[Outdated] Warband MapManager [v0.9] = OLD/DEPRECATED/IGNORE

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If this is the first time you've seen this thread, read this: This application is old, it's crap, and it's not what you're looking for.
Here's a quote from a post I made (in 2016), so everything is clear.
Lumos said:
Look how it goes: basically, Thorgrim's editor was old and unsupported when Warband came out, circa 2010-2011. Because of how it was written, it didn't really like Warband too much, so I made this little thing which uses 1.011 as a "working horse" of sorts to circumvent these errors. At that point, I think, it wasn't too uncommon for people to have both installed at the same time (I certainly did, and I actually ran two Warband installs at some point), so I didn't think this would be too much of an issue.

Looking at it now, four or five years down the line, this is like applying a band-aid to a (moderately large) knife wound. Technically helps, but probably not the best solution all around.

At any rate, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS APPLICATION; in fact, I'll go ahead and add this to the first post. It's old, it's pretty ****e, my total development time on it was probably two hours or whatever, and it's not what you need.
Instead, use
Lumos said:
Swyter's cartographer (in combo with your favourite 3D-editing application) instead, because it actually works and is supported and is way cooler than this.

Original post with all information, a picture, and... *sigh* the download link, below:
Warband MapManager
Edit maps with style (and laziness)

What is this?
This is a tool I created to speed up the process of editing Warband maps with Thorgrim's MapEditor, as there is a long operation and a lot of file copying here and there in order to make Throgrim's Editor work with Warband.
As lazy as I am, (:razz:) I created this tool, which does all of the work for you.
This is it:

Download link
Requires .NET Framework 3.0

The MapManager.exe does not currently require any other files in its folder.

How do I use this?
It's simple. Just follow the steps below.
To edit Warband maps, you need:
- Mount&Blade 1.011 (You can use the free trial version from TaleWorlds)
- Mount&Blade: Warband
- Thorgrim's MapEditor

Once you've secured these, read below.
Here's how to use the Warband MapManager with Thorgrim's MapEditor:
- Create a copy of the Native folder in
- Configure your MapEditor to load that folder. Modify
and change
#  Module to open
to your new folder's name, e.g.:
#  Module to open
Mod=Copy of Native
Or, if you're lazy: From v0.5 you can tick the "Force MapEditor to load current mod" checkbox, which will make the MapManager modify the MapEditor's
file to make it load your selected mod, with no extra work required.

- Open the MapManager and play around with the options.

This is about all of the info. Questions, comments, and (hopefully no) bug reports are gladly appreciated.

Version history
- v0.9 - Re-written form scratch, new stuff, works better.
- v0.6 - Fixed a stupid oversight error.
- v0.5 - Added multi-mod-management and a ton of other stuff.
- v0.2 - Added a new icon and auto-loading of last setup on start.
- v0.1 - Initial release.
This looks useful to me as soon as I can click the map of the mod I want to edit. Working on several maps from several mods I mean. I will come back to this as soon as that multiple mods support is implemented.

Nice idea! I need a tool for this or one day I copy and paste the wrong files... I can see it coming.  :razz:
ups, the image was not appearing, now I see, it make backups and auto-copy the files after finishing
I love you for being lazy xD
The tool had a major problem... I had forgotten the auto-load file paths on startup feature. :lol: Problem solved now, though.
And I also sacrificed 400 KB for a brand new icon. Who can guess what it is? :razz:
It's made for Warband mods. :wink:
I couldn't possibly imagine having to move files around manually all the time, as my map is huge and I need a lot of changes done, so I wrote this.
Adding multi-mod support as we speak.

Next tools up on my list: As TBS will have its own independent launcher which auto-updates the mod, I'll need to make a program that auto-uploads the patch files. Can you imagine having to upload manually every patch?! I think FTP will be better at this than me... :smile:
I won't release this one to the public, though.
The next tool will be kept a secret for now, but I can tell you that it will solve the problem of using licensed music in TBS. :wink:

Anyways, I'm glad you like it, guys. After all, everything a programmer craves is attention and people using his software.
BTW, multi-mod support will decrease portability. Currently it's only the exe file with the special icon...
Lumos said:
Who can guess what it is? :razz:
But when I add it (nothing special, just a little bit of work with SQLite again) this will be decreased, as you'd need to bring the database file along. I could write to XML with serialization, but I generally see databases as solutions to everything, and hey, SQLite is very... lite, so what's the problem.
If anyone can tell me if/why XML serialization is better, please speak up, I'll gladly hear you. (The only reasons I can think of are better work on-demand and easy to read/write, even if file is deleted)
Does the MapEditor work normally for you? Anyways, try the new version out.

New stuff in v0.5:
- First of all, multi-mod-management. Took me so long because I couldnt make up my mind about the method for saving data, and ended up rewriting the app from scrath.
- You can notice some interface changes, too. They were imminent, given the re-writing.
- The app now has more options. You don't need to edit the given MapEditor's
any more, you can check the experimental checkbox. The program now also has tooltips, providing extensive help when needed.
- The Report errors checkbox will make the program report some errors which are actually handled quite well. It's more of a debugging feature than a real one. If you feel like testing, keep it checked.

Note that it's highly recommended to use the given
file. If you manage to lose it somehow, the MapManager will spawn a new one, which will work, but from my alpha-testing I noticed that the mods list can get screwed up if you're not using the file from the archive. I'm investigating the problem.
"Unhandled exception has occured in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKey Token=db937bc2d44ff139' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

If you happen to get this error when using windows 7, try running the .net framework 3.0 x86/x64 installer in xp service pack 3 compatibility mode. Scratch that, try running in Windows Server 2003 compatibility mode. I got an error while installing with xp compatibility mode, but it worked with the windows server 2003 compatiblity.

This may resolve the problem mentioned above, but likely not. I have .net framework 3.0 installed now but that didn't remove this error. Lumos, if you could kindly explain what this means I would appreciate it. And if I could make a suggestion, don't program software to rely on .net framework 3.0 please. We windows 7 users can only use .net framework 3.5 and above it would appear. I'm glad you're working on this program because I really need this program to begin the mod I've been planning, but its giving me a bunch of grief at the moment.

Until this is patched I'm going to have to use the older version. Could you possibly provide the last version for us windows 7 users?
I'm very sorry... The problem was not in you, neither in Win 7. I'd forgotten to add the
assembly to the project. And it turns out I'd also forgotten to "activate" the "About" button. Everything is clear now, although some strange bugs with the list box may occur. If you have problems with the listbox, please use the other navigation controls (which are in the "n mods active" menu-button)
I'll try to hunt htem down, but I think it'll work fine for now.
Thanks for fixing things. I've got another problem now though.

"Unhandled exception has occured in your application. If you click Continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

Unable to open the database file."

I do have .net framework 3.0 installed like I mentioned. So now I really don't understand whats going on.
So do I. :lol:
Are you running this as an administrator? Do you have all privileges?
If yes, try to delete the given Mods.db file and check out the results.

BTW, I'm dev-ing on XP. In the end, I might just move on to development on 7 and see what the problem is. :grin:
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