Need help understanding the roman units

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first of all nice mod
but i have quite some problems understanding which unit at upgrading gets to what
is there something that explains good to me what i can expect from each unit
for example sword men, better swordman, best swordmen
i dont get the whole cohort and legio  stuff (which is better and why, really confusing to me)
the trooptree pic shows me which units i can build but still i now have about 20 different unit types just on the roman side lol
which are best / which i should focus on .. ?!
Can't help you with the outdated version but in the upcoming version you will not have to worry about troop upgrades, I was sick of turning my peasants into killing machines after a week of killing bandits. Now an infantryman stays an infantryman, an archer stays an archer and so forth.

Now you just need a bit of patience.

By mentioning cohorts and 20 more upgrades, didn't you confused this mod with Imperium Romanum? 'Cause that makes this whole situation awkward, both mods are really different...
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