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  1. Muirhied

    In Progress Server stutters have made MP unplayable

    Yeah I have no lag in single-player as well. judging by the video it seems similar to what I have except magnify that by 3x that much. Again Safemode may or may not work for you. I'd say just try it out. It does seem too simple as a fix though. Seems enabling safemode may be doing something to reset network connections/packets because I get no lag in singleplayer and the lag happens on Those servers only. I have been on that server in the video before. I was slaying at 5 fps. Then I dropped down to 1 and I thought all hope was gone. I then clicked safe mode and it was night and day difference. Id say just try it, if it doesn't work it doesn't work. Also SAFE MODE DOES RUN WITH MULTIPLAYER VERSION. If it helps with your performance, i don't know. Every computer is different. Id really like to see if it works or not. Thanks
  2. Muirhied

    In Progress Server stutters have made MP unplayable

    Just so you know I was only talking about multiplayer I too only get lag like that on multi. And yes I was getting 5 fps on the multi servers with 10 or more people specifically EU SIEGE, EU TDM, EA SIEGE, EA TDM and GK_Battle. I was at 5 fps on those most popular servers. Then I turned safe mode on. Then BAM instantly regained performance on the same servers. Also fyi I don't play regular multiplayer. I ONLY Play on the custom server list.
  3. Muirhied

    In Progress Server stutters have made MP unplayable

    I used to get 5 frames per second in multiplayer. I'm not sure if this will work for you or not Although recently I found out that after a crash (or you clicking stop in the steam library for bannerlord) Click Yes and Start in safe mode. Then I get consistent performance after doing that. I can even run on High settings in multiplayer! However after 10 minutes of game-play I start noticing lag again. After the match is over I exit thru the steam library and I get my performance back again with safe mode. This leads me to believe that safe mode fixes memory leaks or something? Also safe mode resets all your settings so make sure to change them back if you want to. Id try using the setting it recommends after safe mode launches except motion blur. I hate motion blur. Also I noticed that it kept my key-binds. But it did not keep the mouse sensitivity.
    let me know if this works for you. - Muirhied
  4. Muirhied

    Madarin Character names and text chat Missing From Multiplayer

    Apparently You haven't Done any Mandarin Localization since warband I think Its time you do since I can't even See what they're saying in multiplayer. Also Mandarin Speaking Players Were also complaining...
  5. Muirhied

    No Chinese Text in Multiplayer Chat

    Apparently Chinese Players are complaining about it too.
    Looks like Since March 2020. Not Sure why TaleWorlds Haven't fixed this since launch for Bannerlord. And judging by this message; It seems to be a problem with Warband too.
  6. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    Hi there Tinyun. I'm currently wondering if Multiplayer for this mod would work out of the box if everyone was using the same version of it? I'm thinking if it works I could mod the multiplayer faction weapon slots so it can balance the gameplay and use some of the new weapons (or updated ones) you made. I currently have the resources to test the first idea out to see if your mod would run with multiplayer. I'm checking with you to make sure i'm not banging my head against the wall for a week.
    - Muirhied
  7. Muirhied

    Sleek Forum, thoughts?

    I noticed in preferences in the account settings there is a option for "Style" meaning that there might be a way to change the look of the site in the future. It currently only has the default "Taleworlds" style available but it could mean we could get more in the future. Lets hope for some more styles like a light or "better" dark themes come soon.
  8. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    Hey it's Muir again. Following up on my homework from last time. To debugg/check I played as a Norsemen starting in friese I chose Norse on purpose because I wanted to test the recruitment in christian towns villages and castles. It took me a while to decide which faction to choose to be a mercenaryand  then a lord for. It came to me that Kingdom of Northymbre would be a fit since it has both pagan AND christian towns and villages and castles. Straight away I noticed that I could recruit 1-2 men at Christian castles starting at 15 relation and with the starting point at 150 renown. I had rank 5 leadership at that time. I found out that villages do have correct religion recruiting buffs because Mailros is a Pagan village. And at 20 relation and 150 renown I was getting about 20 troops/recruits consistently. It is a Bastion of the Pagan Faith. I Have just confirmed that at towns I can recruit tier 3 troops (spearman/companion) with 31 relation with it being "Pagans aren't welcome here"The Town is Bebbanburh. Note I am pagan and my renown is now at 403.I do not think with this mod I could recruit tier 3 troops with it being a christian town.  Can you Show me the code for both villages and towns? Just trying to figure this out. Because I was getting "Too" unlucky in the last post I made
  9. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    Whats the difference between
    ## religious adjustment

              #This#              (eq, ":religion", 1),

              (val_mul, ":upper_limit", ":faith"),
              (val_div, ":upper_limit", 100),
              (val_add, ":upper_limit", 1),

            #and this#                  (eq, ":religion", 2),

    and is it possible that somehow that they are switched somehow? from what they are supposed to be?
    also I does it matter if I started as a lord? Since I start with 500 renown. Is it somehow dependent on how much renown is gained from starting point rather than the total?
    ##renown adjustment
            (assign, ":upper_limit", 0),
            (try_begin), what does that mean also? upper_limit 0 ?
    Also what programming language is this written in?
  10. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    I have 566 renown, I have 22 relations with the castle, my charisma is only 8, I am christian, and I am rolling 0 or 2 troops. Is that normal? How dependent are the rolls on charisma? If that's the problem?
  11. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    What would be an Ideal Charisma, Leadership, and renown stats be for recruiting then?
  12. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    Actually I am not. I am Briton Recruiting in Gwynedd with no fiefs of my own (although I am a lord). I started as a lord if that changes anything. It is Definitely Not the case that I am recruiting in pagan territory. I am a christian so whats the problem?
  13. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    What should be updated in the Game Concepts Notes tab for this mod? I know there are some additions; but the Recruitment section seems like there's a lot missing in it because I can't recruit from anyone from castles when my relation to them is under 20 and finally at 90 I actually get the third tier troops. Also It seems that castles and towns differ from each other for recruitment. It looks like I can recruit from the towns easier than the castles. I also noticed for recruitment in villages that you HAVE to bribe the leader anyways if you have both High relations AND High Renown. Is there anything besides the Recruitment tab that needs to be updated? Like any other factors of recruitment, leveling, wages, etc that need to be in game concepts? Thanks! - Muirhied
  14. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    Quick Question... Is this Mod Compatible with story mode? Because I am Trying to Take Snotting-Ham and It's not Currently Under siege like its supposed to be (even though the texture around the castle is there, tents and what not).It Then brings up a screen with the only Phrase "I need to recruit more troops" every time after I leave the scene of Snotting-Ham. Also the game Allied Saxon and Mierce for story plot. But soon the alliance ended as West-Seaxe made peace with Danmark. Which is not supposed to happen in the story. So is it Story incompatibility with the mod or do I need a certain number of troops to besiege Snotting-ham?

                                                        - Muirhied
  15. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    bug for VC Balance Mod and this was after the release of 2.050 . I did not reinstall VC Balance when  2.050 was released so that might be a another cause. Just funny as heck. And yes. I cannot Leave the scene. "Soft-Lock" . 
    for those of you who haven't played VC Single player This is the ship tutorial after the battle of Doccinga just after the torturer scene.
  16. Muirhied

    Magh Tuireadh | Viking Conquest MULTIPLAYER community & server

    Problem is that there might be already a Post for the Magh_Tuireadh Group on this forum. By Nuada the steam group leader. So I'll check with him when he is available. Hopefully, this is the first one.
  17. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    Hey sorry about not responding right away was preparing and participating in my extended family's Thanksgiving day gathering. So I will take a screenshot of the next text error I find in my playthrough and try to post the file save. (Not sure on how to upload my save to you so please let me know). Also, I noticed that the allies aren't actually allies in the note tab. just truced with each other which is weird. Northybre is supposed to be allies with Laithland but it just shows up as a truce, not an ally. Which might explain the text error. I'll let you know regardless.
                                                                                      - Muirhied
  18. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    Alliances bug
    for this bug its anytime a faction declares war that has allies when the announce screen shows up

    Possible bug 1

    I was at the early game when I was looking for troops. and the Aquitanian skirmishers seems a bit high at 800g per troop.
  19. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    Possible Bug  Aquitanian Skirmishers gold balance extremely high? 120000 peningas for 14 troops 800 peningas per troop
    how do I post screenshots here? I have to wait till tomorrow to post. There is a text error of factions showing up as allies to themselves in the announcement.
  20. Muirhied

    SP Viking Conquest Balance Mod 13

    I found a few bugs where do I post them and how? Here? I have screenshots of them.
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