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  1. Jurikles

    Recent Uproars

    Hi E., hi guys, quite some interesting stuff was going on here...finally. Even if I wasnt the most active one here on the forums, some might remember me being here since the 0.96 release. Actually, I registered on this forum only because of hegemony, and never strayed far from this section. I...
  2. Jurikles

    Bugs & Other Problems OLD

    I played vikingr quite a few times without problem, but now i wanted to join einherjar server and it gave me a ctd stating get object failed for body: Bushes or sth like that...
  3. Jurikles


    Modeling those 1mm edges however just increases the amount of polygons for only marginal effect. Remember all those shields were historically covered with rawhide, hiding smaller edges in the wood. the hide gives them their stability. a plain wooden shield of that thickness would not help anything at all.
    Edge reinforcement (like steel frame in native e.g.) is actually counterproductive, it was common viking tactics to let enemy swords cut into their shields, and then turn it around its axis to disarm the enemy. one of the main reasons for the middle grip on those shield aside from some other tactical moves revolving around the shield.
  4. Jurikles

    OFFICIAL EVENT: The Battle of Fulford!

    I shall participate as Vikingr if there is a slot left, otherwise the other team of course!
  5. Jurikles


    Those changes might be realistic, but would break the game balance/fighting system. axes are already very very strong if you can manualblock, and the game is out long enough now for a lot of people to be able to do that, wich i like very much, as sword and board is increasingly less seen by good players. I like.
  6. Jurikles


    I just found your mod, and I must say it is absolutely awesome. I especially like the hi-res scenes, i didnt know this was possible in warband. they look almost photorealistic, appear very natural and provide great atmosphere.
    I also like most of the equipment, however, being a viking and rus reenactor, i would like to suggest a few things:
    All the tunics are fine, but I would love to see them a little less plain...maybe add some neat details like beltpouches.
    I found the color black appeared too often. Black ist a color that was practically not used.
    In addition, I'd like to see some more non-armour clothing alternatively to tunics:

    For example a Rus Kaftan:



    etc...note the details and colorfulness.
    A swedish "Klappenrock":

    (belt missing on this one)
    Check out details like the necklaces, they also help to make the standard tunics more interesting. Be careful to not use very expensive looking stuff or too many necklaces/torques/bracelets for "poor" tunic-wearers. But even they can be given 1 or 2 accessories from less expensive materials, while only the heavy armors should sport B.A. Barackus style amber necklaces etc...

    Famous Viking caps are also missing for vikings and rus, like in the pics posted for the kaftans.
    Also I would like to see some more different footwear:
    Use as excellent source for armor, weapons and clothing. It is historically accurate.

    As for the weapons, reduce swords or make them ridiculously strong/expensive. Swords were a rare occasion.
    99% of the people used spears and axes.

    I hope I don't sound too demanding...after all, these are suggestions :wink:
    Hope I could help.

  7. Jurikles

    New Terrain Borders

    It is good as it is. The different color transmits a feeling of those mountains being really far away (like in really far away fog)
  8. Jurikles

    Countdown to 268 B.C. v1.98 for WARBAND (updated 6/3)

    Passive blocking only works for ranged attacks, melee can still only be blocked by active blocking. I wonder if the feature "can crush through blocks" 2 handed hammers in wb use can be adapted in good sense to any hegemony weapon...maybe the rhompaia to simulate how it was designed to destro/hack over roman shields....
  9. Jurikles

    will i be able to throw my warspear?

    Well, I have not yet thrown spikes or knives very often, so I can't tell, but I will just trust your report.
    As I said, throwing a fighting spear will lose its effectiveness the further you throw it, that is certainly true.
    It's still cool.
  10. Jurikles

    will i be able to throw my warspear?

    Austupaio said:
    Throwing a knife makes a hell of a lot more sense than throwing your spear. It's actually possible to do efficiently, for one.

    It is really difficult to hit with a knife, instead of a spear whichs tip always points forward during the flight. It is absolutely doable with spears up to 2 or maybe even 2,50m length. Dont forget that the entire weight of the spear concentrates in the tip upon impact: especially in relatively close vicinity (10m) this can be deadly and depending on what the enemy wears, can even be armor piecing.

    Throwing a knife efficiently needs a lot of training and feel, you need to throw differently depending on how far the enemy is away.
    As a matter of fact, i have practical experience with throwing spears (that are not specifically intended to).

    I dont know at all what could possibly make you think otherwise? It is a perfectly valid action in combat, if used in the right situation. Throwing your only spear for the lulz into an enemy shieldwall before contact even happened of course would be dumb...but then again, thats why no one would do it. And sometimes it even is not, depending on what gear the enemy uses that might lead you to decide to use your shortsword or similar weapon from the beginning on. Remember with warband you can also pick spears around the battlefield up more reliably.

    That would be an awesome feature, and I dont see why one would oppose it (you dont need to use it if you dont want to after all).
  11. Jurikles

    will i be able to throw my warspear?

    Sometimes it can be urgent to kill an enemy real fast and if you cant cross the distance in need to throw your spear epically with your hair blowing in the wind!
  12. Jurikles

    will i be able to throw my warspear?

    i also thought of this, as spearman you mostly carry another sideweapon like a sword, shortsword etc. So why not throw your spear if the situation demands it? Remember, you can now also pick it up again.
    Of course not sarissas but up 175 i think it would be reasonable....leonidas-style!

    PS: I hope you keep the high damage of throwing spears, and for regular fighting spears that you can also throw the damage should be even higher!!! Since you only have 1....and to amplify the dramatic effect of you throwing your primary weapon
  13. Jurikles

    Custom Multiplayer Banners

    So how can my clan get his own banner in for Multiplayer? Will there be another banner pack or something?
  14. Jurikles

    the roman army. little question.

    Even in open formation you only need the forward leg covered, seeing as in a battle you usually try to keep the enemy in front of you. If you fail in that, the unprotected behind leg will be the smallest of your problems...because even if an enemy will get around you, he will unlikely attack your leg, because he has much better options like hitting more vital areas, no matter armored or not, as he will usually stab anyway if you think about the weapons used in that time period. Mostly spears actually, wich tend to slide off small bodyparts like the leg, wich can also be in heavy movement, making it hard to hit. Why not stab him right to the chest?
    Of course, more armour is usually better, but those poor guys needed to be some kind of cost effective having to provide for their armours themselves and not actually being paid riches for their job...Also, you have to carry all that crap around when marching through entire europe, so you want to keep the weight as low as possible. Better investment to go for a better helmet actually...
  15. Jurikles

    Countdown to 268 B.C. v1.98 for WARBAND (updated 6/3)

    you get a perfect machine for warband for about 300 bucks. check ebay.

    On topic:

    What exactly are you talkin about? Unique soldiers?

    Edith says:
    Sorry, I already got it...
  16. Jurikles

    Countdown to 268 B.C. v1.98 for WARBAND (updated 6/3)

    ......wich is awesome

    The mod being "close to release", well, it was only in our heads, because theres so few not crossed out in the first page of this thread, but theres still ****loads of other stuff to do.

    As Ealabor explained a few pages ago, but you guys need a reminder every few weeks or what?...

    Hows the troop-equipment-assignment going on E? Already finished that ****load of work you announced?
  17. Jurikles

    Countdown to 268 B.C. v1.98 for WARBAND (updated 6/3)

    Well, with warbands awesome kick feature shield bash becomes obsolete. Horse kick...well, I would be careful about implementing improvised modded features that are buggy (as was shield bash) and might disturb the balancing.
    Couched lance has been nerfed, you rarely destroy a shield AND kill the holder now, mostly one of either. Also, its harder to aim now and it has a downtime.
    So it would not disturb balancing whatsoever anymore, HOWEVER it looks very medieval Tjosting style now and I am not exactly sure, but I think you would also need a medieval saddle to not knock yourself of the horse. I'd like a feature that after a certain amount of couched attacks (e.g. 3...for hegemony maybe 1) the lance breaks and is not available in the current battle anymore (but will be again in the next one)
  18. Jurikles

    Why did the old melee animations have to go?

    You just need to get used to it, the new animations look much better AND are more realistic, I've fought with all weapons to appear in warband IRL, so its true. at first i felt the range was much too low, but it isnt if you get into it. Don't complain about one of the most awesome features.
  19. Jurikles

    DotA inspired gamemode for warband?

    Hello, I have thought that it would be very fun and challenging to have a gamemode that provides more than just team-deathmatch or the like. How about a mod that essentially works like DotA? My name for it is "Regicide" 3 winded Paths with alot of cover, dense forest in between, two bases...
  20. Jurikles


    Will the construction time for buildings be reduced? Its taking much too long in Native, and then having no real effect. And seriously, who skills engineer? :wink:
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