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  1. Murmillo182

    OSP Code Combat Shield Bash kit. Bug fixed and expanded!

    Is it possible to post it here as atext file? I don't know much about the module system, but if it's not possible I'll try that =P
  2. Murmillo182

    Easiest way to make custom troops (no python scripts)

    So, is it actually a mercenary who you can hire in taverns, when you change the faction to "neutral"?
  3. Murmillo182

    Romans... Suck?

    Lord Drake said:
    CrusaderRick said:
    This mod is awesome (Ranks as best mod i've played so far.), I'm currently fighting for the Camulodian Empire. Currently i have a Castle and two villages for fiefs (Finally, a king a gives me the damn castle i fought for).

    At the start, i fought for the Western Romans, believing they where the only ones with Roman units (Found out later that the Camulodian Empire where Romano-British). I stuck by the Imperial Magistrate guy for roughly 3 weeks, fighting against the Saxons. Every battle we went into, we'd have our asses handed to us, even when we outnumbered the Saxons. After many defeats and blood battles, i jumped ship and joined the Camulodians. Can't say that i regret it, the Western Romans have been beaten out of every castle they owned. Every offensive they launched failed. Several times they tried to retake one of their lost castles, but can never seem to win. Now All they have is Londinium, with some 600 or so troops sitting in the city.

    Currently, the Saxons have the largest amount of land, followed by the Pictish Federation. The Camulodian Empire is beating the Camulodian Allies easily, since our Legionnaires that we have are awesome. I currently have 300 troops or so, 200 defending my castle, and another 100 or so following me. Just wish that King Arthur would declare war on the Kingdom of Cornwall. We can beat them, no problem, and with Cornwall's land in our Empire, we'd have control of South West Britain.
    Then start attacking Cornwall's caravans. They'll declare war on you. :smile:
    But only if you got the quest from a camulodian lord to attack two caravans :wink:
  4. Murmillo182

    Romans... Suck?

    Hey, I just wondered why the Western Roman Empire has got Imperial German Bodyguard...
    Can someone explain this to me please? :grin:
    I thought the Germans were more like barbarians at this time :?:
  5. Murmillo182

    Favourite Faction

    Dudro said:
    Haha, thanks, I should have put this up myself :lol:
    No problem :wink:
    I just looked over the topics here and noticed that there is no "favourite faction voting" :mrgreen:
    So I decided to make one :grin:

    Playing with Camulodian Empire and using the formations is awesome :grin:
  6. Murmillo182

    Favourite Faction

    Hey, I really like this mod, it's my favourite :) I just wanted to know with which faction you prefer to play... I really like the Picts because of the body paints :mrgreen: But I often play with the Camulodian Empire, too :wink: So, just vote and post why you like them, or maybe which...
  7. Murmillo182

    Raubritter Calradias

    Erstmal, klasse Mod :smile:
    Sind richtig gute Features eingebaut, vor allem das Wegelagern :mrgreen:
    Gefällt mir sehr :wink:
    Mal eine kurze frage: Wenn man sein eigenes Königreich gegründet hat, kann man dann auch schwarze Ritter, die keine Lehen besitzen in sein Königreich aufnehmen, oder sogar die fünf Thronfolger fragen, ob sie sich dir anschließen wollen?
  8. Murmillo182

    SP Medieval Five Kingdoms(BETA) 1.002 Patch ready!!!

    Queen Tintin said:
    Worcob said:
    Murmillo182 said:
    I love this mod :grin:
    Awesome =)
    By the way the picture that you can see when the game is loading, how did you get it in your mod?
    Cause I just started to make my own mod :wink:
    I'm not sure, what picture?
    I think he means the loading and menu screen pictures. He wants to know how to do them

    Sorry, this post is late. Yes like Queen Tintin said.
    When you start the game and it begins to load: processing INI file, loading textures and those things, There's the picture in the background.
    Could you tell me how you got it in your mod?
    Thank you =)
  9. Murmillo182

    SP Medieval Five Kingdoms(BETA) 1.002 Patch ready!!!

    I love this mod :grin:
    Awesome =)
    By the way the picture that you can see when the game is loading, how did you get it in your mod?
    Cause I just started to make my own mod :wink:
  10. Murmillo182

    Your country, my country.

    Ravenheild said:



  11. Murmillo182

    Unofficial shader fix for Prophesy of Pendor 2.02

    sorry this is a little late.
    Thanks for your responses first. I fixed it now.
    Thank you :smile:
  12. Murmillo182

    B Info 2D More blood (read second post)

    Achilles_ said:
    I have never altered the blood multiplier, I just pasted that into the particle_systems and it seemed to me that the blood flew a little farther, maybe a little bit more but not much compared to native. I stuck an arrow in a guys head once and the blood shot about a foot straight up in the air..looked cool wish i could have captured that screen.

    Nice ;D I also pasted the lines into the particle systems. Looks awesome =) Thank you for posting this Achilles :wink:
    I also changed the multiplier a bit. At first I changed it to 4, but that was way to much xD
  13. Murmillo182

    LSP Medieval 2D Art maw's Armor Pack 1208 UPDATED

    maw said:
    maw said:
    still haven't checked it yet - maybe a couple more days, at least.

    heres the 133 dds converted to jpg, for a short fix.


    you'll need to convert it to a dds. good survival training.

    arab like armors? i got a few in there - though how arab-like is a matter of opinion. whadja have in mind? maw

    I got the same error, but I can't find  :sad:
  14. Murmillo182

    Unofficial shader fix for Prophesy of Pendor 2.02

    Hm that's courios:
    I changed all armors in BRF editor from iron_shader_skin to Skeleton_shader and saved it.
    My problem was that it didn't save it correctly.
    So i didn't saved it under the normal name of the textures, but C/ProgramFiles/M&B/Modules/"ModName"/Ressource/...
    And that's what I wrote in the "name field" when saving it. screwy :lol:
  15. Murmillo182

    B Info 2D More blood (read second post)

    I just tried it for Britain 1297 and it works :lol:
    Thanks for your response anyway :wink:
  16. Murmillo182

    B Info 2D More blood (read second post)

    Achilles_ said:
    Paste this overwriting what previously existed there. goes into your particle_systems.txt  another way to make the blood really fly...

    psys_game_blood 12800 prt_mesh_blood_3  500 0.650000 3.500000 0.600000 0.000000 0.000000
    0.000000 0.700000  0.700000 0.700000
    0.100000 0.200000  1.000000 0.200000
    0.100000 0.200000  1.000000 0.200000
    0.100000 0.200000  1.000000 0.200000
    0.000000 0.015000  0.500000 0.300000
    0.000000 0.050000 0.000000  0.000000 1.500000 0.400000  0.900000
    120.000000 0.000000
    psys_game_blood_2 12800 prt_mesh_blood_3  2000 0.600000 3.500000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000
    0.000000 0.250000  0.700000 0.100000
    0.100000 0.200000  1.000000 0.200000
    0.100000 0.200000  1.000000 0.200000
    0.100000 0.200000  1.000000 0.200000
    0.000000 0.150000  0.500000 0.450000
    0.010000 0.200000 0.010000  1.400000 1.400000 0.200000  0.300000
    150.000000 0.000000

    Is this only comaptiblw with Native or also any other mods?
  17. Murmillo182

    Britain at War Progress. (NEW POLL!)

    Rath0s said:
    Good new, the stuff from the Fire Arrow mod, will be in the next version with 1 invasion by norway.

    Kolba is doing it, he said, "give me 2 weeks".


    So will the mod completely done in two weeks or is it just the fire arrow features included in game?
    I've already read that you're not goin to post any release date but just wanted to ask =)
  18. Murmillo182

    Unofficial shader fix for Prophesy of Pendor 2.02

    I have this problem with the black texture bugs in some mods too, but with armors.
    I tried to fix it but either the armors I want to fix are already in iron_shader_skin or I change it but it doesn't make any difference. :neutral:
    Hope you can help me :wink:
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