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  1. Post items you would like in AOC II (screenshots of items in progress)

    Waldzios said:
    Uberschwein said:
    Zimke Zlovoljni said:
    Chickenator said:
    I would like to see better turbans for arabian type units those in game suck:
    i agree that they are bad, so I will make some fine proper turbans :wink:

    The last one's an indian turban, not turkish.

    Basically Turban is an English word used to refer to several sorts of headwear :razz:. Its very unspecific.

    Actually, it's only a western adaptation of the turkish word "tulbent".
  2. Post items you would like in AOC II (screenshots of items in progress)

    Zimke Zlovoljni said:
    Chickenator said:
    I would like to see better turbans for arabian type units those in game suck:
    i agree that they are bad, so I will make some fine proper turbans :wink:

    The last one's an indian turban, not turkish.
  3. Post items you would like in AOC II (screenshots of items in progress)

    Zimke Zlovoljni said:
    Well, there will be no rifleman armor in AOC II, or uniforms at general.

    What does that mean? That The troops will be wearing random equipment or that my character will never find any part of the troop's uniforms?
  4. [Suggestion Box]

    Could you make it so that you can't wield guns/bows/crossbows when you're wearing large, metal gloves?
    Or so that you can wield them, but your accuracy and/or reload speed would suffer a penalty.
  5. How to download and install AOC 1

    Besides, they posted a work-around this compatibility issue, just look around this forum.

    later edit: here you go
    open module.ini from mod folder with notepad, and find a line that says:

    works_with_version_min  = 1000
    works_with_version_max  = 1011

    and change it to:

    works_with_version_min  = 1000
    works_with_version_max  = 1131
  6. [Suggestion Box]

    Now imagine a shaved viking vs a bearded viking and tell me who has the beard grabbing tactical advantage.
  7. [Suggestion Box]

    Not really. As a soldier, having a beard or long hair can have negative consequences (i.e. in 1 on 1 fights, it can be grabbed). . But it's not the same for having a mustache (which was also considered to be a sign of manhood in most of Europe), so, after having their beards and hair shaved, most recruits choose to grow a mustache (if they didn't had one already).

    I've been thinking about something, it'd be very cool to see it implemented, but it involves changing the game's mechanics.

    Currently, there is a Shield skill, that can have up to 10 points invested in it, each of which would reduce the damage done to a shield by 8%.
    What I'm thinking about is turning this skill into an attribute, that would upgrade constantly with use (like the weapon proficiencies).

    It seems more natural to improve one's ability of using the shield through constant use.

    What do you think?
  9. Music Suggestion

    borknagar had a better acoustic folk/bm album a while back...
  10. Post items you would like in AOC II (screenshots of items in progress)

    Dual wieldingis featured in another mod, "The Ranger's Apprentice". The dev simply modelled a shield to look like a shield. it has high durability, but you can't attack with it. (and, with all due respect to their work, it looks pretty awful on your back).
    in inventory

    Looks fine to me, but I understand your point....

    Will you be proud in 5 years of the way you wrote this post?
  13. Post items you would like in AOC II (screenshots of items in progress)

    Then Vaegir King == Tsar and Vaegir Vassal == Voivode ?
  14. Post items you would like in AOC II (screenshots of items in progress)

    Well, the Vaegir is an umbrella faction for a lot of Slavic people, not just for Polish. And the term Boyar was used by the Ukraineans, Wallachs and Moldavian people, too.

    But I think that "Knyaz" (or a derivate) would suit better the Vaegir vassals. And "Voivode" instead of "King"  :grin:

    later edit: Oh, and the Hussar armor looks sweet. Zimke did a great job on it.
  15. Any Way to Get a Larger Bullet Clip?

    The devs didn't recommend Morgh's Toolset.
  16. AGE of CHANGE II :Signatures

    [my 2 cents]
    Perhaps it'd look even better if you'd used a different font for the logo. Something less rainbow-y.
    [/my 2 cents]
  17. [Suggestion Box]

    Well, since Wings of Liberty came out today, I think that every computer gaming - related project on this whole world should be delayed for about a month.
  18. [Suggestion Box]

    Don't you think it would destroy the games balance?
    The enemy factions would simply run out of lords.
  19. [Suggestion Box]

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