Closed Bad AI targeting using offensive siege equipment.

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Summary: When besieging a town or castle the friendly onagers and trebuchets will actually hit the attacking army going up the ladders resulting in a substantial amount of senseless friendly casualties.
How to Reproduce: Start a siege with trebuchets or onegers and try climbing the ladders to siege the town.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
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Computer Specs: PS5
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The issue you have reported has been forwarded to our QA team for further investigation. We might need additional information regarding this issue, such as screenshots or videos, save files or dump reports. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
The issue you have reported has been forwarded to our QA team for further investigation. We might need additional information regarding this issue, such as screenshots or videos, save files or dump reports. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
I would have to email the videos to you.
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