Why are noldor Included?

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I was wondering why the ancient cursed elves of the Noldor from Tolkien were included in this mod, was it that this dimension is a combination of other fictional works as the old man planned or something else? Please forgive me if I offend the community.
Have you read the history that saxondragon posted at the introduction thread?
if not, please read it, it explains a lot of things.
If you have and still have this question then, let saxondragon explain to you, as the history is made by him.

Strategyman said:
I was wondering why the ancient cursed elves of the Noldor from Tolkien were included in this mod, was it that this dimension is a combination of other fictional works as the old man planned or something else? Please forgive me if I offend the community.

Great question.  While the word "Noldor" does apparently coincide with Tolkiens work, the meanings are quite different, in fact, they are opposite.  :grin:  That part of the story is coming soon and it will answer all your questions regarding the Noldor, the war of the Titans as it is called by the Historians of Pendor, and will frame the larger picture of what is happening.  I know for myself, it has raised the hairs on the nape of my neck.


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