Legio VI *NEW Full Invasion CLAN*

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Teamspeak: http://vip1.freets3.net:10017

Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/LegioVIFerrataFI2Clan

Legatus (Steam Account): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031708574/

High Command

Legatus - Commands legion equal to general

Tribune - acts as high command equal to colonel

Senior Centurion - training to be tribune oversees Cohort equal to major


Centurion - commands cohort equal to captain

Optio - second in charge of cohort equal to lieutenant

Aquilifier - Special 2nd LT who holds the flag

Veteran Legionnaire -

Non-commissioned Officer

Legionnaire -

Discens- equal to 1st sergeant

Tesserarius - equal to sergeant


Evocati - Senior Trooper equal to Corporal

Immunes - Special Trooper equal to specialist

Decanes - training to be immunes equal to private first class

Munifex - normal trooper equal to private

Tirones - Recruit


Tirones Gear
Helmet: Red Legionary Helmet
Legs: Caligae
Chest Armor: Red Roman Armor
Shield: Legio XIIII Gemina m. V. Scutum
Sword: Gladius
Pila: Any
Polearm: Heavy Hasta

Legionaries Gear
Helmet: Red Legionary Helmet
Legs: Single Greaves
Chest Armor: Red Roman Armor
Sword: Gladius
Pila: Any
Polearm: Heavy Hasta

Veteran Legionaries Gear
Helmet: Red Legionary Helmet
Legs: Gutter Greaves
Chest Armor: Red Roman Armor
Sword: Gladius
Pila: Any
Polearm: Heavy Hasta

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