Friendly and articulate discussion thread : )

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Here's the deal, folks.

This is the part of the forums that is specifically designated for on-topic discussions. That means on these boards, you should try to talk about the videogames made by Taleworlds, events organized for those games, etc. As some of you might be aware, this specific board is for a tournament. This discussion thread you seem to have in this board for a tournament, however, seems far too unrelated for it to exist.

The so-called "banter" threads aren't allowed anymore because trash-talking and showing toxic behaviour in general is not something we want to have on the forums. And we certainly do not want such things in the on-topic section where we should strive to create an approachable atmosphere. Even without any toxic behaviour, such threads are counter-productive to the nature of the on-topic areas. We are aware that it is fun to make jokes and talk to your friends but that doesn't mean the forum has to have a chat thread for you to do that. This definitely isn't the place for it. So threads of this nature will be removed.

There are other areas of the forums that accommodates such threads like the aptly named "Off-Topic" areas, and the moderation also has a lax-enforcement policy on clan threads where members are encouraged to interact with each other and represent their clans.

If your initial instinct to this message is to try to troll, insult or spam threads, I will urge you to reconsider. I will also remind you that if you have any objections, comments or suggestions, the moderation team can be reached by emailing [email protected]. You may also choose to send private messages to moderators.

I will lock this thread but will not delete it so this message will continue to be seen. Hopefully one of you can provide me with the wisdom to understand the exquisite collection of seemingly random letters on the post above this one.
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