Stealing Horses: Most Profitable Venture West of the Missouri

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Jean Plassy

Sergeant at Arms
Has anyone noticed as to how easy it is to rake in cash just by getting a few looting skills and then stealing & selling horses on the market? I've done that with my latest Mexican character, kept milking the villages and forcefully extorting them, and I managed to rake in 300 dollars just with this, most of it coming from the horses. I didn't even try the Indian or the American villages, which I intend to spare anyway.

Other than that, the only thing that gives more money than horses, are guns, especially if they are sold in Indian or Mexican territory. They can't be that easily obtained though.
Stealing horses is profitable only in the early game. Later, you make much more money from looting guns. Try supporting a large quality army with horse theft - not enough.

BUT, there should be more consequence for horse theft. Perhaps a chance that a group of vigilantes/lawmen spawn and chase you? This is better than fighting 50 farmers with pitchforks. Or they can spawn and chase you after you slaughter the farmers. Not so easy anymore and more chance for banditry action.
I like the idea of having deputies pursuing you. Preferably all on horseback, since they know a horse thief travels fast.
IIRC, you get a posse after you after robbing the El Paso bank - maybe that could be generalised more?
There should, I think, be a bounty-, imprisonment- and prison-busting-system. That way, faction celebrities could be chasing each other around the map, springing their comrades and prioritising the high-bountied criminals. With bounties assigned by how many people hate the nasty guys in question  :grin:
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