
  1. Pourquoi je ne peux pas recruter de garnison dans certaines villes

    Bonjour à tous , J’ai une petite question alors j’ai capturer plusieurs villes mais malheureusement pour certaines je ne peux pas avoir de garnisons alors quels sont pratiquement max de partout la seul ou je peux avoir une garnison c’est la plus petite quelqu’un aurait une explication ? Merci
  2. Andreypride

    In Progress The salary limit is not working correctly

    Summary: When setting the salary limit, the percentage of salary reduction from buildings (castle), governor perks and party leader is not taken into account. The current salary displays the salary with bonuses, but the limit does not. If the salary limit is set the same as the current one, then...
  3. Andreypride

    In Progress Bug with prisoners?

    If a village or city makes a sortie, then prisoners appear at the garrison and the militia and do not disappear, although they are absent in the prison. - After siege sortie...
  4. LioneI

    Suggestion - the garnison recruitment system, almost good.

    In my last playthrough, I have faced this annoying feature with garnison recrutement. I had a lot of fiefs and they all kept recruiting new recruits to my garrisoned troops, which I couldn't afford to maintain. Therefore, I started to limit the "Party Wage" of my garnisons so they won't recruit...
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