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  1. world map still looking dated

    Dude the world map really lol... They already said the game isn't going to be too graphic intense but more so about your CPU... Havn't really seen the map much but it can't be terrible looking..  Probably will be better than you think.. :cool:
  2. [Poll] Co-op, why it's possible and why we should have it.

    Idk if they will or not would be cool... My opinion if Co-op is game breaking could they pull a total war move and force you to always belong on the same team like in Warhammer... I think that's the biggest thing if it isn't added but tbh I don't know if it's planned or not... it be cool I thought a co-op warbands coulda been awesome... I guess a issue would be diplomacy maybe if your not forced on the same team in co-op mode. Multiplayer story mode/campaign is interesting concept nonetheless.. If it's not added cool by me I'll still enjoy it... Game looks really good plus aye we will finally get siege weapons no more slanted ladders... I also wonder if we can swim or sink like a rock lmao  :grin: :grin: :grin:
  3. SP Tutorial Module System Make your own Companions

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Worked flawless... My only issue was the .bat file but I got it working at least in a way XD In my first mod for Warbands I made an item, changed the name of the king of swadia to deez nuttz, made a companion named douche.
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