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I have been playing this mod for a long time and I want to make a few suggestions and comments about it. First of all, the comments.
-the Ogre is GREAT! Don't change that too.
-Bosses and battles are great.
-The mini battles are awesome!!!
-the storyline isn't that great...
-the Eclipse monsters suck!
Now the suggestions:
-Make all the hero faces like Gutts(especially a face for Griffith. Oh and Caska needs one too!)
-fix Batsuzo. He is not like that.
-Fix the Batsuzo duel backround(the battlefield so that it's accurate)
-the repeating crossbow should be more accurate
-add new spells to the little girl
-Add Isidro's dagger
-Fix the storyline and remove the end because it's not accurate!(Caska doesn't lose her memory and Griffith doesn't die!!!)
So basically those are all I wanted to say. What needs an immediate fix is the storyline because it's not accurate!
How to make the ending without knowing it? But yeah you are right Griffith might simply not die. Gutts was once attacked by demon Queen and she died without dieing.
zenla said:
How to make the ending without knowing it? But yeah you are right Griffith might simply not die. Gutts was once attacked by demon Queen and she died without dieing.
See this.  Unless I end the mod with "Too be continued by Kentario Muira" then it has to end somehow.  How do you guys think berserk will end?

I'll add mine.  Gutts reaches the island Casca is healed but leaves him as the memories are too painful.  Puck spends too much time wasting frames and Gutts goes into a murderous rampage one night and kills everyone as the berserk wolf.  Then he stages a solo assault on Griffith's city killing everyone in his path.  Finally Gutts reaches Griffith who he defeats but not before torturing him to determine the location of the idea of evil.  Gutts somehow makes his way to the fifth level of reality killing the five godhands along the way.  Then he stabs the idea of evil with the dragonslayer. :lol:  Then Gutts and Zodd highfive.

I honestly have no idea how it will end.  But I hope it ends badass.

Speaking of which, I don't understand the first two chapters or w.e, is that present time? I don't think it can be considering he doesn't appear to be wearing berserk armor.
Guts goes solo against Griffith's enormous army and his apostles + God Hand? Solo? Even while in berserk this is impossible I think.
But well, the ending that's right now suits me.
Heh I wasn't serious dude.  Both of these two statements don't make sense.

For one Gutts and Zodd aren't the highfive type.  The idea of evil isn't really the kind of thing you can just stab to death.  I guarantee it will be more complicated than that.

Maybe it will be like the end of ghostbusters two when everyone in New York has to think good thoughts to weaken the goo's hold around the building.  The idea of evil is created by the negative thoughts of humans.
Yo should not add a fictional end I believe. Better add an end saying: 'The story ends here. It will be continued when Kentaro Miura starts writing again. Until then you can play in sandbox mode.'
Making the hero faces? i can agree with that.

Making the real and fat(if i remember correctly) batsuzo? not bloody likely.

Accurate repeating crossbow? i think it would be overkill.

Isidro's dagger? you cant dual wield so it would be rather inconvenient in my opinion.

The REAL story line ending? find a cryogenic chamber and sleep for 1000 years. thats about the time Miura(or was it muira?) finishes this comic.

Don't mean to be offensive.
silencekyo said:
Isidro's dagger? you cant dual wield so it would be rather inconvenient in my opinion.

I dunno, this one I'm actually thinking about since it's such an important item. If all the rest of the magic items are going to be added in-game then it would be a shame to leave it out.
The easiest way that comes to mind would be a knife (with the weaknesses that this entails such as short reach and can't block) that does a large amount of damage, and of course a custom model.

theAthenian said:
Yo should not add a fictional end I believe. Better add an end saying: 'The story ends here. It will be continued when Kentaro Miura starts writing again. Until then you can play in sandbox mode.'
This is still a bad idea and would be lame as hell though, especially at the rate the guy brings out new chapters.
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