What the Hell?

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Chel said:
Tamerlan said:
Banastre said:
I played this mod, and I must say, it's bloody awful, and one of my main complaints was the speed of horses. I mean, what the hell? They run at 150+ MPH so it seems. They move so fast it literally gave me a headache once I exited and things weren't in hyper-speed.

Seriously, was there any realism put into the mod? Charms, fallen spirits, walking dead, hyper-animated battles, faster-than-the-speed-of-light horses? The map textures and new character textures are hideous, hit detection is flawed, and the AI is only slightly better than before.

This isn't some sort of spam rant torpic, it's a serious question. I heard this mod made the game much better, but in my opinion, it's absolute rubbish. Why were such features such as unrealistic speed and magic elements implemented?
Don't like it? Don't play it. Considering highest download rating of that mod on MBRepository most of M&B fans won't agree with you.

So just keep walking your own way. Your comments arn't welcomed here.

no need to turn people away.

Banastre, the mod was made with a few goals in mind:
1. make combat more interesting by making it faster paced and introducing many new elements into it that the player has to think about.
2. make character development paths more equally powerful and therefore more varied (im talking about naked footman vs armored knight), make gameplay more interesting.
3. make every battle count -- player death.

The way M&B combat is in Native, it is just trading blows. It has to be faster -- that is more realistic. The horses are not too fast, their speed is also more realistic. You can check it by riding a horse and then walking the same distance, time it and see how many times a horse is faster on average. Other than that, this is not a historical mod, but I do not consider it fantasy as well. There is no magic. It does not use RCM, but i does have a completely re-written item/armor/combat parameters that in some ways are similary to RCM by chance.

Have a look at these videos if you haven't already, I think they show what the mod is about:

if you don't like the new textures and the whole look, I understand, but I actually find it more visually appealing than native, and most mods. I tried to use good-looking items and dress troops well.

Perhaps if you give the mod another try, you will find you like it more. I know that I cannot really play any other slow-paced combat mod after this. Some others as well. If not, thanks for trying, and your feedback. You're not the only person to find the mod not to your liking.
Wow. Chels nice and talented, bet hes not american :lol: just kidding, I'm american too.

Alexandros said:
Knifiel said:
All that i change is blood. It 10 times more now :smile:
yup :grin:
yeh bloods pretty crazy, especially a head shot with a titan bow :mrgreen:
The horses are actually to slow compared to real life, to make them as fast as a real horse you would actually think that they where moving to fast. I like the mod but have (almost) stopped playing since I have gone as far as I think I can without having the quests and the Brotherhood. I am still checking this thread twice a day though just in case he finished the mod while I was sleeping or working =))

Realism is relative, You can do a mod that seems that it is very real but truth be told if anyone made it "real" most would shun it since it would seem as if it was totally unrealistic. Horses where (are) fast, faster then you can imagine, and the first two defensive lines (unless they where pikemen, then only one line) would most likely be destroyed in one good charge holding against a trained squad of cavalry. But how many of us would actually play a mod where you had to recruit at-leased a third of ones troops after every battle do to death. Realism means that if you get hit by an arrow your down, no more fighting in that battle. So if any troop got hit by an arrow that would mean instant unconscious or death. And then you have to count sickness, 20% (at the very leased) of your army would be on the disabled list constantly. Realism sounds fun until you actually start thinking about it.

And kudos to Chel for not supporting the flamers even though they where "defending" his mod. And thanks Chel for a very entertaining mod, cannot wait for the final version =)

C. Nim
I'm a bit late to the party here, but it might just be that he went on the "keriget prince" one? The one with the insane horse haha. In that case, try some of the other classes, but if not, bugger off :razz:
I registered because of this mod! Woo! It's amazing, can't wait for it to be done.
Banastre said:
Yeah, horses running so fast (maybe 200 or more MPH) the animations are glitchy are completely realistic.

Try making a better mod than this man.  :wink:

I don't care much about realism although I find the speed of horses in this mod realistic. It's not 200 mph, it's about 25 mph as it should be. Also the combat is fast paced and interesting compared to the "I can kill anything by level 5" version of native. 

EG is M&B for me, I can't imagine myself playing the game anymore without this mod.

Again, Thank you Chel for this very, very good job.

and please, include the Onyx in the next version, I like them more than morale
Banastre said:
I played this mod, and I must say, it's bloody awful, and one of my main complaints was the speed of horses. I mean, what the hell? They run at 150+ MPH so it seems. They move so fast it literally gave me a headache once I exited and things weren't in hyper-speed.

Seriously, was there any realism put into the mod? Charms, fallen spirits, walking dead, hyper-animated battles, faster-than-the-speed-of-light horses? The map textures and new character textures are hideous, hit detection is flawed, and the AI is only slightly better than before.

This isn't some sort of spam rant torpic, it's a serious question. I heard this mod made the game much better, but in my opinion, it's absolute rubbish. Why were such features such as unrealistic speed and magic elements implemented?
You can't damn any mod or game for being unrealistic. The word just means "contrary to our experiences", not "stupid" for a game, book etc. In a good fantasy, heroes do something and what they do results in weird but well-designed, coherent and relevant events (at least this is a realistic rule). For example, if you just replace magic with medicine, it doesn't damage the actual substance.
EDIT: Do you also damn the LotR series?
EDIT 2: Indeed, what the hell?
About your signature:

The Conspirator said:
1+ 1/2 + 1/3 +...= A 
2+ 2/2+ 2/3+...= 2A
(2/2+ 2/4+ 2/6+...)+(2+ 2/3+ 2/5+...)= 2A
                A        +        A                = "
Yet 2/2+ 2/4+ 2/6+...< 2+ 2/3+ 2/5+... 
The only solution is counting A INFINITE.

That sum from 1 to n can be written as
A = Σi(1/n) from i=1 to n

If n is infinite then 2/2+2/4+2/6+... 2/n IS equal to 2+2/3+2/5+...+2/(n-1) because n is infinite. In that case you can't calculate the exact value of A but you can tell with as many decimals as you want the value of A. I.e you decide if you will stop adding at n=1000 or n=10000 or whatever.

If n is finite, i.e n=100 or something, then 2/2+2/4+2/6+...2/100 IS NOT equal to 2 + 2/3 + 2/5 + ... + 2/99 and both are NOT equal to A.

For n = 20, A = 3,1823
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