Turkey 14-6 Spain (Stage 2, Group B) Deadline: 30/04/2011

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Group Stage 2, Group B
Turkey vs Spain

Map 1: Ruins - Sarranids vs Swadia
Map 2: Port Assault - Sarranids vs Rhodoks
The deadline for this match is 30/04/2011.

You can discuss anything related to the match in this topic. Referees can also post their availability in here. The result of the match should also be posted in this thread, preferably accompanied by screenshots, if possible.

We offer 26.04 21.30 GMT+3. I think we should do some ping testing on different servers before deciding on the server. I have no idea about your pings to be honest.
As it's discussed on steam with Markes (Acid-NN-9), the match will be played on Tuesday 26.04 at 21.30 GMT+3. We will test our pings and decide on a server tomorrow.
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