Yarn of insignificant questions

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If I'm protecting minorities in a paternalistic fashion because they're incapable of defending themselves, that makes me the good guy, ****lord. It's called being progressive.
Bluehawk said:
If I'm protecting minorities in a paternalistic fashion because they're incapable of defending themselves, that makes me the good guy, ****lord. It's called being progressive.

By defining them only as "minorities", you are reducing them as the "Other", and thus perpetuating Western orientalist views of East Asia. Your progressive status is revoked. Prepare to be doxxed.

jacobhinds said:
I can't wait until white people are finally a minority.

If I was the signature quoting type, I'd take that.
jacobhinds said:
I can't wait until white people are finally a minority so I can start writing articles about the chauvinist racism in Blazing Saddles.
How do you find a job, when your country is in a economic crise, you are dumb, weak, stupid, inexperienced ? starting to get pushed to find one yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
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