In Progress Ballista exploit

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Summary: This ballista exploit has been in multiplayer since day 1, it confers an unfair advantage on the user as they are able to safely fire a ballista from behind a barricade, thus making it impossible for ranged classes to snipe them off it.
How to Reproduce: This is done by approaching the ballista from the side, jumping and spam clicking F to use the ballista.
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Hey, i have forwarded the issue to the QA team. Meanwhile, if you have the chance can you please share a video of this exploit so we can further inspect the issue?
I have a video of someone using the ballista here. Unfortunately due to Bannerlord not supporting the ability for players to boot up maps on their own, and requiring an arduous server setup process I was unable to get a video of myself doing the exploit since these maps are filled with players. I hope this is enough, and I hope that plans are put in place to ban exploiters.

I have a newer video detailing someone exploiting this glitch, I wasn't able to do it myself but the video is pretty clear. The name of the person doing it is visible too, I hope this triggers a ban for this unsportsmanlike behaviour.

Hey, i have forwarded the video to the devs for further inspection. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
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