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  1. Apocatequil

    [S] Historic Castles Project - the British Isles [Released for Warband]

    There was quite a few legends about Arthur in Northumberland tbh. Mostly they go like
    "Shepard finds hole in ground, follows it untill grand hall"
    "Choice between Horn and a Sword"
    "He picks the wrong one, and a booming voice utters some witty line about his disposition"
    "He's kicked out and can't find the place again no matter how hard he looks"

    There is a legend like this at Dustanburgh Castle and the village of Haltwhistle. However I'm hijacking the thread :grin: I know too much.
  2. Apocatequil

    [S] Historic Castles Project - the British Isles [Released for Warband]

    Looks very nice. Also, I'd say it's from the XI-XIIth Centuries, because of the square towers and the disposition. Is it so?

    Errr..yes, yes it is heh. Cool knowledge :grin:

    To Urlik. I meant if we are talking about warfare really.
    North-East England in general has alot of Castles that have seen much more history but none are so imposing. Which is why I chose it. For example Norham Castle right on the border was more or less under constant siege.

    Yes there was a fort there for a very long time though it was Celtic/Roman and called Din Guardi. Said to be Lancelot's Home, aswell as the legends of King Arthur being buried around there along with alot of other mysticism.

    It did'nt get much action untill the 13-14th centuries where it got alot of Scottish sieges. It never broke untill the Cannon was invented then, like for alot of other castles. It was over for Bamburgh.
  3. Apocatequil

    [S] Historic Castles Project - the British Isles [Released for Warband]

    Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland.
    It's not of much historical importance but damn it look's cool.
  4. Apocatequil


    Lords have their own agendas and can, and will, leave your kingdom if you don't keep them happy as lords.  The "captains" would only be used if you were not king, but a vassal.  Well...I suppose it would work just as well for a king as a vassal.  The idea though, is to still 'control' the companion, but give them a slightly elevated position.  They would not be lords, and would not have their own agendas because they still work for you.  They would do exactly as you tell them to do it, rather than you suggest that they do it.  To further distinguish them from lords, they would still carry your banner and would not be able to lead more than 20 or so troops or whatever was deemed a suitable amoount.  You could "tell" them to patrol an area, rather than ask, although the best you may accomplish is scaring off very small bands of bandits etc.  The captain would an extension of the Lord

    It's a well thought out idea. However if we are going for realism, anyone can technically be promoted to captain by the king. I still don't like the idea of just relying on companions if there are going to be patrols, normal troops should also be able to form patrols aswell.
    Maybe only allow troops to be made into a patrol once kingship is reached...untill then you have to use your companions. Even when you reach king as you say, the captain-companions will still be useful as it means you can have a bunch of lords that will follow your every word without all the red tape.
  5. Apocatequil


    It could be but those would require you to utilize your companions. Although this would place a nice limit on how many patrols you could make. That could easily be coded. I'm talking about stand-alone groups, why would I want captains when I'm a king and can make my companions into lords?
  6. Apocatequil


    I think the ability to create patrols from troops and send them on missions would be rather nice.

    How about the ability to trade money for entire fiefs(vasts amounts) and pay for other lords on loan. Lending their skillls or of course trading entire fiefs for other fiefs.

    Could you add the ability to change faction colour and banner?(the latter requires a waiting period as not to confuse the other kingdoms)

  7. Apocatequil

    [S]1257 AD (improved) - old discussions

    Haha sorry for that low-level comment. I just felt it would have been rude to come out with it especially if I was wrong. I had a hunch they were off was all.
  8. Apocatequil

    [S]1257 AD (improved) - old discussions

    Your choices of settlement for britain seem....strange.
  9. Apocatequil

    SP Fantasy Second Age

    Will you be able to choose faction colour, name and create your own banner?
  10. Apocatequil

    suggestion and plans for the future

    It would be cool if you could use the outpost, entrenchment mods located in the development section.
    Also add the ability to change your Kingdom Name whenever you want ingame. Instead of through files. Custom Settlements I think and another have done this.
  11. Apocatequil

    The Development Thread (Look here for progress)

    Thanks, but native English speakers will notice.

    Who says I'm not one :razz:

    Believe me you have a greater grasp of the language then you think. We tend to get lazy and make spelling mistakes often. We use elision. Those are signs you know what you're doing as Nike said.
    I assure you, you're very good and you may be thinking too much of hyper-correct things that nobody will notice such as an apostrophe being in the wrong place.
  12. Apocatequil

    The Development Thread (Look here for progress)

    - To make sure they are gramatically correct. We had a genius writer a month ago, but he disappeared. Now, neither Cruger nor I are native English speakers, and that's an extra handicap.

    Thanks for the help, anyway. Take care!

    Your English is better than most of the English themselves. No one will notice don't worry :grin:
  13. Apocatequil

    The Development Thread (Look here for progress)

    No castellano?

    No problem.
  14. Apocatequil

    The Development Thread (Look here for progress)

    " Catalan-Finnish"

    Que una combinacion :grin:
  15. Apocatequil

    The Development Thread (Look here for progress)

    You considered some of them :grin:
    I can;t wait to give this mod another run.
  16. Apocatequil

    SP Fantasy Reign of Sword (Rządy Miecza)

    You don't have to add everything at once you know. You can save some stuff for later  :mrgreen:
  17. Apocatequil

    SP Native Rise of the Mercenaries (New screenshots)

    Oooo good luck man.
    Be good to see the outpost mod in something aswell.
  18. Apocatequil

    thorgrims editor crashes when clicking in main window.

    Possible solution for others.
    Seems ATI Drivers can have a slight problem with this. I just updated my drivers and it works perfectly now.
  19. Apocatequil

    Thorgrim's Map Editor v0.9.0 (Updated 20/06/2008)

    Anyone else unable to left-click in the main window with Thorgrim's or know how to fix such a problem?

    EDIT: Anyone who has this problem. Update your drivers.
  20. Apocatequil

    Ideas for Gameplay Enhancement

    Frisicus said:
    Apocatequil said:
    Oh and the Troop Trees seem very...anglisiced still. Try give them native language names?

    It seems a habit to name troops/units according to the native languages, but it makes the unit upgrade paths very complex and irritating to use.
    Imho it is nice if some of a nation's specific units are named according to the local language, this creates a nice atmosphere (f.i. terms as Jinetes, this is a special sort of unit) but for the rest it would be overdoing renaming f.i. a term as spearman in every nations specific language.

    A second fact is that it is incorrect! Languages in those day were not standardized but transitional and the writings were mostly in either Latin or in phonetic spelling using the local dialect.
    E.g. nowadays the Netherlands speak standardized Dutch and Germany speaks standardized German, a shoemaker is in Dutch schoenmaker and in German schuhmacher. However when going as far back as a few hundred years I noticed that the term schoenmaker was only used in Hollland, the Eastern-Netherlands used schoemaker, and in the various German parts terms ranging from schoemacher, schumacher, shuhmacher and schuhmacher were used.
    Ah yeah, I thought I had suggested it before and got a similar answer. It just adds for realism but I understand it would be...irritating doing this for simple units. Special units for native naming seems cool.
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