Reparations and minorities.

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Master Knight
So, in English today, we were discussing how the Canadian government gave reprimands to Indians for what they had been put through with being relocated and put into schools. My English teacher goes on to say how we should reprimand blacks, and other minorities that have been oppressed throughout history, and it's kind of stupid, if you ask me.

I came here to have some insight, you guys are all smart (well, some.), And this seems right up taleworlds alley.

Here is what I came up with:

Q: Should we give similar reprimands to Indians and Blacks? (Yes or No)

A: I don't care. The past is the past. Why should I give monetary settlements to all of the ancestors of the people who were oppressed? Doing this causes people to want even more money, and they will continue to want more. Similar to how if you give a dog food, they expect it from you. So, me apologizing for something that happened 150 years ago or more, shouldn't be into consideration. It'll muddy up the past, and people will ***** even more on the subject.

This is a lot like how Racism works in the US. The blacks aren't the ones that pull the racist card. I've seen many times, white people make clear jokes about Blacks. Racist jokes, and the blacks laugh (if it's clearly a joke. If they are purposefully offending with it, yeah. Different story.). The blacks find humor in themselves. The ones that don't see the humor are the uptight white people with sand in their vagina.

So why should we give money when they live a free, and equal life as whites? They have the exact same chances, and no matter how poor you are, there is a white person who is just as poor. They get all the benefits as whites, and they receive the same fair education too. (Courtesy of the Public Education system [If our education is good or not, is a completely different topic.])

He also started talking about how whites should pay back the blacks for the civil war, I dunno about you, but I think after the Union army loosing 360,000 men, (mostly white), whites payed a pretty damn high price for their freedom.

This probably makes me a grammar nazi or something, but I suspect you mean reparations not reprimand. Sorry.

As to the question, I don't know if people who have done nothing wrong should pay money to people who have had nothing done wrong to them.
On the other hand, if I inherit money or land my father stole from your father, maybe there is a case for me making right what was wrong.
It's complicated.
Voutare said:
So, in English today, we were discussing how the Canadian government gave reprimands to Indians for what they had been put through with being relocated and put into schools. My English teacher goes on to say how we should reprimand blacks, and other minorities that have been oppressed throughout history, and it's kind of stupid, if you ask me.

I came here to have some insight, you guys are all smart (well, some.), And this seems right up taleworlds alley.

Here is what I came up with:

Q: Should we give similar reprimands to Indians and Blacks? (Yes or No)

A: I don't care. The past is the past. Why should I give monetary settlements to all of the ancestors of the people who were oppressed? Doing this causes people to want even more money, and they will continue to want more. Similar to how if you give a dog food, they expect it from you. So, me apologizing for something that happened 150 years ago or more, shouldn't be into consideration. It'll muddy up the past, and people will ***** even more on the subject.

This is a lot like how Racism works in the US. The blacks aren't the ones that pull the racist card. I've seen many times, white people make clear jokes about Blacks. Racist jokes, and the blacks laugh (if it's clearly a joke. If they are purposefully offending with it, yeah. Different story.). The blacks find humor in themselves. The ones that don't see the humor are the uptight white people with sand in their vagina.

So why should we give money when they live a free, and equal life as whites? They have the exact same chances, and no matter how poor you are, there is a white person who is just as poor. They get all the benefits as whites, and they receive the same fair education too. (Courtesy of the Public Education system [If our education is good or not, is a completely different topic.])

He also started talking about how whites should pay back the blacks for the civil war, I dunno about you, but I think after the Union army loosing 360,000 men, (mostly white), whites payed a pretty damn high price for their freedom.

No, because the ones that are the first to claim the land isn't always entitled to it afterwards till the end of time.

Yes, because it's not like you'll notice anything different if the money that would go to the first nations went somewhere else.

And I think they would like you to refer to them as the First Nations or the natives of North America, Indians are technically residents of India.
I demand that the Italians repay me for the time the Romans came over and killed all the Druids and such. It's the least they can do.

If a group is still significantly affected by what happened in the past, then I guess a bit of repayment is in order. Otherwise, it's just silly.
**** no.

It's one thing for the very people responsible to pay reparations to the very people they've hurt (Japanese US citizens during WW2 being the perfect example) but people who may or may not be descendants of the oppressors paying it to people who may or may not be the great great great grandchildren of the opressed is just a bloody stupid idea.

Edit: Elaboration and spelling.
Reprimands are punishments, right?

Anyway, I think it's incredibly daft to have this generation pay for what another generation did.
Voutare said:
He also started talking about how whites should pay back the blacks for the civil war,
Round them up and slap the *****es so you don't have to go through it again?

tommyboy said:
This probably makes me a grammar nazi or something, but I suspect you mean reparations not reprimand. Sorry.
Reprimand is far funnier though. Public whippings for Indians and blacks until they apologise for being oppressed sons of *****es for all those years.

Alex_Augmented said:
Almost as ridiculous as having Tony Blair apologise to black people.
Not really. Tony Blair should be forced to apologise to everyone simply for being Tony Blair. Arsehole.
Repaying them makes absolutely no sense.

It was not me who enslaved/killed/raped etc. those minorities, no one on this world was even remotely involved in this.
The fact that several generations before me did that has nothing to do with the current generation, it was even considered normal in those days and I dont think most people then where really aware that they did so much harm to other cultures.

And as the OP allready said; if you give them money now, they well see it as their right and you will never be able to remove it. Another question is; how many off those people are REALLY decendants of the enslaved black people?  I think that most of them are close to 50% white/american whatever.

And if the blacks are entitled to repayment, others should too.
Whole south-america? (spanish invaders )
Whole africa? (french/dutch/etc. colonies )
Whole europe? (romans )
All the jews? ( hitler )
etc. etc.
Its just not doable, even if we wanted to. We would lack funds.

I would'nt even think about paying something like that.
Voutare said:
I'm referring to the first nations of Canada:
Q: Should we give similar reprimands to Indians and Blacks? (Yes to first nations, I don't know about blacks)

A: I don't care. The past is the past(The past dictates the present, present events dictate the future...). Why should I give monetary settlements to all of the ancestors of the people who were oppressed?(The money would be for the survivors, not for the dead) Doing this causes people to want even more money, and they will continue to want more(The government needs to admit what happened to these people, the money is there for the affected to help rebuild their lives). Similar to how if you give a dog food, they expect it from you(put yourself in the victims shoes, then see how that comment makes you feel). So, me apologizing for something that happened 150 years ago or more(a lot less actually), shouldn't be into consideration.(You have nothing to do with any of it, you don't have to apologize, its specific corrupt government officials and church officials trying to keep it tucked away where its hard to see) It'll muddy up the past, and people will ***** even more on the subject.(The past is muddied bloodied regardless, its to help those affected to move on with their lives)

The government should reimburse those first nations families who have suffered and lost family members.  They need to admit what the church did to the first nations people.

The church needs to admit what they have done, and continue to do, ruining even their own members lives to keep things hidden...

"The government and churches of Canada, and the tottering culture they represent, can do nothing but commit the same crimes, over and over, all the time pretending they are not. We will win justice and a new life quite apart from them, once we have exposed them for the Big Lie they are, and walked away from them.

Fifty Thousand children can't be wrong.
Short answer: Don't deserve the reparations.

Long answer: Why should I give some random guy who happens to be a minority money just for being born? I didn't enslave him and I didn't do anything to him. I personally caused him to harm. He should work just like everyone else.
I find this post racist.

Being one of the three black people on this forum I also find that it is directly intended for us (Me, Raz, and Horse) And as the MOST blackest I am taking it upon myself to represent on behalf of the rest of us.

We demand reparations for this post. We also demand representation in the administrative field of the forum. We need to add a scoop of chocolate to this vanilla bowl. 

janlulhannes said:
And as the OP allready said; if you give them money now, they well see it as their right and you will never be able to remove it.
No, it's quite easy to remove. You simply state they're not getting any more money, and shoot anyone who complains.

Aendor said:
The government should reimburse those first nations families who have suffered and lost family members.  They need to admit what the church did to the first nations people.
Why? We don't demand reperations from the Danes, Norse, French, Germans or Dutch for their behaviour when they conquered our country, why are the first nations any different? Simple fact is, if your country is invaded then you're generally lucky to still exist. Being treat like a ***** is pretty much par for the course. That's life. If you don't like it, try not to lose the country in the first place ...

The most sinister Mr. Pavlov and The Pavenis said:
We demand reparations for this post. We also demand representation in the administrative field of the forum. We need to add a scoop of chocolate to this vanilla bowl. 
You can have reprimands instead. How's a Gulag holiday sound?
Voutare said:
He also started talking about how whites should pay back the blacks for the civil war, I dunno about you, but I think after the Union army loosing 360,000 men, (mostly white), whites payed a pretty damn high price for their freedom.

First, I will state my bias. I just completed Social Studies 11 Honours last semester (half the school year, for those unfamiliar with our system), and had a teacher who "loved" to point out the ironies and absurdities of modern history. This was an off-hand comment, but nevertheless, she said that the civil war was more about control of government and land, rather than civil rights, and that Lincoln brought it in later, for a multitude of reasons I would guess.

As to the topic at hand, the main problem with reparations is whether to give money or not. Here in Canada, the most success has been in organizing specific programs to repair the damage of past policies. Whilst this may be an expense to taxpayers who, of course, did nothing themselves, the social benefits of having an increased number of well-adjusted, stable citizens outweighs any of the costs, ignoring any moral points. For example, the Indian Act was highly discriminatory and aimed at assimilating the Natives into British Canadian culture. There is now a program for any school child with Native Ancestry to spend time at least once a week with a member of the band they're related to (or general studies if it's unknown) and learn about their culture. In this way, we strengthen the diversity of culture, repair the lost identity of some bands*, and give these children, who sometimes view themselves as lacking an identity or an outsider, something to relate to on a personal level.

*One effect of the policy of assimilation is that the entire social structure of the native bands broke down. With that came collapse, the effects of which are still being dealt with today. If we can aid in the restoration of this social identity, the recovery will be that much quicker, and that much fuller.
Archonsod said:
Why? We don't demand reperations from the Danes, Norse, French, Germans or Dutch for their behaviour when they conquered our country, why are the first nations any different? Simple fact is, if your country is invaded then you're generally lucky to still exist. Being treat like a ***** is pretty much par for the course. That's life. If you don't like it, try not to lose the country in the first place ...

Hmm. That's a good way to look at it, actually.

Sadly, if I said that in class, the teacher would most likely say I'm racist (He already things I am. I said that plumbers made more money when there was segregation).  So, yeah. Make him hate me even more, and I'll get kicked out of class/school for a little while. :grin:

Because we all know bringing up the facts is against the rules, as people have feelings. :/

Lyze- Yeah, I know about how the Civil War came about. It was much more about the slave/free balance, states rights, tariff, and massive split in the government. The reason that the South left was because Lincoln won without a single vote by them. I'd consider that pretty damn unfair too. But hey, live sucks some times. But you can't deny that slavery wasn't a massive factor in it. Hell, Lincoln specifically  addressed Maryland, Kentucky, WV, and Missouri in the Emancipation Proclamation, saying they could keep their slaves just to save D.C.'s ass.
He thinks you're racist for saying that plumbers made more money during segregation. Not only is that amusing, but it's partially true! Double the plumbing to be put in equals double the work. You should send your teacher back to math class. He needs to review.
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