes are read only once at start_game.

c) there is a game_menu error at around line 8561 "with whom do you want to meet" that could hang the game with no way to exit when nobody happens to be there to meet at a town or castle; this is an easy fix and solved in today's update.

d) script gender_fix has an entry for skin "demon" now, ending the 2 red error messages when processing the demon companion shortly after script game_start begins.
e) I was wrong about my non-human NPC skin swap script (which works in Pho II):
      when I walk around town, I see specific NPCs (merchants, guild master) swapped to correct skin.
      If I try to visit them by menu not by walking around town, I get humans.  I should see if the scenes/mission_templates are getting hard coded troop assignments for those NPCs, as the (dynamic) town_visit is working.  Perhaps something similar was happening for villages, but there I'm getting only human town_elders.

f) imported the reports and reference reports from Pho II, saving Guspav's NPC reactions (cheat hidden) dump since its useful
  at least diplomacy thoughtfully tells you the payday and similar details.  Of course prejudice shows for Phantasy skin definitions. 
  Expanded the trade route dump for non-human cities.
  remember the reference report outputs only show in the game log and need to be viewed with "recent messages".
  Someone with more time might have built a presentation for them.

changes are up for Guspav to review.  I'm still tuning enterprises, its "approximately" done.

edit:  As I feared, trade routes dump shows some errors in trade routes for the new cities, I guess that is a later problem.
  I'll probably have to redo trade routes sometime, but its a small section.  I'm more interested in game stoppers right now.
only 2 changes today:
a) added preserving foods at the camp actions menu, with a simplified system to exchange 2 grapes or fruits for 1 dried version (but dried foods never spoil)
    various meats smoke 1 for 1 and thus never go rotten (there is a longer list of things that can go rotten from last Monday).
    the action menu was full (14 list items plus return) already so split actions menu into  two menus to hold future additions or anything hot added by a future modmerger add-in.

b) resolved the last issues holding back PBOD and enabled it.  You'll (Guspav) need to run  build_module.bat  two times to compile PBOD, since the first time the indexes to each module in the module system did not include modmerger's added names and give error messages, which clean up the second time.
PBOD works fully, without clash at enterprises or with spell book / prayer book / skills display issue.

As always, you need to start a fresh save game, as new global variables are added by PBOD/Formations and these shift the save-game so that old saves mis-align on attempt to restore earlier game.  Notice one file added to Resources folder and an updated module.ini to load it

  It's not bad progress for the first month...
  Hey, in case anyone missed it: HUGE THANKS TO GUSPAV for letting me mess/play with his mod this last calendar month.  I know I said I'd just put a few days into it, but its more interesting the more there is to do, so one thing led to another...

  It's right now one of the cleanest mods I've seen in its genre, and I think it crawls a little closer to being awesome each week.
There is always something that could be improved further, and doubtless I have different style objectives than Guspav, but I think if he likes my work
as much as I've enjoyed his, we could do this more often  :wink:

- GS

I'll try to bang out some set of undead don't need food / morale effects changes next week,
  and auto-add 3 day temporary grave yards after battle from Rigale code.
gsanders:Silly me, I was waiting for you to share with me the newest version soon and hadn't noticed you are actively sharing with me all your advances all the time! Anyway, I'll start checking every one of your changes and play-testing the WIP version. The last time it looked awesome and you have my full permission to show off a few sneak peeks for the community :wink:

So, my dear Phantasy fans, the mod is alive and kicking and gsanders is the new co-coder extraordinaire!

On another note, photobucket went all stupid and demanded payment for sharing all the pictures I was hot-linking so I told them to go screw themselves and you'll no longer be able to see the old pictures of the mod I was sharing. I'll look for another free service and start uploading again to repair the screenshot thread.
guspav said:
On another note, photobucket went all stupid and demanded payment for sharing all the pictures I was hot-linking so I told them to go screw themselves and you'll no longer be able to see the old pictures of the mod I was sharing. I'll look for another free service and start uploading again to repair the screenshot thread.
You may want to look into this,,210157.0.html
I would recommend imgur or DeviantART. I can vouch for both, as I have been using them for quite some time now.
Do not look here said:
guspav said:
On another note, photobucket went all stupid and demanded payment for sharing all the pictures I was hot-linking...
You may want to look into this,,210157.0.html

  so following this I'll suggest the site address is
  it isn't quite obvious from the thread, perhaps because if you have to ask, errm, you might need too much hand holding etc...  but its sort of hidden

edit:  So I started using this below, and it works quickly for forum posts on this (Taleworlds) forum.
  You CANNOT use Google Chrome (under Win 10) to upload a file, but must use Internet Explorer 11 on at least my Win 10 Pro based PC.  I ended up editing here with Chrome while having an IE window opened for uploading pictures and getting the resultant  strings for posting pictures in this forum.  Neat!
I've started importing Rigale scripts, menu snippets, simple triggers (timer driven events).
  Things I want to keep are
    crafting (which opens up 60-70 recipes immediately of the 105 I had made elsewhere)

    hunting / gathering / mining / lumbering and fishing as in Rigale are removed but there may be an abstracted impact on villages

    I am considering player made camps for mining and lumbering, with an armed garrison of frontier workers/settlers
      these besides producing raw materials suitable for crafting or sale have a small chance of rare items and can park
      spare troops

    A slightly streamlined guild system

    movement speed adjust based on properties of party members (race/original faction/skills)
        wounded matters
        there is no ambush/sneaking at this time

    first time experience for visiting places you've never been to
    villages have specialties that might be profitable - buying or selling

    no civilization knowledge tree or wisemen

    simplified Bard system already exists at Phantasy and is cleaner now already

    epidemics and treatment incoming
    grave yards/battle fields full of unburied corpses incoming

    probably no other Rigale features/quests/skills

    Looking over scripts this looks like I'll need the balance of this week to integrate them; they need much morphing.

  I'm also moving over more tree viewers and weight / encumbrance / dodge management.
  I want to be able to inspect every single bandit, lord/lady, king, towns person, farmer, companion, soldier and hireling - and I want to know not just what they are carrying, exactly, but all their Phantasy specific attributes such as magic resist, magic aptitude, faith.  I want to know which kingdom ladies have entertainment attributes, and who can craft what.

  These two goals need the remainder of two weeks to port from Warsword Rigale, where the code exists but needs to be changed to match Phantasy troop definitions etc.  Excepting Dodge, no other Warsword combat changes are importing; those belong to Nameless Warrior and not me.

  by that time I need to focus on my next work skills tests and will withdraw from modding the balance of September.

  - GS
Sounds amazing, man. I remember you mentioning that mod is looking better "interiors" now and guspav saying something about a dungeon-like Lich's lair, really curious about those.

And good luck with your tests.
Thracian Warlord said:
Sounds amazing, man. I remember you mentioning that mod is looking better "interiors" now and guspav saying something about a dungeon-like Lich's lair, really curious about those.

And good luck with your tests.

  Actually that reminds me, I had disabled his lich lair as it gave some fatal error while merging, I should re-enable it someday when I have the patience to go through it and find out why it burped on merging.
This is the only mod that I can stand playing early game. Every other mod is mostly aids:
-Perisno has terrible dwarves with scale armour but the elves have plated armour, heavy cavalry, and piercing arrows all in one troop (what the ****)
-prophecy of pendors is pretty gud but they remove early game tournaments so you're forced to hunt powerful bandits to grind
-warsword conquest favors some factions over others so stuff like greenskins are horribly underpowered but the troop costs aren't low like they should be
-brytenwalda is boringwalda
-nova aetas is a buggy mess and replaces bandits with cathar black knight extremists
Only Phantasy calradia finds tickles my penis. I'm more hyped for this then I am for Bannerlord. WHERE DO I DONATE TO SPEED THINGS UP I HAVE DISPOSABLE INCOME
Chepe said:
This is the only mod that I can stand playing early game.

  I'd like that too.  Right now I get HUGE static from my wife if I try to code at home, as she considers this "time wasting and benefiting ONLY other people".
I'd like to be in the unlikely position of having so much income I have to pay taxes.  But actually my needs are fairly modest, fringe benefit of living in the 3rd world.  I don't know how Guspav is doing, but I do know he deserves some credit for years and years of modding, even if we haven't seen much in front of us for some years.  It's my hope (at least some) players can at least see a closed test by next month.  It would be nice if I could see an general test for Halloween, but I'm not sure that schedule can be kept.  It seems like Guspav held back some of his changes, but maybe I'm not looking deep enough.  There are plenty of differences in what was given me now versus the mod from 2014, and I can assure you much has changed in the last 32 days (just 32 days since Guspav took a leap of faith and sent me his code).  I'll put a large number of tools for testers, debugging, and tweaking in the next month.  It's a little early to give up on Guspav also -- he may have much to merge that i have not seen.  It looks a lot like he started fresh and got stuck, so in my opinion it got a little generic but is coming back fast to where he had it plus many new things.

  So far as Warsword Conquest goes, parts of last years release were mine and most of it was Nameless Warrior.  Things that were totally mine might carry forward here, things that were at least partly Nameless Warrior's won't show here.  This keeps it friendly and is the minimum anyone could expect.  None of the models or artwork were mine, and good thing too, as Warhammer's owner is legendary for chasing small mods at the slightest hint of money.  Code is totally independent of their IP, and that is good news, as not even a tiny bit of it came from their collective dreaming.

    So far as Nova Aetas -- this looks to have started from the same base as Rigale was about 5 years ago, but he did much with it.  It certainly has a nice appearance and he did more crafting than I have time for.  I'll have some things but not to his detail.  On the other hand, Rigale was also buggy and much of it deserves to be smoothed rather than just cut and pasted, so I expect it to become more streamlined or just not get merged.

    As far as Perisno troops -- I did coding, but not items or troops.  The difference may seem subtle but even the coding is vastly inferior to the base I used now.  Perisno .7 series with this month's base would have been hundreds of times superior to how it turned out.  I say that with some respect but maybe the whole experience made me a better coder now.

    As for PoP - well I didnt work on any part of that.  in fact, CWR of Perisno did, so perhaps the next Perisno will be much more PoP-ish.  They had Vi; but that was a donation from another group, long since come and gone.

    Right now Phantasy is actually in a playable state -- but its pretty generic.  That will very quickly change.  I mean -- its only been 32 days.  And Guspav might have a second wave that no-one, not even me, saw coming.  What he gave me works, which is enough to make the project a joint not a single venture.  I like surprises.  I hope you do as well.

  - GS
gsanders said:
Chepe said:
This is the only mod that I can stand playing early game.

  I'd like that too.  Right now I get HUGE static from my wife if I try to code at home, as she considers this "time wasting and benefiting ONLY other people".

    Right now Phantasy is actually in a playable state -- but its pretty generic.  That will very quickly change.  I mean -- its only been 32 days.  And Guspav might have a second wave that no-one, not even me, saw coming.  What he gave me works, which is enough to make the project a joint not a single venture.  I like surprises.  I hope you do as well.

  - GS
Your wife has a point though no? You do this because you love us.
If you two decide to make it closed testing point me to the application form as soon as it's ready, like the very second it's ready, I check back here every single day. I stopped checking blood and steel because it's dead again after being announced that a second version would be coming. I come here with dread thinking that guspav might announce another indefinite hiatus.
Chepe said:
If you two decide to make it closed testing point me to the application form as soon as it's ready, like the very second it's ready, I check back here every single day.

  The first things that need testing are boring things, and mostly very generic things that aren't exciting. 
I can say the first testers will be bored to tears, as the most important things as far as crowd pleasing are done last.  Right now it is a focus on
all the ordinary parts of Warband, not JUST magic, that need the most testing.  EVERYTHING, almost every line just went through a long merge, and problems
from the merge should be solved before adding just coded yesterday new (and never tested) bleeding edge stuff.  I sort of want to know the generic features are still working, before it starts getting "complicated".

  Not everyone is a born tester.  I won't let Guspav fall dead on you; he will have to rise from his casket and at least declare he is satisfied before it gets an open release.  There will certainly be a closed test period, but much of it will be boring as can possibly be.  I would guess 2-3 week cycles between boring testing and next internal preview, with probably 3 sets of them before all the late arriving features fall into place.  That would position gaming for Halloween, which would be fitting, but it may be impractical.  We'll see.  I'm not really sure how much more Guspav hasn't showed me; what I have is fairly generic, and looks like he started over rebuilding it to meet Duh's requirement that every mod support Warband 1.172  (and right now it certainly does!) 

I need about 6 more weeks on my side to do the things I want this side of launch; its not practical for me to schedule more than 3 weeks at a time though.
I'll keep you in mind for second wave, by which time some of the most boring things can be checked.  The things _I_ need tested are normal things, not really special to this mod but part of EVERY mod.  As it gets less generic, you'll enjoy it more anyway.  Right now I'm not focused on testing Guspav's code but rather what I merged, so when something is broken later I can go back in time to the last working version.  I make updates every couple days so there are lots of versions right now; they aren't released for players but for Guspav and follow themes.  I'll get something for players in a few weeks.  There are a number of testing tools I need to make first; I've done this before and it is a lot easier to control problems when we have really good tools for testers, so those are a focus now.

  - GS
quick fix today:
  double bodyguards in taverns and villages.
    Diplomacy added bodyguards; but when linking in PBOD, it ALSO added bodyguards - using the same code Diplomacy had, but now its a separate section.
So the same routine picks the same bodyguard - TWICE, and each is blind to the other one so they don't realize there is already another 'bodyguard". 
Modified  module_mission_templates to not have a bodyguard, so that PBOD's added bodyguard would not conflict.  (Of course, if PBOD weren't linked, then that becomes no bodyguards...  but that's a source code issue).  As made, it works correctly now - one bodyguard per calculated bodyguard (as renown increases and level of player so can number of bodyguards).

  I also noticed the code to change city NPCs is working correctly...
After Tulga is taken by the orcs, check out the tavern keeper changing correctly:

  Nice anything works at all, but better still when its done for me auto-magically.
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