4500 man armies.........

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My faction, Roman Empire of Nicea was pounded into the dust by crusaders and Il-khanate, when they both showed up sieges cities with 4500 soldiers each, this is absolutely terrible, and impossible to fight. How in ******** hell does anyone fight that?

And on top of that, since all the provinces have been taken, my king is nowhere to be found, so I'm forever stuck serving him. I am so sick of having to restart or abandon these campaigns because of stupid ****ing bull**** every goddamn game.

I have no choice but to give up this mod altogether.
Being a vassal, your faction should be able to muster at least a couple of hundred troops combined (even when small) and that's all you need to repel basically any attack. Just crank the battle size up as much as possible (either via ingame slider or if your system can stomach it > Battle Sizer) and see the hapless attackers getting murdered in the thousands.

In all seriousness though: the AI when attacking is at a major disadvantage because for whatever reason it doesn't make use of ranged units, so you block the choke point and the can't do much about it. That way you can repel an army while having only a fraction of their forces, usually around 1/5 is very safe. Considering that castles/cities already have a garrison, you normally only have to bring a couple of hundred guys along. And as an added bonus, grab a bunch of throwing spears, position yourself on one of the towers to the sides and level up your throwing skill and get insane (!) XP per siege. Free ammo refills ftw!

And you're not even exploiting for all of this, you're just playing a part of the game that is still kinda broken :smile:

Edit: Take a look at https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,340010.0.html, I briefly describe the legit way how to do it there. I managed to reduce the defenders-to-attackers ratio to about 1:10, that's why I'm asking for a fix in the thread, because there simply is no way you can loose a defense when using that strategy.
There is an option within "Camp - Mod Options" that allows you to change how effective a marshal is in gathering the vassals of a realm. Change it to normal and see how it goes. However think that, by doing that, you might not see many sieges led by the marshal due to a lack of men AND the increased garrison numbers in this mod.
I ended up giving up the campaign, still couldn't find my king and couldn't defend Constantinople against multiple waves of 4,500 men with 300 men.
I'm going to try out that spear mod and cheat myself to the same level I was. Guess I'll have to redo all my relations with lords and get another wife, again...
Two suggestions; edit the siege scene and add what you want, or play with the friendly fire mod option.

Best option would be editing the scene, this will take a while and is painfully awkward to start using. There will also be framerate issues if you add too much though.

Friendly fire mode is obviously how they intended the mod to be played, hence the attacking range units set to 'hold your fire'.

What we need is to update a scene each and share. Maybe this has already been done, but there are too man posts to look through to find it!?
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