Historical discussion thread

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Michelet said:
Maybe (...) crusaders [could be divided] to teutonic and Livonian order.

The Livonian Order became an autonomous branch of the Teutonic Order in 1237 the 14th of may and was no longer independent after that. As the game start in the 13th of September (or the 14th ?), the Livonian Order should be keep into the Crusader faction together with the Teutonic Order.
Livonian order had much independency, he had his own leader who was offen arguing with grand master ( example - becouse of misunderstanding, the main livonian troops havent appear in grunwald 1410, becouse their master hold them) So we could make two leaders, allied ( do something like permanent allie is possible in M&B?) permanently.

And it is only idea, i dont push it
Hi! I was talking about polish armors with Damon, but he's not present on forum from some days.

Polish infantry from XIII century used mainly aketon armor, because it was cheap and warm when the weather was cold. Villagers didn't used any armor. Many polish knights
used old types armors because they weren't rich as knights in western Europe, and the technology of producing armors came from Europe later.  Some polish warriors used armors and helmets from east, especially soldiers from Mazowsze. Polish knights used scale armor vest's over mail too.

So, summarizing it'll be enough good if You will make some aketon armors with polish signs like those which You've already made, and scale armors over mail like those which i've send to You before, and of course some mail armors with heraldic signs on surcoats, and everything will be fine :smile:. You have to use those resources which You already have because it's everything about polish army from XIII century. Enough findings, now it's time to work!
Michelet said:
Livonian order had much independency, he had his own leader who was offen arguing with grand master ( example - becouse of misunderstanding, the main livonian troops havent appear in grunwald 1410, becouse their master hold them) So we could make two leaders, allied ( do something like permanent allie is possible in M&B?) permanently.

And it is only idea, i dont push it

LO had much autonomy but not independency. I think that the new political features of Warband will permit to represent this autonomy when/if Rus' XIII will be ported to the standalone. Being in the same faction is being allied permanently.
Kalash said:
Hi! I was talking about polish armors with Damon, but he's not present on forum from some days.

Polish infantry from XIII century used mainly aketon armor, because it was cheap and warm when the weather was cold. Villagers didn't used any armor. Many polish knights
used old types armors because they weren't rich as knights in western Europe, and the technology of producing armors came from Europe later.  Some polish warriors used armors and helmets from east, especially soldiers from Mazowsze. Polish knights used scale armor vest's over mail too.

So, summarizing it'll be enough good if You will make some aketon armors with polish signs like those which You've already made, and scale armors over mail like those which i've send to You before, and of course some mail armors with heraldic signs on surcoats, and everything will be fine :smile:. You have to use those resources which You already have because it's everything about polish army from XIII century. Enough findings, now it's time to work!
Thank you for the information. Basically, that's what I tried to tell the mod team on the official forum. Now the Polish army is better armored than Teutons, which is absolutely wrong.
There are some polish aketons present in the mod, I guess there will be even more in the final version.
JoG- I wrote this message before playing the latest version - as I see it's better than any other mod for M&B - pretty nice job guys! :grin: About armors, i see that you made them exactly as i was thinking. Of course, teutons must have heavier armors than polish. maybe You should reduce armor points of polish ones a bit OR dont give polish troops that many heavy armors. Most of them didn't have money for them. maybe that will be more realistic, but i dont think that its good option. Why have you made those armors if no one is going to use them?  Just reduce points from some of them a bit. Teutonic infantry is using aketons too, but they should have crosses and all that "teutonic stuff" on it to make them diferrent than polish troops.

Another thing is, that i don't think that sign of lord from Gniezno is right. I mean, eagle on it. This eagle is from XX century... It was used as emblem of Poland during times when Poland was in Warsaw Pact. After WWII polish and russian  (yep, polish too) comunists decided to erase crown from eagle's head  because "Poland has no king" but at fact Poland haven't got independence too and thats why the crown was erased. Sad thing,but now we have this crown again.  Sorry for little offtopic there =). Of course, it's not information against Russia! I think that Russia is great country and our two countries should live in friendship.  You shold replace this eagle with another one from medieval times. White eagle is polish emblem from 1295. It was sign of Przemysł II and Przemysł I. Next kings of Poland used it, because they liked it =)
Kalash said:
Of course, it's not information against Russia! I think that Russia is great country and our two countries should live in friendship.
I think Russia must be nuked. Friggin' commies.
Wait... OH SHI~


On topic - I'll ask our historical advisers about this eagle banner.

Kalash said:
Another thing is, that i don't think that sign of lord from Gniezno is right.
Banner of Wladyslaw Odonic Plwacz? I thought the same thing.
I ignored it at first. But when i checked this banner should be completly different.
Yep. i was thinking ecsactly about this eagle, but i found it only with crown - prince can't have eagle with crown in banner because only king can have it
Hm.. why do the Chinese Volunteers carry katanas? China and Japan were two different cultures.
Eumolpus said:
Hm.. why do the Chinese Volunteers carry katanas? China and Japan were two different cultures.
People who don't wanna use Google should be killed with fire... Wait! Are you from China? Oh... Use Yandex instead :razz:
Please, change armaments of polish faction. They look stupid, and actually not as they should look like!

Poland was divided in this time for provinces, so there's good idea for troop trees to advance like in province system- kind of :smile:

For example; Lightest cavalary, similar to Lithuanian and Russian could be "Mazovian knight", when "Silesian knight" would be strongest, best equipped, most western, similar to crusaders/ teutons.
There is another idea for elite polish unit- Senior's guard / senior's druzhina. The division of country in XII century should leave superior prince, called "Senior". First of those senior princes was however banished from Poland by his brothers, so the idea pretty much collapsed, but still, even in XIII century many princes were calling themselves senior princes, and were trying to hold senioral province of the country for themselves.

Another idea- Battle of Legnica 1241 (Knights of Silesia, Małopolska- southern territories of Poland, and volounteers from rest of polish principalities and from western Europe were fighting Tartars- and lost) This should be greatest point of interest for polish XIII century military. In this battle there were also Teutonic knights, as well as other orders- for example Templars and Hospitallers. The Templars and Hospitallers had some lands in Poland, mainly in Wielkopolska (Greater Poland? South of Western Pomerania, north of Silesia anyway). So... you could add them to polish forces :smile: You'd have little trouble seeking their arms & armour :smile:
Note- the iconographic sources showing battle of Legnica come from XIV century!! Don't use those in creation of mod!!!!!
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Legnica.JPG -for example here the fellas with those "Frigian hat- like helmets" are the Tartars, not Poles! Poles wear XIV century great helmets and bascinets! Also note retarded horses with their crazy eyes... (That's why Chrisians lost :razz:)

The "Frigian (phrygian?) hat- shaped" helmet is actually only depicted in one- maybe two polish prince's stamps, and it may be, that these are just mistakes of the sigil maker, schematized "norman" helmets (like this http://www.thorkil.pl/platnerstwo/helmy/wczesne/39a.jpg). Phrigian helmets use in Poland is not sure, and they're surely not a characteristic polish head cover. Those round helmets painted red and white could stay, if u treated them as "Secret helmets"- i'll describe them later on. They however cannot have the bottom part- that small brim or smthng, because it would suggest, that it's some kind of retarded kettle hat. Most definitely throw away this unpainted segmented - round- flat helmet. It looks as ppl using them were retarded or having hydrocephalus :razz:

It's safe to say, that most of polish XIII cent. princes are depicted in their stamps in those "norman" helmets with nose guards probably (but details as nose guards can't be seen on such small space as stamp).

Those helmets are most popular untill half of XIII century, than there are pot helmets like in "Maciejowski bible" or similar, from the given time period.

Another important note: Late medieval (starting from XIII cent.) most popular helmet was kettle hat (polish: Kapalin). In XIII century we know only 2 types of such helmets- both types are shown in "Maciejowski bible" as well (you can google it, entire bible is online- site is called Medieval tynes or smtng like that). -it's best source for XIII century western europe armament. You should rly study that. (note however, that there is only 1 type of pot helmet there, and that this bible was made in France, so it depicts top- notch XIII century armaments, when showing "Good guys", and when showing "bad guys" the monk used archaization and maur- like armaments to stress, that those were the bad guys- don't try giving Teutons or Poles round viking- like shields! This is supposed to be archaisation or more likely arab equipment).

Still, remember, that most knights were probably too poor to buy a helmet (even princes were shown in old fashioned norman helmets, when there were cool- modern pot helmets avalaible :wink: So- try making more knights covered with maille hoods, maybe with "secret" helmets on. Those were even cheaper than kettle hats, and were still offering good protection. Of course those secret helmets were worn along with maille hood and pot/ great helmets later on.

Next tip- In XIII century those russian- like helmets were not at use in Poland for 200 years or so. Just remove them from the Poles.

About heraldic signs... XIII century is only beggining of those. Our knights hardly ever used those really. Some princes used them. Among first signs was white eagle (very different from actual, modern Polish eagle), Lion, Gripphon, Eagle with moon on it's chest (Silesian eagle). Try not giving those idiotic looking and quite modern eagles on polish wappenrocks. Try just making those clothes colourfull, and not in Red & white (XIII century Poland was not Soviet :razz:). Heraldic signs were only born in XIII cent. Poland, and were primitive, or just copied from west- most from German Empire- to show, that the prince of Poland had sign similar as powerfull German emperors started to use.

Concluding: Poland in XIII century was divided into small principalities, which princes rarely worked together, often fought each other. The further to the east- poorer lands, worse equipment (Note Masovia- which was under heavy russian and lithuanian influence! -also with armament). Poland was trying to match western armaments, but as polish scientists- archaeologists try to generalize- every new piece of equipment known to the western Europe and Outremer was comming to Poland with approximetly 30 years retardation.

ONCE AGAIN- I BEG YOU! Change polish army from retarded smurf helmets and alien headed to somthing more western alike.
If you won't hear me, than leave helmets and give them blue armours, so thay can all look like real smurfs :razz:

There's only 1 real good source for polish XIII cent. arms, of which i can think of right now. It's depiction of Henryk Probus (Silesian prince who lived in the end of XIII cent.) in codex manesse- yet this was created after his death, at the beggining of XIV century in Germany - link: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Codex_Manesse_Heinrich_von_Breslau.jpg/464px-Codex_Manesse_Heinrich_von_Breslau.jpg

There is of course also his tomb, which is even better for details- http://www.wroclaw.ivc.pl/zabytki/muzea-muzeum-narodowe/pano/lapidarium2-foto.jpg Note on the shield- silesian eagle with moon on it's chest. Note, that it's late XIII early XIV century armament shown there.

Don't get too excited with those phrigian helmets, 'cause it's shown on stamp of Masovian prince (These lands were pretty much under influence of Rus and Lithuanians. For example in XIV century masovian princes wear lamellar armours, which is never seen in any other parts of Poland!)

Sorry for chaotic form of post, but you made so many mistakes I don't rly know what to write :razz: I only shown some of mistakes, be sure, not all of them. If need any help- have any questions? I'll try to monitor this tread and answer if I'll find some time.

Keep up the great work, regards!

http://www.medievaltymes.com/courtyard/images/maciejowski/leaf27/otm27va&b.gif Picture from Maciejowski Bible- both types of kettle hats and Secret helmet are shown. Note what colours are soldiers's clothes. Medieval times are times of ridiculous fashion, with really pastel colours. Don't make Poles red and white. Such colours were not at national banner at those times. In those times we had no united nation, nor single banner. Those guys tried to follow other christian countries fashion.

Other topic- teutons. Those Were actually wearing "boring" white, because they were forced to do so, by their order's rules.

P.p.s. @Erwinger: In XIII cent. Poles and Crusaders were best allies. They both fought pagans; Prussians, Jacwings, Pomeranians- at their territories Teutonic order built their state. Lithuania was in those times only beggining to develop on political map, and it was among with other pagans true enemy of christian Poles and Teuton knights. As time went forward, after century- relations Pl- Crus were extremely hostile, but generally in XIII century those were fine. Fighting Poles vs Order has as much sence as Order fighting Tartars at Crimea :smile: We should take the pain of randomized politics, because such is the game's engine. It won't give full specification of that period :smile: That would be Poles fighting Poles and occasionally 1- 2 cities of Russians, and defending aganist Tartar's invasions, Crusaders fighting looters or other rabble, Russians fighting Russians and Tartars  and Tartars fighting everything, including trees, rocks, Tartars, Rhodocks, Swadians, and the rest of merry native bands :razz:

Regards, again :razz:
Czachoslav just one question before I'll start: do you really think that this mod is made by a bunch of kids that don't know what a historical reference is? 'Cause it looks like this.

First, in the case you haven't noticed, Polish troops use more Native equipment than any other faction so far. This could be explained by (i) the lack of good sources for Polish arms and armor of the XIII century and (ii) the fact that this is only a beta v.0.622. Obviously, more faction-specific equipment and armor will be added later.
Czachoslav said:
Please, change armaments of polish faction. They look stupid, and actually not as they should look like!

Poland was divided in this time for provinces, so there's good idea for troop trees to advance like in province system- kind of :smile:

For example; Lightest cavalary, similar to Lithuanian and Russian could be "Mazovian knight", when "Silesian knight" would be strongest, best equipped, most western, similar to crusaders/ teutons.
No way. How can you imagine that kind of stuff? "Mazovian knight" upgrading to "Silesian knight"? Did this poor guy decide to migrate from the East to the West or what? Really, this makes no sense.
BTW, in the case you haven't noticed, there is noble light cavalry available for Poland.
Czachoslav said:
... Lightest cavalary, similar to Lithuanian and Russian...
And just to let you know, Rus cavalry was more heavily armored than their Western counerparts in mid-XIIIth century.

Czachoslav said:
There is another idea for elite polish unit- Senior's guard / senior's druzhina. The division of country in XII century should leave superior prince, called "Senior". First of those senior princes was however banished from Poland by his brothers, so the idea pretty much collapsed, but still, even in XIII century many princes were calling themselves senior princes, and were trying to hold senioral province of the country for themselves.
It seems to me that you did not get the thing with the elite troops. The highest tier troops for all the factions are not regular warriors. They are military leaders by themselves, IRL they brought their own small military contingents on the battlefield. That's why you cannot name the top tier warrior as a simple "guard".
Czachoslav said:
Another idea- Battle of Legnica 1241 (Knights of Silesia, Małopolska- southern territories of Poland, and volounteers from rest of polish principalities and from western Europe were fighting Tartars- and lost) This should be greatest point of interest for polish XIII century military. In this battle there were also Teutonic knights, as well as other orders- for example Templars and Hospitallers. The Templars and Hospitallers had some lands in Poland, mainly in Wielkopolska (Greater Poland? South of Western Pomerania, north of Silesia anyway). So... you could add them to polish forces :smile: You'd have little trouble seeking their arms & armour :smile:
Note- the iconographic sources showing battle of Legnica come from XIV century!! Don't use those in creation of mod!!!!!
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Legnica.JPG -for example here the fellas with those "Frigian hat- like helmets" are the Tartars, not Poles! Poles wear XIV century great helmets and bascinets! Also note retarded horses with their crazy eyes... (That's why Chrisians lost :razz:)
First of all, this picture (and another one from the same codex dated from 1353) was posted on our forum more than a year ago and we discussed it. You know, it's easy to distinguish sides here, I can hardly imagine Mongols wearing great helmets :razz:. But the use of frigian helmets was based on other references.
Maybe, the battle of Legnica will be included as a custom battle, I don't know. I don't have any idea how to implement it in the main campaign.
Czachoslav said:
The "Frigian (phrygian?) hat- shaped" helmet is actually only depicted in one- maybe two polish prince's stamps, and it may be, that these are just mistakes of the sigil maker, schematized "norman" helmets (like this http://www.thorkil.pl/platnerstwo/helmy/wczesne/39a.jpg). Phrigian helmets use in Poland is not sure, and they're surely not a characteristic polish head cover. Those round helmets painted red and white could stay, if u treated them as "Secret helmets"- i'll describe them later on. They however cannot have the bottom part- that small brim or smthng, because it would suggest, that it's some kind of retarded kettle hat. Most definitely throw away this unpainted segmented - round- flat helmet. It looks as ppl using them were retarded or having hydrocephalus :razz:
1. There are two or three references with such kind of a helmet (Seals of Conrad of Mazovia, Siemovit of Mazovia and I've seen it somewhere else as well). Moreover, we can see such type of helmet in later prints. If only one such reference had existed, I would have suggested that the guy who had made this seal had made a mistake. However, I don't believe in such repeated "mistakes", especially taking into account the lack of reliable sources on XIII-century Polish army.
2. Similar type of Phrygian-style Norman helmet did exist in Medieval Europe in 11th-12th century. The version of this helmet with a face mask also existed. Taking into account that lots of Polish warriors used obsolete armor and helmets and that we can seen similar type of helmets on Polish seals I don't see any reasons for removing them from the mod.
3. Show me both "Secret helmet" and "unpainted segmented helmet". I guess I know what helmets you are talking about, but I'm not sure. The second one is based on some archeological evidence.

Czachoslav said:
It's safe to say, that most of polish XIII cent. princes are depicted in their stamps in those "norman" helmets with nose guards probably (but details as nose guards can't be seen on such small space as stamp).

Those helmets are most popular untill half of XIII century, than there are pot helmets like in "Maciejowski bible" or similar, from the given time period.

Another important note: Late medieval (starting from XIII cent.) most popular helmet was kettle hat (polish: Kapalin). In XIII century we know only 2 types of such helmets- both types are shown in "Maciejowski bible" as well (you can google it, entire bible is online- site is called Medieval tynes or smtng like that). -it's best source for XIII century western europe armament. You should rly study that. (note however, that there is only 1 type of pot helmet there, and that this bible was made in France, so it depicts top- notch XIII century armaments, when showing "Good guys", and when showing "bad guys" the monk used archaization and maur- like armaments to stress, that those were the bad guys- don't try giving Teutons or Poles round viking- like shields! This is supposed to be archaisation or more likely arab equipment).
Maciejowski bible was one of the most important references for the models used in Rus: XIII Century. I know that it was written and illustrated in France and depicted state-of-the-art equipment for ~1250 AD. There's nothing new for us here. A lot of troops in the mod do have different types of XIII-century cattle hats.
I've mentioned that round shaped shields should be excluded from cavalry equipment in the mod. However, lots of light cavalrymen still have them. I guess, that's because this is only a beta.

Czachoslav said:
Next tip- In XIII century those russian- like helmets were not at use in Poland for 200 years or so. Just remove them from the Poles.
Oh, really? REALLY??? Maybe it would be surprising for you, but some Rus-type helmets found in Poland are dated from as late as 15th century!
Look at the effigy of Bolesław V Wstydliwy. You will be surprised.
Czachoslav said:
About heraldic signs... XIII century is only beggining of those. Our knights hardly ever used those really. Some princes used them. Among first signs was white eagle (very different from actual, modern Polish eagle), Lion, Gripphon, Eagle with moon on it's chest (Silesian eagle). Try not giving those idiotic looking and quite modern eagles on polish wappenrocks. Try just making those clothes colourfull, and not in Red & white (XIII century Poland was not Soviet :razz:). Heraldic signs were only born in XIII cent. Poland, and were primitive, or just copied from west- most from German Empire- to show, that the prince of Poland had sign similar as powerfull German emperors started to use.
There is a problem that we have to give some heraldry to Polish princes just because it's M&B and every prince should have a personal banner. I know that it's very difficult (almost impossible) to find something about mid-XIII century Polish heraldry.
Czachoslav said:
Concluding: Poland in XIII century was divided into small principalities, which princes rarely worked together, often fought each other. The further to the east- poorer lands, worse equipment (Note Masovia- which was under heavy russian and lithuanian influence! -also with armament). Poland was trying to match western armaments, but as polish scientists- archaeologists try to generalize- every new piece of equipment known to the western Europe and Outremer was comming to Poland with approximetly 30 years retardation.
Yeah. Now I'm fighting with the mod team for a serious decrease of the quality of Polish armor, in the current mod version they are incredibly well armored.
I know about Polish principalities. I've already written here about the reasons why both Poland and Rus were made as united factions and I don't want to repeat it 438954642573 times, again and again.
I don't believe in any sort of Lithuanian influence on Poland in 13th century. I would believe in Polish weapons and armor affecting Lithuanian ones rather than in this.

Czachoslav said:
There's only 1 real good source for polish XIII cent. arms, of which i can think of right now. It's depiction of Henryk Probus (Silesian prince who lived in the end of XIII cent.) in codex manesse- yet this was created after his death, at the beggining of XIV century in Germany - link: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Codex_Manesse_Heinrich_von_Breslau.jpg/464px-Codex_Manesse_Heinrich_von_Breslau.jpg
This picture was posted on our forum more than a year ago, so... we know about it.

Czachoslav said:
P.p.s. @Erwinger: In XIII cent. Poles and Crusaders were best allies.
Agreed. That was the key reason against pre-determined faction relations.
JoG said:
JoG just one question before I'll start: do you really think that this mod is made by a bunch of kids that don't know what a historical reference is? 'Cause it looks like this.
I think it's done by people with great knowledge about Russia, who studied lots of other faction's history and armaments, but I actually contacted You guys before by mail, tried to write there similar advices, but got no answer from You. I presumed, that You don't want my help, so after a long time i posted here, to actually not only help you, but also to show to the Poles, who read this forum, that they're wrong in many cases (I saw topic on polish forum, where bunch of ppl, who aren't specialists tried to help you, and the outcome of this "help" can be seen as mistakes in Your mod).

JoG said:
First, in the case you haven't noticed, Polish troops use more Native equipment than any other faction so far. This could be explained by (i) the lack of good sources for Polish arms and armor of the XIII century and (ii) the fact that this is only a beta v.0.622. Obviously, more faction-specific equipment and armor will be added later.

I know u lack these sources, I know you lack polish scientific publications, which (I said it some day to one of You by mail) I tried to obtain in computer sendable version and send to You, however i didn't manage to do this. I know You need help, 'cause You asked for it :smile: I know, that you are still going to work on Poles, 'cause You also told me. All i'm trying to say- there is not much "nation-specific" armaments in XIII century Eastern Europe. They all saw themselves as believers of one faith, and with some differences and organisation, and actually fighting style- were using similar pieces of equipment, when wealth of particular man allowed to do so. My tips were not ment to hurt Your pride, but simply to help You guys. I really love the mod!

JoG said:
No way. How can you imagine that kind of stuff? "Mazovian knight" upgrading to "Silesian knight"? Did this poor guy decide to migrate from the East to the West or what? Really, this makes no sense.
BTW, in the case you haven't noticed, there is noble light cavalry available for Poland.
Yeah, that was just an idea, I'm fully aware, thet this is great simplification, but If You want to be accurete, You should make troop tree names in latin, because there were no names for polish sociological studies left in other languages! Suit yourselves, but these polish terms are just non- existing in real world, made up by your polish "specialists" :razz: (no offence for them- I know they wanted to help as well as they could).
JoG said:
And just to let you know, Rus cavalry was more heavily armored than their Western counerparts in mid-XIIIth century.
Yes, and no. There were many principalities in Rus territories, they were different to each other. I know, that you were under influence of Byzantine armaments, and even Iranian- etnos, and that it gave You some cool eastern heavy gear, but remember, that you were Slavs uninfluenced by this "chivalrous warfare" from the west crap. You had to use more sophisticated tactics than western heavy knight charging cavalary, which was answer to any situation on battlefield. More sophisticated tactics were used by polish forces- because we were not only fighting chivalrous christendom states (as for example German Empire), but we also faced Pagans in the east, different tactical culture of Russians, and we painfully felt the totally alien to this territory asian military "culture". You couldn't use this western heavy cavalary tactics as main strength, because your enemies were different. You encountered Tartars, and most your states faced annihilation. Even polish archaeologists see, that Russians were great archers, when only contacted Tartars. We see remains of imported from Russia composite bows (clear Tartar influence). In order to face the Tartar, you had to use light cavalary tactics. Battle of Legnica and simultanous Tartar invasion on Hungary shows, how western warfare was tottaly incapable of figthing those "spawns from hell", who fought "without any honour". Tartars were master of "dirty" non chivalrous, unhonourable warfare, their success based on fast, mobile, disciplined cavalary, master bowmen.
Also note, that this heavy equimpent was- as in Poland, and rest of Middle & Eastern Europe- only avalaible to the richest of nobility. So- this numerous heavily equipped forces are the elite in every faction of the game, and are far too numerous, but it's discussive matter what should the proportions be, and therefore should be left as it is, not to spoil player's fun- in my humble opinion.

JoG said:
It seems to me that you did not get the thing with the elite troops. The highest tier troops for all the factions are not regular warriors. They are military leaders by themselves, IRL they brought their own small military contingents on the battlefield. That's why you cannot name the top tier warrior as a simple "guard".
Agreed. This was my stupid idea :smile:
JoG said:
1. There are two or three references with such kind of a helmet (Seals of Conrad of Mazovia, Siemovit of Mazovia and I've seen it somewhere else as well). Moreover, we can see such type of helmet in later prints. If only one such reference had existed, I would have suggested that the guy who had made this seal had made a mistake. However, I don't believe in such repeated "mistakes", especially taking into account the lack of reliable sources on XIII-century Polish army.
2. Similar type of Phrygian-style Norman helmet did exist in Medieval Europe in 11th-12th century. The version of this helmet with a face mask also existed. Taking into account that lots of Polish warriors used obsolete armor and helmets and that we can seen similar type of helmets on Polish seals I don't see any reasons for removing them from the mod.
3. Show me both "Secret helmet" and "unpainted segmented helmet". I guess I know what helmets you are talking about, but I'm not sure. The second one is based on some archeological evidence.
1. Allright, there were signs of this type of helmet in entire Europe, also in Poland- I won't argue with this. I only wanted to make You see, that it was quite rare helmet (phrigian), used occasionally, and shouldn't be a characteristic factor of any faction. Why? Simple- it was difficult to manufacture- therefore expensive, offering same protection as obsolete Norman helmets, so not many would decide to have them. Kettle hats were cheap- so even cavalary used it (There are documents from Teutonic state, showing, that those were most popular helmets in entire late medieval period). From early medieval times there are very popular "norman" helmets- still cheap, and offering nice protection. They cease to be used in Poland somewhere in XIII century, impossible to know when exactly.
There is use of pot helmets in Poland. They are very popular, as in the rest of western Europe. Even some russian source from XIII cent. depicts some siege of Russian fortiffications by poles. Monk said smthng about deceiving defenders or Poles- by some1 wearing enclosed helmet, not showing face (almost sure, that it was pot helmet), and so convinced others to be a Pole, and certainly not Russian. It only shows how different were Polish and Russian helmets. (Sorry I don't remember this soure well, I just memorised the point of it).
So: You use very exotic helmets as basics for a nation in order to distinguish it from Crusaders. I told u in the mail, that only difference would be Teutons having more expensive gear, aproximetly 30 years ahead of polish newly invented equipment.
(I know it's only beta, and things will change, but still it's useful if someone tips You guys what to change, right? I stress, that I'm not shouting on You to change the **** I dont like "or else". As a man educated in this matter I only try to offer some help)

JoG said:
Next tip- In XIII century those russian- like helmets were not at use in Poland for 200 years or so. Just remove them from the Poles.
Oh, really? REALLY??? Maybe it would be surprising for you, but some Rus-type helmets found in Poland are dated from as late as 15th century!
Look at the effigy of Bolesław V Wstydliwy. You will be surprised.[/quote]
I'm sorry to say, but You're 10000000000000% wrong here, or we just didn't get each other.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/101Cracow.JPG You are probably speaking of this effigy... Dude. It's XIX century romantic reconstruction of this tomb, without any connection to the truth. Only general posture might be same as original. Didn'y You see the legs of this prince? What the hell are those scales? Is he dragon slayer or something? :grin:
The helmet is wrong too. http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:razz:iecz%C4%99%C4%87_Boles%C5%82awa_Wstydliwego.jpg This is the stamp of this prince. See the helmet here. It's norman- like helmet/ eventually it's something like this http://dzikibez.pl/uploads/images/artykuly/helmy/zeberKonst.jpg -at least scholars inteprete it like this. Note however that sphragistic depictions are risky to use, because of great schematisation and ideologisation of the picture.
Dude!! What XV century russian- early slavic helmets did You see in Poland?!?!?! :eek: I'm talking about something like those http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Polish_helmet_from_X_century.PNG/166px-Polish_helmet_from_X_century.PNG This is helmet used in Poland only at beggining of polish country, and are in newest science treated, as Russian imports (because of their great- state of art ornamentation not seen anywhere else in Poland in this period). What the hell are you talking about, when You said about this XV century? :grin: I'm really curious lol.

JoG said:
There is a problem that we have to give some heraldry to Polish princes just because it's M&B and every prince should have a personal banner. I know that it's very difficult (almost impossible) to find something about mid-XIII century Polish heraldry.
Yup, so we're in trouble. That's the game's mechanics. I recommend roman catholic- like crosses, some might have this white eagle, some might have lion, gripphon, silesian eagle- two variations; moon on chest and moon on chest with small cross in the middle of it. If u can't find those on web, ask me, I'll try to send u some. If run out of signs- try using combinations of chessboard coloured signs. It's always safe to use, and can't really in most cases be associated with any specific heraldic signs.

JoG said:
Yeah. Now I'm fighting with the mod team for a serious decrease of the quality of Polish armor, in the current mod version they are incredibly well armored.
I know about Polish principalities. I've already written here about the reasons why both Poland and Rus were made as united factions and I don't want to repeat it 438954642573 times, again and again.
Sorry for not studying entire mod discussion, but come on... I don't have few days to study it :razz: Still, I apologise, for repeating old issues. If you really want to be accurate- try reducing all nations "tank cavalary" Still remember, that Poland and crusaders are western civilisation military, and only really important formation on XIII cent. battlefields were shock lancer cavalary for them.
JoG said:
I don't believe in any sort of Lithuanian influence on Poland in 13th century. I would believe in Polish weapons and armor affecting Lithuanian ones rather than in this.
No offence, but you're again 1000000000000000000000% wrong, my friend :smile: It's common knowledge, that all organisations who fight each other will soon try to adapt their tactics to each other. Yes, we influenced pagans (not only Lithuanians, but also Prussians, Jacwings, Pomeranians), but also they inflict great marks on both Poles and Teutons! It's fascinating topic- Teutons conquering Pagan Prussia. They were so alien to this realm. They just came from Outremer, they were fighting in Italia, Hungary, they were one of the best military organisations at that time! Their tactics and armaments thanks to their wealth and genious commanders were state-of-art, top-notch western European  ecchievements there were!
Still, when they came to muddy, forest pagan vastlands with guerilla fighting, unchivalrous, brutal pagans- they faced something they were not prepared to fight. They addapted instantly. They changed order's military strategy of conquest- they started building wooden castles (gród/ gorods- in russian? :grin:), something never seen at their military art- ever! Later on they used baptised Prussians as their own military. In XIV century most popular knightly helmet- Bascinet is called in teutonic sources "Prussian helmet", along with prussian "Pickelhube". Even XIX century, and I world war Prussian helmets with this dumb spike on it came from those "Prussian helmets". Those were also mentioned in Masovia. We are not 100% sure how these helmets looked like, there are only 2 paintings of them- used by brothers Teutons in one of the churches in nowadays Poland- old Prussian lands. The XIV century popular in entire Europe pavise infantry great shield is most likely beggining in pomeranian pagans/ Prussian lands. Those shields are known to polish in masovia in XIII century! Rest of Poland never used them for next 100 years! There are also depictions (later, XIV cent.- but still, showing influences) of Masovian princes wearing lamellar armour and Byzantine- Russian high, pointy kettle hat (There's theory, that it was one of the pickelhube/ prussian helmets in written sources- scientists are not entirely sure...) and- those small cavalary pavise shields. (Those were never used in any M&B module i ever seen. Care to model them and try them out? Sounds like fun :smile:

JoG said:
Czachoslav said:
There's only 1 real good source for polish XIII cent. arms, of which i can think of right now. It's depiction of Henryk Probus (Silesian prince who lived in the end of XIII cent.) in codex manesse- yet this was created after his death, at the beggining of XIV century in Germany - link: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Codex_Manesse_Heinrich_von_Breslau.jpg/464px-Codex_Manesse_Heinrich_von_Breslau.jpg
This picture was posted on our forum more than a year ago, so... we know about it.
Again- sorry for not scrutinising the previous discussion :smile:

Again- try considering Templars and hospitallers auxiliary fighting with Poles :smile: It is simplification, but still it has historical justification. It would be easy for you to model those units. As for the helmets- add more pot helmets and kettles from Maciejowski bible. Exclude that red helmet with small white rim, It's taken from Osprey publication of some kind. I know who made that book- it was fella educated as "historian of art" not archaeologist specialising in amrs & armour. Prof. Głosek said this fella even came to him on consultation, but he couldn't help him really, because it would be like teaching monkey to build space rockets :grin: That fella was enthusiast, who sadly knew little about modern scientific approach to the topic. Try not using this stuff- my advice.
This rimmed unpainted helmet- exclude it, change for more pointy norman- like helmets, can be those with rims. (When i'll find picture of those i'll post them in this thread). And even if you really have to leave phrigians in Poland- ok. Leave them, but it should really be used as little "taste", curiosity, not main factor of Polish faction. (Teutons could use it as well- even more probable, 'cause they were having more money).
Again- try changing colour of polish wappenrocks from white and red. This mono- coloured faction looks kind'a strange, more like modern organised proffesional army, not as feudal lords colourfull stuff.
Idea for some polish shields- Leave some of them unpainded- covered in leather or some mono coloured fabric :smile:
I would kindly ask the admins/moderators of this thread (Damon, ConstantA, I know you are here :smile:) to move our discussion to the historical thread. I think that's the right place for it.

Już możemy trochę podyskutować  :lol:
Now, after the tone of the discussion has changed to a more constructive one, we can actually try to look at the things in detail and try to fix those that seem to be wrong.

Even though officially I'm not a member of the mod team, I'll do my best to supply the team with all the availabe information that I can provide.
Since the post itself is huge, I'd better use the spoiler.
Czachoslav said:
I think it's done by people with great knowledge about Russia, who studied lots of other faction's history and armaments, but I actually contacted You guys before by mail, tried to write there similar advices, but got no answer from You. I presumed, that You don't want my help, so after a long time i posted here, to actually not only help you, but also to show to the Poles, who read this forum, that they're wrong in many cases (I saw topic on polish forum, where bunch of ppl, who aren't specialists tried to help you, and the outcome of this "help" can be seen as mistakes in Your mod).
Well, could you please post your information here (in the historical discussion thread, for example)? I will repost it on our forum in the corresponding thread, so other people could see and discuss it. Basically the serious scientific publications is what we need. You know, it's very difficult to find something like this if you are not a professional in this area.

Czachoslav said:
I know u lack these sources, I know you lack polish scientific publications, which (I said it some day to one of You by mail) I tried to obtain in computer sendable version and send to You, however i didn't manage to do this. I know You need help, 'cause You asked for it :smile: I know, that you are still going to work on Poles, 'cause You also told me. All i'm trying to say- there is not much "nation-specific" armaments in XIII century Eastern Europe. They all saw themselves as believers of one faith, and with some differences and organisation, and actually fighting style- were using similar pieces of equipment, when wealth of particular man allowed to do so. My tips were not ment to hurt Your pride, but simply to help You guys. I really love the mod!
Believe me, it's not about the pride, I'm sure the mod team will greatly appreciate any correct information
. My response to your previous post was a bit sharp, I know, but I did it on purpose, because I found the tone of your post to be... not friendly enough :razz:. Thus, I wanted to see your reaction to my post and. I hope you forgive me for that :smile:.

Czachoslav said:
Yeah, that was just an idea, I'm fully aware, thet this is great simplification, but If You want to be accurete, You should make troop tree names in latin, because there were no names for polish sociological studies left in other languages! Suit yourselves, but these polish terms are just non- existing in real world, made up by your polish "specialists" :razz: (no offence for them- I know they wanted to help as well as they could).
Actually that'd be cool. The thing is that, say, most of the names of Rus troops are actual names that were used in XIII century (found in manuscripts, etc). I guess, Mongol names are correct as well. However, when speaking about Polish and, especially, Lithuanian warriors, I do believe there's a lot of mistakes here. For example, I'm uncertain if the name "szlachta" is Ok for XIII-century Poland and so on.

Czachoslav said:
JoG said:
And just to let you know, Rus cavalry was more heavily armored than their Western counerparts in mid-XIIIth century.
Yes, and no. There were many principalities in Rus territories, they were different to each other. I know, that you were under influence of Byzantine armaments, and even Iranian- etnos, and that it gave You some cool eastern heavy gear, but remember, that you were Slavs uninfluenced by this "chivalrous warfare" from the west crap. You had to use more sophisticated tactics than western heavy knight charging cavalary, which was answer to any situation on battlefield. More sophisticated tactics were used by polish forces- because we were not only fighting chivalrous christendom states (as for example German Empire), but we also faced Pagans in the east, different tactical culture of Russians, and we painfully felt the totally alien to this territory asian military "culture". You couldn't use this western heavy cavalary tactics as main strength, because your enemies were different. You encountered Tartars, and most your states faced annihilation. Even polish archaeologists see, that Russians were great archers, when only contacted Tartars. We see remains of imported from Russia composite bows (clear Tartar influence). In order to face the Tartar, you had to use light cavalary tactics. Battle of Legnica and simultanous Tartar invasion on Hungary shows, how western warfare was tottaly incapable of figthing those "spawns from hell", who fought "without any honour". Tartars were master of "dirty" non chivalrous, unhonourable warfare, their success based on fast, mobile, disciplined cavalary, master bowmen.
Also note, that this heavy equimpent was- as in Poland, and rest of Middle & Eastern Europe- only avalaible to the richest of nobility. So- this numerous heavily equipped forces are the elite in every faction of the game, and are far too numerous, but it's discussive matter what should the proportions be, and therefore should be left as it is, not to spoil player's fun- in my humble opinion.
Yes and no :smile:. Indeed, the Rus fighting style and tactics is somewhere in between the Western style based on heavy lancer cavalry and Eastern style involving the massive use of light cavalry and archers.
I wouldn't say that Rus warfare was "dishonourable" (at least I don't remember any "false retreats" or other "dirty tricks"  before Mongol era). And, AFAIK, we tried to oppose the Eastern tactics using armored horse archers and lots of foot archers.
While comparing the heavy cavalry of Rus and Western Europe I have to say that, generally speaking, the heavy Rus lancers used better armor (lamellar over mail), and their horses were more or less similar to the destriers of the knights. Yet there were some regional differences (for example, Halych had the best heavy cavalry, while Novgorod town militia mostly acted as mounted heavy infantry), but the armor and weapons were more or less the same throughout the whole Rus territory.
Your information about Rus archers is a bit incorrect as well. Strong composite bows are known in Rus territories since as early as VIII or IX century. Actually the construction of Rus long infantry composite bow is even more sophisticated that that of a Mongol one (they used 2 sorts of wood instead of one. The whole composite structure of the bow was additionally protected from moisture using birch bark). The evidence about the massive use of archers can be found, for example, in the Livonian Rhymed Chronicle.

BTW, what mod version are you playing? In the latest one the number of elite troops has beet significantly reduced. Usually there is about 10-20 "castle elite" warriors (knights, Rus senior druzhina members, etc.) in a party 100-150 strong. I think it's the reasonable compromise between gameplay and historical authenticity.

Czachoslav said:
1. Allright, there were signs of this type of helmet in entire Europe, also in Poland- I won't argue with this. I only wanted to make You see, that it was quite rare helmet (phrigian), used occasionally, and shouldn't be a characteristic factor of any faction. Why? Simple- it was difficult to manufacture- therefore expensive, offering same protection as obsolete Norman helmets, so not many would decide to have them. Kettle hats were cheap- so even cavalary used it (There are documents from Teutonic state, showing, that those were most popular helmets in entire late medieval period). From early medieval times there are very popular "norman" helmets- still cheap, and offering nice protection. They cease to be used in Poland somewhere in XIII century, impossible to know when exactly.
There is use of pot helmets in Poland. They are very popular, as in the rest of western Europe. Even some russian source from XIII cent. depicts some siege of Russian fortiffications by poles. Monk said smthng about deceiving defenders or Poles- by some1 wearing enclosed helmet, not showing face (almost sure, that it was pot helmet), and so convinced others to be a Pole, and certainly not Russian. It only shows how different were Polish and Russian helmets. (Sorry I don't remember this soure well, I just memorised the point of it).
So: You use very exotic helmets as basics for a nation in order to distinguish it from Crusaders. I told u in the mail, that only difference would be Teutons having more expensive gear, aproximetly 30 years ahead of polish newly invented equipment.
(I know it's only beta, and things will change, but still it's useful if someone tips You guys what to change, right? I stress, that I'm not shouting on You to change the **** I dont like "or else". As a man educated in this matter I only try to offer some help)
Gotcha. Probably, there's too many of Phrygian helmets (although I don't think there was that much of a difference in manufacturing those as compared to Norman helmets), they should be diluted with regular Norman ones and kettle hats. I guess there are some "pothelms" in the mod.

Czachoslav said:
JoG said:
Oh, really? REALLY??? Maybe it would be surprising for you, but some Rus-type helmets found in Poland are dated from as late as 15th century!
Look at the effigy of Bolesław V Wstydliwy. You will be surprised.
I'm sorry to say, but You're 10000000000000% wrong here, or we just didn't get each other.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/101Cracow.JPG You are probably speaking of this effigy... Dude. It's XIX century romantic reconstruction of this tomb, without any connection to the truth. Only general posture might be same as original. Didn'y You see the legs of this prince? What the hell are those scales? Is he dragon slayer or something? :grin:
The helmet is wrong too. http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:razz:iecz%C4%99%C4%87_Boles%C5%82awa_Wstydliwego.jpg This is the stamp of this prince. See the helmet here. It's norman- like helmet/ eventually it's something like this http://dzikibez.pl/uploads/images/artykuly/helmy/zeberKonst.jpg -at least scholars inteprete it like this. Note however that sphragistic depictions are risky to use, because of great schematisation and ideologisation of the picture.
Dude!! What XV century russian- early slavic helmets did You see in Poland?!?!?! :eek: I'm talking about something like those http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Polish_helmet_from_X_century.PNG/166px-Polish_helmet_from_X_century.PNG This is helmet used in Poland only at beggining of polish country, and are in newest science treated, as Russian imports (because of their great- state of art ornamentation not seen anywhere else in Poland in this period). What the hell are you talking about, when You said about this XV century? :grin: I'm really curious lol.
Well, I thought this late engraving as actually a copy from sculpture on effigy of that prince (as seen in Western cathedrals). Yeah, I paid my attention to his legs but I thought this is just a misinterpretation of the original scultpure. My bad...
I know, the helmet on your second picture is 11th century Polish helmet.
But still, there are helmets with distinct Eastern/Rus features:

From left to right:
Late 14th - early 15th century helmet from north-eastern Poland. Definite Rus influence (maybe it was even imported from Rus)
13th century helmet from the site near Torun (ingame Thorn). As you can see it's very similar to the helmet found at burial site near Lipovets. A clear Eastern influence.
Mid-14th century seal of Troiden of Mazovia. The helmet on the image seems to be too tall to be of Norman type (well, Norman helmet in XIV century?) or a bascinet. I think it shows some Eastern influence.

Czachoslav said:
Yup, so we're in trouble. That's the game's mechanics. I recommend roman catholic- like crosses, some might have this white eagle, some might have lion, gripphon, silesian eagle- two variations; moon on chest and moon on chest with small cross in the middle of it. If u can't find those on web, ask me, I'll try to send u some. If run out of signs- try using combinations of chessboard coloured signs. It's always safe to use, and can't really in most cases be associated with any specific heraldic signs.
Well, I believe that the policy is:
1. If there is a reliable reference on the coat of arms of a particular lord in XIII century - the mod team will use it.
2. If there isn't such a reference - the mod team may take the REAL coat of arms of his family dated from a later period (up to the Battle of Grunwald. You probably know that there is a very good description of the banners used there). I guess it's a better approach than giving the lord some fantasy-based emblems.
Still, the images of the emblems will be highly appreciated.

Czachoslav said:
JoG said:
Yeah. Now I'm fighting with the mod team for a serious decrease of the quality of Polish armor, in the current mod version they are incredibly well armored.
I know about Polish principalities. I've already written here about the reasons why both Poland and Rus were made as united factions and I don't want to repeat it 438954642573 times, again and again.
Sorry for not studying entire mod discussion, but come on... I don't have few days to study it :razz: Still, I apologise, for repeating old issues. If you really want to be accurate- try reducing all nations "tank cavalary" Still remember, that Poland and crusaders are western civilisation military, and only really important formation on XIII cent. battlefields were shock lancer cavalary for them.
Well, the Order also used crossbowmen extensively.
The number of lancers has been already reduced as compared to the first beta. I don't think it needs further decreasing.

Czachoslav said:
JoG said:
I don't believe in any sort of Lithuanian influence on Poland in 13th century. I would believe in Polish weapons and armor affecting Lithuanian ones rather than in this.
No offence, but you're again 1000000000000000000000% wrong, my friend :smile: It's common knowledge, that all organisations who fight each other will soon try to adapt their tactics to each other. Yes, we influenced pagans (not only Lithuanians, but also Prussians, Jacwings, Pomeranians), but also they inflict great marks on both Poles and Teutons! It's fascinating topic- Teutons conquering Pagan Prussia. They were so alien to this realm. They just came from Outremer, they were fighting in Italia, Hungary, they were one of the best military organisations at that time! Their tactics and armaments thanks to their wealth and genious commanders were state-of-art, top-notch western European  ecchievements there were!
Still, when they came to muddy, forest pagan vastlands with guerilla fighting, unchivalrous, brutal pagans- they faced something they were not prepared to fight. They addapted instantly. They changed order's military strategy of conquest- they started building wooden castles (gród/ gorods- in russian? :grin:), something never seen at their military art- ever! Later on they used baptised Prussians as their own military. In XIV century most popular knightly helmet- Bascinet is called in teutonic sources "Prussian helmet", along with prussian "Pickelhube". Even XIX century, and I world war Prussian helmets with this dumb spike on it came from those "Prussian helmets". Those were also mentioned in Masovia. We are not 100% sure how these helmets looked like, there are only 2 paintings of them- used by brothers Teutons in one of the churches in nowadays Poland- old Prussian lands. The XIV century popular in entire Europe pavise infantry great shield is most likely beggining in pomeranian pagans/ Prussian lands. Those shields are known to polish in masovia in XIII century! Rest of Poland never used them for next 100 years! There are also depictions (later, XIV cent.- but still, showing influences) of Masovian princes wearing lamellar armour and Byzantine- Russian high, pointy kettle hat (There's theory, that it was one of the pickelhube/ prussian helmets in written sources- scientists are not entirely sure...) and- those small cavalary pavise shields. (Those were never used in any M&B module i ever seen. Care to model them and try them out? Sounds like fun :smile:
Probably, I didn't state my point clearly. I wasn't talking about the tactics (of course, the tactics and military organization of your opponent will affect your own tactics), I was talking only about the weapons and armor. The only element that was invented in the Baltic states (probably by Teutons or Lithuanians) and then became widespread all over Europe is the small cavalry pavise shield invented somewhere in the XIII century. BTW, it is present in the mod even though it is debatable whether these shields have been already used in 1230s or not. Unlike this one, the big infantry pavise clearly was NOT a Baltic invention. According to a widespread theory, the name "pavise" itself comes from Pavia, an Italian town.
As I understand, some Rus lancers use the small pavise. I guess, it should be also given to Lithuanian and Teutonic cavalry.

Czachoslav said:
Again- try considering Templars and hospitallers auxiliary fighting with Poles :smile: It is simplification, but still it has historical justification. It would be easy for you to model those units. As for the helmets- add more pot helmets and kettles from Maciejowski bible. Exclude that red helmet with small white rim, It's taken from Osprey publication of some kind. I know who made that book- it was fella educated as "historian of art" not archaeologist specialising in amrs & armour. Prof. Głosek said this fella even came to him on consultation, but he couldn't help him really, because it would be like teaching monkey to build space rockets :grin: That fella was enthusiast, who sadly knew little about modern scientific approach to the topic. Try not using this stuff- my advice.
This rimmed unpainted helmet- exclude it, change for more pointy norman- like helmets, can be those with rims. (When i'll find picture of those i'll post them in this thread). And even if you really have to leave phrigians in Poland- ok. Leave them, but it should really be used as little "taste", curiosity, not main factor of Polish faction. (Teutons could use it as well- even more probable, 'cause they were having more money).
Again- try changing colour of polish wappenrocks from white and red. This mono- coloured faction looks kind'a strange, more like modern organised proffesional army, not as feudal lords colourfull stuff.
Idea for some polish shields- Leave some of them unpainded- covered in leather or some mono coloured fabric :smile:

About Templars and Hospitaliers... It would be good, but... The thing is that faction relations in the mod are random. Therefore, there is a possibility of Poland fighting Teutons. Frankly speaking, I can hardly imagine Templars or Hospitaliers engaging Teutonic brothers on the battlefield.
I don't know what "red helmet with a small while rim" and "rimmed unpainted helmet" you are talking about. Could you please post a screenshot showing those? (from the battle, trade window or something else, it doesn't matter). If you are talking about the white helmet with a red rim, it was actually taken from Osprey publication where it was claimed to be a Hungarian helmet. The lack of good and reliable data makes us use such publications, still there's a lot of good photos showing effigies, manuscripts, seals, etc. there.

Hi, lads! I'm from Poland and i agree with JoG. I worked about polish stuff in this great mod previously, and as we see, there are no more pictures and all that stuff anymore from XIII century abou polish army. JoG is right about rus (slavic) helmets in Poland - it was used from propably 1013 a.d.! After raid on Lwiw, Czerwien, polish soldiers looted those cities and tooked rus defenders helmets, becouse they liked it and it was better than polish ones. Slavic helmets were used to the XV century. Frigian helmets are right - it was used by polish soldiers but of course some of polish infantry can have kapalins. it's hard to make princpalities in Poland and more than 1 tree of troops. We should stay with united Poland and don't use Mazowian raiders, Silesian knights and all that stuff. The best choice is to leave Poland united with Henryk Brodaty as King - he was pretty close to become a king. And about influence from Lithuania in
Poland - only in Mazowsze, my friend, but i think that You, Czechoslav can really help me and official team with Polish stuff :grin: You are from Poland too, right? I'm making polish dubbing to this mod. could you help me with list of polish shouts?
@JoG- No offence taken. I'm little sharp- tongued, and like crazy humour and stuff, so that could make the wrong impression of me being unfriendly. :razz:
Sorry for that.

If You need help of semi- professionals, and sometimes proffesionals you could create account on that forum FREHA. (Forum of historical recreations- forum rekreacji historycznych). In there polish people discuss many things concerning recreationism, tournaments, creating historical arms & armours by themselves. There are even accounts of scientific employees of Cathedral of Weapon- knowing of Archaeology Institute of University of Lodz, as well as my colleague students, graduates, and lots of other well knowledgable :razz: guys. I personally don't have an account there, but still, MAYBE someone wise enough would be able to help You, yet I'm not sure if they would like to :razz: ...lazy bastards :razz::razz::razz:
Be aware, that historical reconstruction is also FAAAR from real picture of XIII cent. polish battlefield, but still, It's not that bad :wink: Some people are known to be crazy when scrutinising every detail of equipment to be 100% historically accurate.

As for names: I'm certain, that "Szlachta" is correct term for XVI century, MAYBE late XV century. You must understand, that XIII century is beggining of feudal system in Poland. Before that we had "The system of Prince's law". Only in XIII the knights were starting to develop. Before that our military system was mainly based on princes and comes castellanus's Druzhina's. It was actually different than at Rus territories, but still, it was same principal, heading back to times before Mieszko I. It would be much better if You gave the names from latin, but there are no references to game system actually. There are different names for nobles and stuff, so we should not only know the latin terms very well (I actually don't know them that well, im no historian :razz:), and still we should adapt them creatively for use in this mod. I guess i could try doing this, but I'm busy and lazy guy, so i won't give my word, that I will :razz:
To sum up- the polish names of troops are all just made up, with no XIII century equivalents :smile:

Jog, you said, that " I wouldn't say that Rus warfare was "dishonourable" (at least I don't remember any "false retreats" or other "dirty tricks"  before Mongol era). And, AFAIK, we tried to oppose the Eastern tactics using armored  horse archers and lots of foot archers."

I didn't say it was dishonourable. It was not chivalrous as at the west. And yeah, entire world used "dirty tricks" sometimes :grin: Even Emperor of Germany, Russians as well. I remember from one of the "Latopis" chronicle, when russian gorod (wooden castle) was saved from tartar siege by "pudding" :grin: Short story- Mongols sent their emissaries to gorod to try to pertract with russians, check how much food is left in their storages. Russians of course were in the breaking point, but some crafty fellow got a crazy idea to fool Tartar emissaries. They had a well in the middle of gorod. They had thrown rest of their grain in there, and when emissaries came, they treated them with some of this water- grain "pudding" :grin: Tartars believed, that these russians have magical well, which bears food, and retreated from the siege. (lol dumbasses pwnzor haxxorz :razz:)
I'll risk to say, that our (Polish) army in XIII century was based mainly on cavalary (as all western christendom). XIII and XIV century- up to Agincourt are known as the golden era of chivalrous battles. Noble fighting battle had actually VERY good chance of survival. It was just much more profitable to capture a knight, and release him only, when he paid ransom (Or honourable promissed, that he'll pay!). Where I'm trying to go with this- our foot soldiers were still used on battlefields, but they were just a "meat" thrown to sometimes slow down cavalary. As for bows- yeah, we used them in XIII century, but infantry was only good in sieges. Open battlefield was owned by cavalary. (Only in XIII century riders started using lances- holding them under their arms- in game gifing couched lance dmg. Before that they used shorter, lighter spears, which were mainly used from "free hand" as later uhlans.). Comming back to polish bows- the simple bows couldn't really be too big threat for an armoured knight. It could hurt horse of course, but if you wanted to get a knight down, you should have an english Longbow, or crossbow, or eastern composite (reflex) bow. I'd give the polish infantry crossbows instead of bows :smile: Bows were more often used on battlefields by pagans (Prussians, Lithuanians, and others), but those light bows could be a menace, when fighting guerilla style. Only Russians used great composite bows, and they actually got them as influence from Tartars ...I think.

As for lamellar over maille... Note, the cost of this armour. The price of such armour doubles. Conclusion? That wasn't standart for every druzhinnik in every principality.
Note also the shape of maille. Western knight in XIII cent. was covered over entire body. As I recall (nor russian armour specialist) Their heavy cav. was still uncovered at arms, hands, legs, most helmets were open (without faceguard). And, if i'm not wrong, the lance was nat as popular as in western realms. Result? I doubt, that russian cav could not take down western cavalary head on in most cases. I also think, that in this mod lancers, and heaviness of armour on tartars is not right too. Their strength was mobility, ranged attacks, "dirty tricks"- everything bound with discipline not known to feudal armies, or russian principalities druzhinas.
Lance to the belly- even plate armour wouldn't help in most cases, so lamellar over maille isn't decisive factor. It helped aganist bows, yes, improved survivability even on composite bow and crossbow, as well as melle weapons (apart of lance). The western full maille (guys were covered in them as in pyjamas with hood :razz:) Covered entire body. Even hands had in XIII century attached mitten gloves, so there was not inch of body in the open. Actually- In my humble oppinion the crusaders would be heavier armoured than Russians. Maybe Poles were not, because we were not as wealthy as Teutons, but still our armour couldn't suck that bad :smile:

Pot helmet- I'm not sure for english term for this helmet. It's "hełm garnczkowy"- XIII century full helmet, worn only on head, not resting on shoulders as XIV century Great helmets did. (Just to say so).
They should be main head cover for heavy lancers of the catholic states. Also riders of Poland can use open kettle helmets, "norman" helmets, and yeah, if you really like this phrigians so much... them too. Still, i can't stress enough- those phrigians were rare helmets, in this part of Europe every use of them is depicted at some ruler's head, not common knights (as far as i know- might be wrong). And I actually am sure, that their manufacturing cost some more than norman helmet, and I'm 100000% sure, that more than kettle hat helmets! (There are written sources with prices in Teutonic order arsenals. Kettles were most common and cheapest throughout entire late medieval times).
My oppinion is, that Poles preferred Kettle hats (not only infantry!) and simple chainmaille hood. 1st half of XIII cent. could be dominated by norman and ribbed- norman helmets. There should however be lots of pot helmets as well. Phrigians should be exotic curiosities in my oppinion, not the main head cover for any nation!

Now I got'cha JoG. I'm not sure about exact place from which comes 1 helmet, but the middle one was found in Thorn (as i recall in archaeological exploration of old city's moat). It's dated on second half of XIV century, not XIII century! (Where did You find this date?) and it's not russian piece of equipment, it's teutonic Pickelhube. Yes, it's these are quite hot issue in polish science at the moment. It's type of helmet, which could be characteristic for pagan Prussians, than captured by the Order, and used later on as their characteristic headgear. (Some written sources from polish king Kazimierz Wielki processing in court with Teutonic order say of witness, who said, that Teuton's raided his village, and he knew them by seeing those "Prussian helmets") Moreover! This helmet as newest- top- notch not yet publicated findings show were actually helmets with movavle visor! (polish- przyłbica) and were one of the first actually- used probably in same moment as bascinet with dog- face visor (hundsgugel). There is a painting in church in Strzelniki in the lands, that did belong to Teutonic order. Painting is in quite bad shape, and are now being worked on, by one on my colleagues under prof. Marian Głosek. (This http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strzelniki,_Warmian-Masurian_Voivodeship ,not Strzelniki at Silesia :razz:) Sorry, but there is no photography of this painting in web. Look for publication of graduate work comming from Lodz University about these Pickelhube helmets if You're curious enough. (I think the book's not ready yet, and I'm not even sure if it will be printed after all :razz:).
The rider on the right is from the seal of Trojden of Masovia, dated on XIV century. This helmet is not Russian, it's also pagan (most likely Lithuanian), and the rest of his equipment is characteristic for pagans as well- vide; small cavalary pavisse shield (PLEASE INCLUDE THEM IN MOD! IT WOULD BE LOVELY :grin:) They are in pagan lands- Prussians, Lithuanians, and in Masovia allready in XIII century! Rest of the world has them, as well as big infanrty pavise shields in XIV century- it's characteristic piece of Husite warrior equipment) and lamellar armour.
As curiosity- simillar prince's outfit is also shown in Ziemowit of Mazowia's seal dated on 1343 AD, and Lithuanian prince Kiejstut (Kestut Gedyminowic) from 1379 AD.
Concluding: These were used not by "polish" knights, but Masovian knights. Masovia at that time had more in common with Russians, than with Poles. Maybe kicking You over semantics, but these were the Baltic tribes armament, kind of similar to Russian, but still quite different.

I was talking about those slavic helmets- similar to our X century "Szłom wielkopolski"- (now called "Szyszak" in polish) type helmet- this one: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/11/Polish_helmet_from_X_century.PNG Similar slavo- iranian line of helmets were widely used in Russia, they were nicely published by Anatolij Nikolayevich Kirpicnikov. I happen to know, that the mod creators base the russian armament on his, and other russian scientists work. They however are unable to find polish scientific publications (for ex. Nadolski, Głosek, Nowakowski, Zygulski etc.) and even, when they'll find it- most of their works are only in polish, so they don't understand much of it :sad: As for polish people- try going to library, preferably belonging to some university, which has institute of archaeology, maybe try libraries at archaeology museum- these publications are easily obtainable in there :smile:
So, as You can see- saying, that this type of "szyszak" helmets were used in XIII cent. Poland is complete nonsence!!

As for the emblems- maybe drop the XV century stuff, and try land coats of arms. These were created in XIV century, when Poland was reunited by Kazimierz Wielki.
There is also some table with the oldest polish knight coats of arms. I'll try to find it and post somewhere.
For beggining- this is site of one of the doctors in Lodz University History Institute. http://warsztathistoryka.uni.lodz.pl/miniatury_lodzkie/polskieherbyziemskiewstatutachjanaaskiegoz1506r.html
Here you have some decent heraldry pictures, for example nice view, how polish white eagle was evolving :smile: The particular linked picture is depicting polish lands coats of arms at the beggining in XVI century.
http://warsztathistoryka.uni.lodz.pl/podstrony/galeria.html Here's link to this sites complete gallery index. It's advisable to know polish to use the site properly :razz:
http://warsztathistoryka.uni.lodz.pl/galeria_orzel/005.jpg Here's some nice depiction of 1230 AD princely seal. Early pot helmet on prince's head, an eagle already used on the shield. We however don't know the colour. There is even some written source... german as I can recall, saying, that Poles from Silesia, fighting with German emperor as auxiliary forces aganist Bohemians ? (I'm really not sure of this- i don't remember well :razz:) used black eagle or the back of their standart was black... Something like this :smile: Just- i beg of you! Don't make all the wappenrocks (this fabric tunic on armour) coloured in Polish modern colours. It's inadvisible due to lack of organisation as a single military force, these men armed themselves individually, they didn't have any orders on how should they be dressed. Don't make them look same. There were no uniforms, and confusion on the battlefield was common. People fought under standards, and it was main factor of identificating particular unit. (That's why at the battle of Grunwald Teutons captured polish main banner it was so disastrous. If they hid it- it would be signal for all polish forces to retreat. The battle would be lost).

Kalash- 1. Sorry to say, but you're wrong agreeing with JoG :smile:. As you see- russian helmets later than X- XI century in Poland- complete bull**** :grin: Try wearing such helmet at some tournament in XIII century as Polish knight. The organizers won't let You in! It's completely out of discussion!! Wearing those masovian XIV century high kettle hats is not a good idea either :smile:
2. How did you come up with that exact date? :grin: There are "Szłom wielkopolski" type helmets which are of russian origin, and as achaeological artefacts they predecess the beggining of XI century.- google it. It was prof. Nadolski's oppinion, that they were manufactured in Wielkopolska, but nowadays scientists don't believe it and see these helmets as russian imports.
3. I am from Poland. What shouts are You talking about? I might be able to help, but I must know with what exactly :smile:
Maybe go to the bar for some football match- It could give great, ferrocious battlecries there, lol :razz:
4. Kalash, some posts back You wrote, that some1 told You, that Poles wore scale armours. There's completely no evidence on that. There is no evidence of any1 using leather armor as well (I can tell you, I saw lamellar from boiled leather. It was light as a feather, and actually offered nice protection. I'd be surprpised if they wouldn't be in use in early medieval armies. However- for example in knight reconstructions, there are no

Some thought of mine, which You should understand: You're trying to reconstruct polish XIII century battle art. It's hell of a tough task, and many generations of scientists were trying, and still try to do. When i say something, that I'm sure- You can trust it, because it's outcome of really great mind's years of work. (Not mine of course xD I mean archaeologists and historians, the scientists :razz:)
You probably don't know the methods, that are used to reconstruct the visual picture of polish forces of this period. Yet still you managed to do "something", which is admirable as it is :smile:
(sorry if that sounds arrogant- it was not my intention)

http://www.xiazeca.pl/index.php?strona=galeria&impreza=ilza&rok=07 Some random link with pictures of some reconstructional fraternity. The guys were involved in biggest polish XIII century reconstructional tournament at Iłża castle. You could try look in those reconstructioners equipment, however note, that their coats of arms are fictional as far as i know, and that there is one knight from XIV century in this picture. (The one dressed in yellow).

Keep up the good work! Regards.
Im not sure whether it would be possible to do but seeing as its Eastern Europe is there a chance of seeing some Jews, Armeniens and other such nations walking around city streets and running shops? If my sources are correct than the thirteenth century already saw a lot of merchants in the region being from such regions and just thought that it would add to the atmosphere if you saw some bearded merchants/slavers in fox fur caps haggling.

Coat of arms; I'm not going to say anything about those of the Crusader/Rus and nomad characters but according to what I know the Poles already pretty much had an established set of coat of arms that didn't change to this day consisiting primarly of lines, curves and other such figures so perhaps instead of the ones in the mod some banners using actual coat of arms?

Again I don't mod so I don't know what is possible to do and whats just a pain to change at this stage of the process, just thought I'd sling some ideas that I thought would improve the historical nature.
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