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  1. Nalcarum

    Resolved Khuzait Darkhan graphics bugged

    Summary: Khuzait Darkhan unit shows up as a metallic ball both in the battle and in the party screen How to Reproduce: Upgrade unit to Khuzait Darkhan Quest/Settlement Name (if related): Media Version: e1.0.4
  2. Nalcarum

    [BUGS] - A place to report bugs to prevent duplicate posts

    Some perks don't stay chosen after loading the game. Bow and Smithing don't stay, but others do.
  3. Nalcarum

    Undead destroying everyone - is this a running from battle simulator

    Actually I was wondering the same thing. How the heck you beat the undead?

    I was playing as Condottiere at Mommy difficulty. I had almost 300 troops, and I could take on 500 or even 1000 bandits and win, when I managed to play it smart.

    And then I decided to fight 23 Flesh Golems. I spent an hour circling around those things (because AI tells them to attack closest enemy, AKA me, not my troops), as my army blasted away. I made sure me and my "buddies" were in the shooting range, and I also told my horse archers / gunmen to dismount and hold the line, so there should not have been any penalties at all.

    Let's calculate a bit, shall we?

    About 200 of my troops were gunmen or archers or had a gun or a bow. Also about 30 of them had grenades.
    If average archer or gunman has about 30 (more or less) bullets or arrows with him, and average grenadier has 10 grenades, it means that in total there were 6000 bullets / arrows and 300 grenades. Of course some of them would miss.

    I used 5 resupply-items. If I have understood right, they are used when all ranged troops are out of ammo, and will give them a complete refill.

    That means, that my army launched about 30 000 bullets and arrows and 1500 grenades at those 23 Flesh Golems. Not a single one of them died. Only when I finally was knocked out and my army automatically charged, they managed to kill the enemy. However, 1/3 of my army was dead and half of the rest were wounded. Even though at the beginning I had more than 10 times more troops than the enemy had.

    Well, I thought, maybe they are just immune to ranged damage? I loaded my save and just told my expert cavalry and my expert swordsmen to charge, and me and my army were completely wiped out in less than 5 minutes, without a single casualty to the enemy. So that theory can be thrown out from the window.

    So I agree with OP. If there is not a some trick that I have missed (that only those oddly named fantasy troops are able to damage the undead or something like that), then the undead simply are over-powered and I have no other option than running away from them.

    I will agree that they are not over-power if someone can show me a real army that can sustain 30 000 bullets and 1500 grenades without a single casualty while basically standing almost still... Then it is just realistic.

    Aside from the undead, I do enjoy this mod. I like the idea of being a commander, thinking strategy first and heroism second. But as the undead are quite large part of the mod, they are problematic now and will be even more as the time passes on. Perhaps this is just me not realizing the obvious, so if someone can point out to me what that "obvious fact that will make my life so much easier and fun" is, I would be very grateful.
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