Speeding up animations

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Movements in Warband are realistic so they are kinda slow. I want my character and every single npc to walk,run and fight way faster even in early levels. I also want to make jumps higher and able to cover a greater distance. How can I do these things using the module system?
Here's a piece of code from module_animations:
 ["stand_greatsword", 0, amf_client_prediction,
   [6.0, "greatsword_cstance", 0, 91, arf_use_stand_progress|arf_cyclic, 0, (0, 0, 0), 0.25],  
If I'm not mistaken, to speed up the animations you should lower the 6.0 number that is after the second square bracket.

To make jumps higher, you might want to edit the animation itself and drag the bones more along the Z axis.
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