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I may have misunderstood. If you mean the Combined Side Sword, I think that was taken out in 0.95 or 0.96, but it's in the current version. Swedish Officer's and Reiters can carry it. I've just checked.
Morning Slawomir.
Thank you for updating Deluge, it was not anticipated and very much appreciated. I wonder if perhaps you would be open to some small suggestions? There are a couple of points that still irritate with regards to armour, pikes and entrenching tools.

Warmest regards.
Are there any models in the works? Will a full three quarters armor for officer ever become a reality? :iamamoron: I also dearly miss the yataghans. :cry:

i really do hope three quarter armor will be a thing for Heavy Cuirassiers :grin:

also armet helmets with plumed variants , and a plumed morion
also half armor and Munitions Grade armor for shock troopers and maybe
i also miss the yataghan swords too :sad:

rename the normal Cuirassiers to Harquebusiers since they are more focused on carbines and buff coats

unlike the Heavy Cuirassiers who were focused in pistols and three quarter armor

and rename the swedish mercenary Reiters to Hakkapeliittas and give them morion helmets
(since they were the mercenary "Reiters")

wished they were just a few more patches and one last update

and maybe also add Denmark with their Kalthoff repeaters , dutch and german landsknechts and more quipped since they were rich from all the taxing in the baltic states

also i want you to look at the thread about Denmark
(it will also shows pictures of three quarter armors :grin: )
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