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  1. Gottfried von Berlingen


    Anyone into it?
  2. Gottfried von Berlingen

    70000 Tons of Metal

    Metalheads, did you all listen/watch to this masterpiece? lol I'm watching the others. It's the first time I see Johan cleansinging. edit The 70000 Tons of Metal I'm talking about is obviously the festival, but especially, the covers that the bands...
  3. Gottfried von Berlingen

    What do you play?

    Simple, what do you play? If possible, post a pic/video of you playing or just the instrument. I play bassguitar, in fact, my father gave me a new today, and a amplifier.
  4. Gottfried von Berlingen

    PoP Compatible

    I want to know which mods are compatible with the last version of PoP. Not the graphical ones, I want tweaks, etc I tried some tweaks that I use in native: Joining sides even with negative relationship points, I add more difficulty to villages/towns grow, etc, and hardened almost all the...
  5. Gottfried von Berlingen

    For who would you turn gay?

    I was watching some videos of Jack White. And that came to me. I would turn gay for him. (ornotexactly) Who would turn you gay? Seriously, I would do the sexchange to become a woman, then I would be lesbian for... Hayley Williams  :shock:
  6. Gottfried von Berlingen

    Real Rock Prodigies

    Go away emo kids. Let's talk about these prodigies. I found out 2 only, Gauchos de Acero (Metal from Argentina) and Black Tide, metal hailing from the USA. Gauchos is a power-trio made by brothers. The bassist/singer is only 12 or 13, and can do death growls, the guitarist/singer is 15/16 and...
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