
  1. Lornloth00

    SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Auto Equip for companions and clan members plus video demo

    In Warband many mods gave the player the ability to automate equip items on characters so that the didn't have to worry about any tedium of keep track of it. Here are some video's from Warband mods that demonstrate this so that you can show the developers and example. I am certain that most...
  2. vth_Musketeer

    SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Please allow me to equip my companions who are leading parties

    My recommendation is somewhat related to this post: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/player-parties-ai.446406/ However, my recommendation is very specific. If nothing else, Taleworlds would you please allow us to equip our companions who are leading parties. Right now, if I want...
  3. frozenpainter

    Troops Equipmant

    In module_dialogs, I want to change a troop equipmant, I used this [anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [(this_or_next|is_between, "$g_talk_troop","trp_kingdom_recruit","trp_harzem1"),(is_between,"$g_talk_troop",mercenary_troops_begin, mercenary_troops_end),], "I want to manage your...
  4. Cannot equip any armor or weapons to my companions or myself.

    I am trying to change my armor, but the problem becomes I cannot put anything on. It acts like it will be put on in my inventory, but as soon as I close out of my inventory it un-equips it. EDIT: I'm an idiot. You have to press "done" at the bottom of your screen to save the loadout changes. I...
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