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  1. Help with shadow distance issue

    I made some chicken walk around the village, and I notice the chicken's shadow become a big circle when I was in the distance. Happening without any shaders, too. Anyone know how to solve this? Like this: There is no issue when I was close.
  2. OSP Medieval 3D Art Narf's Men-at-Arms Armour Pack - UPDATE RELEASED 2016-09-19

    im adding, after im playing the game, helmets not in the player head, its in the horizontally in front
    Check this out.
  3. The part of the code that needs to be added is not available in the module system.

    Searching this "common_battle_order_panel," note the comma. And add like this.
          (5, 0, 0, [
              (call_script, "script_battle_tactic_apply"),
              ], []), #applying battle tactic
    ##### troop_ratio_bar
          (0, 0, ti_once, [], [(start_presentation, "prsnt_troop_ratio_bar")]),
    ##### troop_ratio_bar
  4. The part of the code that needs to be added is not available in the module system.

    In the new version, it might something different. But the source code still working.
    Try to search some contents in that code block, like "(game_key_clicked, gk_view_orders)".
  5. Looking for some axe's model

    First is some Viking axes. Second is in old Indo-Persian Armory pack. I have already checked all old files and the newest update file. They don't have this one. It was in 2021 update version. Found it. Wondering if anyone has these models can share. Or knew any mod has these, I will...
  6. How to Trigger Animation?

    If you know anything else about coding, can I ask you a few more questions?
    You can ask in this forum. If I know that, I will answer you the question. Or maybe anyone can help you.
    I don't have any python experience before.
    All I learned is from this game in these two years.
  7. How to Trigger Animation?

    As of now, the animation is working smoothly, thank you for your help, my friend :smile:
    You are welcome. :grin:
  8. How to Trigger Animation?

    This is a simple explanation for triggers.

    For example:

    player_sit = (

    The red part is the trigger you need to add in any missions you want.
    "town_default" is the mission for town scenes. Tavern scene is in town_default, too.
    And there's more, like "village_center", is for normal village scenes. "lead_charge" is field battle.
  9. How to Trigger Animation?

    Ok, I'll give you an example.


    ["sitting_1", acf_enforce_all, amf_priority_die|amf_keep,
    [18.0, "sitting_1", 3, 301, arf_use_stand_progress|arf_cyclic, 0, (0, 0, 0), 0.25],],


    (agent_get_slot, ":sitting", ":player_agent", slot_agent_sitting),
    (eq, ":sitting", 0),
    (agent_set_animation, ":player_agent", "anim_sitting_1"), # sit animation

    Then first, add the trigger code after "af_castle_lord = af_override_horse | af_override_weapons| af_require_civilian".
    It looks like this.
    af_castle_lord = af_override_horse | af_override_weapons| af_require_civilian
    player_sit = (

    Now, add the trigger to the mission you want. Like if you want to sit in the town. Searching "town_default" and add trigger like this.
          (1, 0, ti_once, [], 
  10. How to Trigger Animation?

    I wrote the code in the module templates file, but I'm getting an error.

    I made two animations as standing_1 and sitting_1. I placed these animations in the resource folder of my mod with open brf. (I created a new resource file for my animations and put my animations in it) then I wrote the code load_mod_resource = my_mod in the module ini file. I wrote the following codes instead of two of the unused_human_anim codes in the module animation file.

    ["sitting_1", acf_enforce_all, amf_priority_die|amf_keep,
    [18.0, "sitting_1", 3, 301, arf_use_stand_progress|arf_cyclic, 0, (0, 0, 0), 0.25],],

    ["standing_1", acf_enforce_all, amf_priority_die|amf_keep,
    [18.0, "standing_1", 3, 301, arf_use_stand_progress|arf_cyclic, 0, (0, 0, 0), 0.25],],

    But I am getting the above error. What would be the reason?
    That's my problem, I can't explain clearly for the tutorial.
    English is not my mother tongue.

    (agent_set_animation, ": player_agent", "anim_standing_1")
    The red part might be the reason for the error. You should add it.

    And you don't need amf_keep flag in stand up animation, that might cause another problem when you stand up. Change it to amf_play and replace arf_use_stand_progress|arf_cyclic to arf_blend_in_1 for smooth animation stand up.
  11. How to Trigger Animation?

    I have a sit function in my own mod.
    First, You need to add your sit animation into module_animations and make sure it have amf_keep flag.
    And you need a stand up animation for cancel sitting, it's like native animation "stand_to_crouch" and "crouch_to_stand".

    Next, add a new slot for your animation in constants. This for check you are sitting or not.
    e.g. slot_agent_sitting = 29

    And here's the code in mission templates. Editing it and add the trigger to every mission you want.
    player_sit = (
      0, 0, 2,
        (key_clicked, key_x),
        (get_player_agent_no, ":player_agent"),
        (agent_is_alive, ":player_agent"),
        (agent_is_human, ":player_agent"),
        (agent_get_horse, ":horse", ":player_agent"),
        (le, ":horse", 0),
           (agent_get_slot, ":sitting", ":player_agent", slot_agent_sitting),
           (eq, ":sitting", 0),
           (agent_set_animation, ":player_agent", "anim_stand_to_sit"), # sit animation
           (agent_set_slot, ":player_agent", slot_agent_sitting, 1),
           (agent_set_animation, ":player_agent", "anim_sit_to_stand"), # stand up animation
           (agent_set_slot, ":player_agent", slot_agent_sitting, 0),
        (try_end)], [])

    (key_clicked, key_x) here to change what key you want to click to sit.
    (agent_set_animation, "X", "Y") this is you make X to do Y animation.

    You might have cam's problem after this. You can find many threads about "mission_cam_set_mode" in this forum.
  12. -- Official Unofficial 'Ask Questions About Warband Singleplayer Here' Thread --

    Is tf_guarantee_ranged affect firearms and thrown weapons in warband?
  13. B Tutorial Other Adding things such as overhead stab, crouching, extra formations options.

    You would need to add an if-clause such way that items with that property are getting that flag.
    Thank you, Seems easy to add. :grin:

    To someone who need it, too. Only add the part between #.
            (is_between, ":item_no", reference_books_begin, reference_books_end),
              (eq, ":extra_text_id", 0),
                (eq, ":item_no", "itm_book_wound_treatment_reference"),
                (str_store_string, s1, "@wound treament"),
                (eq, ":item_no", "itm_book_training_reference"),
                (str_store_string, s1, "@trainer"),
                (eq, ":item_no", "itm_book_surgery_reference"),
                (str_store_string, s1, "@surgery"),
              (set_result_string, "@+1 to {s1} while in inventory"),
              (set_trigger_result, 0xFFEEDD),
    ########## This part ##########
            (item_has_property, ":item_no", itp_is_pike),
              (eq, ":extra_text_id", 0),
              (set_result_string, "@can brace"),
              (set_trigger_result, 0xFFEEDD),
    ########## This part ##########
  14. B Tutorial Other Adding things such as overhead stab, crouching, extra formations options.

    How to make itp_is_pike to be a tag in weapon UI like Bonus against shields?
  15. Is MBrepository dead?

    I asked the content pack's creator about a backup and it turned out there is one, freshly made:
    Thank you so much. I'm glad this OSP pack can rebirth, it has so many beautiful weapons and armors. :smile:
  16. Is MBrepository dead?

    Thanks for noticing. Smaller size files still can download with the Wayback Machine. But large size file like Indo-Persian Pack updating in 2021 seems will dead forever, except developers still have the copy.

    This is so sad to know what was happening, like notice the old game is dead slowly. Very thanks all of developers and administrators in MBrepository.
  17. Is MBrepository dead?

    That is the old version. The newest version seems only upload in MBrepository. But thanks for your reply.
  18. Is MBrepository dead?

    I'm working my own module so hard these month, and I notice MBrepository become connection timed out at least a week. So, is website dead or just in maintenance? Because I really want Dariel's indo-persian armor pack. Hope anyone has the copy file, thanks.
  19. OSP Code Campaign Restoration of a faction

    It should work, but make sure to replace :eek: with :o in the source code because the scripts are not in code blocks and, therefore, not formatted correctly.
    Yeah, I did it. Thank you. :smile:
  20. OSP Code Campaign Restoration of a faction

    Sorry for reply old post and my poor English.
    Is anyone has this code for module system 1.171?
    I already tried the code from this post, floris and KAOS, but they're all not working.
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