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  1. In Progress Its still freezing after so much time

    What are you saying? stuttering?! This clearly must be some video encoding problem cause TW can't replicate it and we all are just lyin..
  2. How are You Feeling About Bannerlord and TaleWorlds for the Future?

    I liked the idea of the game and played mb then warband with and without mods. (never multi). Had a lot of fun.
    Fighting mechanics were already good in previous iteration of the game, what I hoped for bannerlord was to give us some depth to other systems(global politics, rpg element(quests, storyline), better thought out system for reinfocements joining mid fight, much better siege). I was truly wrong. We just got old game with better graphics. Some systems got dumbed down, some got overhauled but I don't see any real progress. Mostly regress in sp.
    (they got lots of ideas and each of those implementations doesn't really work.. smithing(totaly not balanced, annoying and giving too much cash with some combos), global economy.. which was supposed to be game changer is very shallow, campaign quests = a joke/tutorial, no real story, quests.. just few of them, terrible siege and terrible map ai)

    I did stay for mp in bannerlord as melee itself is fun, but that too got destroyed by latest patch. Stutterings happening all over the match when there are 20+ players playing which gets worse and worse with more ppl on serv. With latest hotfix(like 3 weeks ago) they fixed stuttering a bit but instead we got new big stutter when ppl spawn. By 'fixed stuttering a bit' I mean.. before it was 100ms without any frames rendered, now its 40-50ms. Nice lil improvement but still ****ing unplayable.

    Before the switch from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 I was playing 'test battle servers' a lot. 60-100 people fighting in 2 teams was no problem. Sure my fps went down from 180 to 80 but I had no stutterings and it was perfectly playable. Now I just quit when there is more than 60 ppl on server as it's unplayable for me. Can't really fight if my screen freezes every 2-3 seconds for 100ms.

    So will I buy next TW game? No ****ing way.
    I will wait for them to release normal non early access title. If it's good I might buy. Knowing what TW did to this game.. they'll never release anything balanced or good. Not with how things work in their company atm. What they have is: good ideas on paper, implementation of those is either too hard or they are too spread out and not informed about other systems (as devs) to figure out how one system will interact with other.

    It started with a couple having great game ideas and we wanted to play it. Now we get ****ton of workers who just want to live from 1st to 1st and even if some of them have a nice vision for the game, it's destroyed by what this company have become. I'm pretty sure mid managment and owners are only caring about money. Well and the 'starting' couple seems to only care for money too now.
  3. That's how queuing on skirmish-eu looks like right now. (most popular ranked region and ranked game mode)

    Started queuing at 13.41(CEST). I had to wait a bit.. a bit more.. then.. a tiny bit more: and still bit more: at this point it's 16.13(CEST). 2 hours 32mins after I Q, I decided to re-Q in case some bug is preventing me from joining a match. Found a game after 22mins at 16:27 but...
  4. We're at the end of Q2 2022. Do you think we are going to have a "Futur Plans V2" ? ?

    Unless the plan is to release the game without all features and add them in later on.

    All patches/paces make this seem to be the plan.
    Unfortunately that's how this will end probably.
  5. Please tighten the accuracy of the throwing axe, it's so bad.

    I don't use throwing axes often but from what I remember they are much harder to aim than other throwables.
    Give them more accuracy, I'm for it.
    Just be sure to make their dmg to shields lower. Right now it's ridiculous. (since last patch? even vs stronger shields). You need 2 axes to fully destroy shield, I don't remember how much dmg one throwing axe does but it's like 80% of shield hp?
  6. Resolved Badge progress not displaying correctly

    Levilop is right, checked this in game and it makes sense now. Not a bug!
  7. Fix ur chat reporting system dud

    I think there is some option in options to disabled all chat. If I recall right it changes player names and avatars/icons into generic ones(or empty ones) never tried it.

    edit: NVM i just checked in options. There is only option to enable generic avatars and another one to enable generic names.
  8. Battle Terrain System: Thank You Taleworlds

    Autocalc for battles is very very simple and I doubt they have engine capabilities to change it now.
    Topic made 2+ years ago on reddit with explanation:
    Just read and see how bad it is :p
  9. Resolved Unable to block with throwable

    Sorry if I got it wrong if this ain't what you mean. If you try to block with throwable equipped and opponent runs into you/touches you, you can't block. Thats how it is by design since game was released. That ain't a bug. With throwable equipped you can block long ranged attacks but that's it.
  10. In Progress login request failed - actual version

    I do have similiar problem at times. I can login perfectly fine, what is happening is that I'm getting logged out while in main menu and looking for skirmish game(happens every 1,5-3mins). It doesn't happen every day. Maybe 1-2 days in 2 weeks, problem persists for 30-90 mins. If I find a game I can play just fine and won't get booted out mid game.
  11. Battle Terrain System: Thank You Taleworlds

    Battle terrain system idea is really great. Problem is with autocalc/autoresolve when ai fights ai on world map. It doesn't take any terrain like that into account. The battle only went differently as you watched it/was part of it. If 2 ai parties fought there without you looking(being in battle) the other party would win :sad:
  12. Question about activation of Mount & Blade (2008)

    Posted 21 december 2021
    Answered 09 july 2022

    What's the point?
  13. In Progress Dead people drop their last weapon/shield, teleportation of those items.

    Summary: So when someone dies their weapon and shield stays at their death spot. Bug is most visible for high speed riding cavalry that dies. Their weapon and shield drops close to their death place then after 0,5-2seconds it teleports much further away where it probably should be in the first...
  14. Resolved Badge progress not displaying correctly

    Summary: Badge progress not displaying correctly. Progress bar is at half but I'm 128 lvl. Badge needs lvl 100. Progress bar is at half. Badge need 1000 wins in skirmish and I have more.
  15. Resolved Armory: cape bug

    Summary: To buy cape you need to have improved armor perk selected but nothing is visible in capes when you have correct perk selected before you open armory. Now I swapped to some other perk and went back to improved armor one (plated armor), I can buy/see capes now properly: Changing from...
  16. In Progress tooltip info wrong in main menu

    Summary: I'm hovering mouse(cursor not visible on screenshot) on team matches. It says everyone need to be in same clan to play there which is a lie. You only need 6 ppl party.
  17. In Progress Estimated wait time doesn't change.

    Summary: When you Q for skirmish or captain you get "Estimated wait time: XX:YY", xx being mins and yy being seconds. This time doesn't change properly or at all. You can Q for skirmish at 3-4 am and wait till 3pm when first game will come up, estimated wait time timer won't budge. Same if you...
  18. In Progress Cannot move or act at all when switching to or picking up a weapon

    Still no idea how this is happening or how to reproduce it but recently in 4 days I saw it 3 times happening. (never to me but others)..
  19. In Progress can't reload xbow

    Summary: Lots of times when you get hit just after you shoot xbow you can't reload it. Mostly seen when hit by cav but got it from inf too. They way to fix it is to crouch and uncrouch then you can reload. It's probably some glitch in animation/pose switching when shooting and getting hit? How...
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