An idea to make board games useful.

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Currently, playing board games is essentially a waste of time, unless you are playing for your own personal enjoyment. Outside of gambling, there is no reason to play them, and there is even less reason to play against lords in the Keep. So I suggest making it so that if you play a game to completion (meaning you do not forfeit) with a lord, then you should receive a small boost to your relationship with that lord. If you play a game with Ira, and complete it, you would get +1 relationship with her. If you beat her, maybe you could get +2-+5 relationship with her. This could also apply to playing games with companions and clan members too.

This seems simple to implement and would give a real purpose to playing the board games. After all, a good bit of work went into them, and yet few players engage with them because there is no reason to do so.
I remember back during EA playing boardgames with lords netted a small relationship bonus if you won and some steward xp. Is not the case anymore?
I know I have never gotten any relationship with a lord while playing with them. Though I have not beaten a lord either. Lol. So it is possible it does give you some relationship bonus if you beat them and I just haven't had a chance to see it yet. But it should give you a bonus for just playing with them. That way, you can become friends with someone by just spending time with them, even if you suck at a game. Just like in real life. And it isn't like losing the game on purpose would be faster than actually trying to win. So that wouldn't be an exploit or anything.
I did not check if you gain any Stewardship XP. I will have to check that later to see. You'd think you would get charm skill or tactics skill instead though. That would make more sense. Haha
I know I have never gotten any relationship with a lord while playing with them. Though I have not beaten a lord either. Lol. So it is possible it does give you some relationship bonus if you beat them and I just haven't had a chance to see it yet. But it should give you a bonus for just playing with them. That way, you can become friends with someone by just spending time with them, even if you suck at a game. Just like in real life. And it isn't like losing the game on purpose would be faster than actually trying to win. So that wouldn't be an exploit or anything.
I did not check if you gain any Stewardship XP. I will have to check that later to see. You'd think you would get charm skill or tactics skill instead though. That would make more sense. Haha
Maybe it could contribute to tactics a bit, because some of the board games are pretty hard. What they could do is have easier games give less relationship and less tactics while harder games give more of both.
If you play a game with Ira, and complete it, you would get +1 relationship with her. If you beat her, maybe you could get +2-+5 relationship with her.
Do lords have different personalities like in warband? It would be amusing if some lords liked you more when they win, or even dislike you when you win because they are a sore loser. :shifty:

Anything that improves the tactics skill would be welcomed by me! That is the slowest skill I have ever tried to learn in the game... slower even than the trade one!
At the beginning of the game, you can win 500 coins in each city, and by playing with the nobility you can improve your relations.
Now you can tell the developers your ideas, but they don’t go into this section.
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