Release 1.191

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Grandmaster Knight
1.191 is a bugfix / small-improvement fix:

1.  Bugfix:  conversations with Companions will no longer cause huge lag.
2.  Possible-but-not-probable bugfix:  made it impossible for attackers to injure themselves, period.  I don't think that will fix whatever caused weird 'skating' under very specific conditions, though.

Small improvements:
1.  Enterprises now have a wider range of payouts.  The more expensive they are, the more consistent the payoff, but the lower the high end is.
2.  Fixed Tournament equipment for the dismounted archer; now starts with axe and shield as well as a bow.

What started out as a mere bugfix release became a major one.  This is a big set of changes.  This release definitely breaks savegames, but that's pretty much the usual for this mod, and by now I presume that unless you're a newbie, it's expected.

1.  Bugfixes:

A.  Units-cannot-die bug is fixed.
B.  Dodging now works, most of the time, even for insta-kills.  It's still not 100% perfect, but it's close.  A side-effect remains; sometimes you're returned to full health, due to the way that insta-death events are handled.  Merry Christmas.  It's not supposed to do it, but it works otherwise like it was intended to.
C.  Fixed error message when forcing villagers to give you goods.
D.  Fixed not getting loot, experience or captives when fighting during a village raid.
E.  Fixed new_trade_system party id bug (I hope- that one was complicated).
F.  Fixed RGL crash with Nord Huscarls.
G.  I think maybe the after-combat summary is fixed, but I'm not 100% sure.  Fairly complicated mess there.
H.  I think maybe the Lord / fief issues are fixed, but again, I'm not entirely sure- it depends on how you get to that dialog.

2.  Changes, additions and improvements:

A.  General tightening of balance for a number of weapons and fixes.  Nerfed double dragon slightly, buffed the flintlock pistol and double flintlock considerably, in terms of reload speed, but dropped the effective ranges.  Fixed a bunch of issues with AOE weapons that were causing them to not operate properly; generally if you hit people with AOE, it will work now, whether they're on a castle wall or on the ground.
B.  Huuuuuuge graphics upgrade.  I mean, really, really huge.  Terrains are back to how they should have been, before whatever got broken because of engine-side changes.  I made use of some new code and techniques to build snazzy new procedural terrains, and made everything look much, much nicer and more interesting.  And then there are all the other graphics improvements:  AO for most armors, which makes them look a bit less flat, AO for faces, which really improves how they look, all sorts of fixes for small graphics glitches and generally, this set of changes added a great deal more polish to what was, prior to the terrain stuff being glitched, one of the more visually-polished experiences in Warband, if I do say so myself.  The mod looks really good now.
C.  Added a bunch of new armors, helmets and things.  Narf's cool Russian stuff is in, including the rigged helmets.  There are Templar armors for males and females, and a bunch of reskinned female armors.  In addition, I used OpenBRF's newest trick to build nice, working female versions of most of the armors in the mod, so women no longer look like Mack trucks when they put on certain armors.
D.  Cool new masks for male and female characters to wear.  They're not common in stores, but if you're patient and look around, you'll find them.
E.  Better explosion effects for some things.
F.  Hand grenades!  Yes, they had them in the Middle Ages- it was one of the first uses of gunpowder.  Maybe next time I'll do the flamethrowers, heh.  They're pretty nasty, and a great equalizer- good for defensive situations or getting out of a crowd.  Not much ammo, though.
G.  New troops of various kinds.  I'll let people figure that out.
H.  Some new Semi-Random battle scenes in the steppes and desert.  Practically all of them feel considerably different because of the general upgrade of the scenery, though.
I.  Various other small things.

Note:  I did not change Heroic Health.  In the end, I decided that it's a crutch that people who think Normal is too easy but aren't ready for hardcore on Mommy need.  I will review that when I'm back.

Now... this time, I really have to go for a while.  I've put off getting my own game going for the last two weeks, because I love this mod and I like knowing that it's working well.  I think that this is a pretty major improvement over where it was at 1.18, and I've tested combat a lot, so I'm fairly confident that it's all working and that the new troops, etc., are all reasonably polished.  I think that any bugs that are still in are probably things that people can live with, and now I need to get back to work on my project.  Please let me know about the bugs that are still happening, and I'll fix them when I get back.  If it's anything super-super nasty (like, game-breaking), contact me through my Forum where I'm working on my new game, and I'll try find time to fix it.  I will be back in 3-4 months, but don't expect to see me here much between now and then; I have a game to prototype, so I'll be a little busy :smile:  If anybody wants to follow the progress on that, see the link- I will definitely want to release stuff often and as early as possible, just like I've done here when I've been available.
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