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  1. Rakrak

    Main Topic

    getting RGL error deers.brf i've tried redownloading the mod thinking maybe it was just a bad download but after a few times i'm still getting the error.
  2. Rakrak

    Version in Development - 0.8

    So how has the mod be going? I( havent really been following it since like 0.5)

    And also on a sidenote, did you guys ever get the custom villages scences i did? i also did a roman city and questing hub one.
  3. Rakrak

    Main Topic

    Is this mod still under the develoment of a single person? I remember when this first got posted on the fourms like two years ago, so happy to see it come through and become somthing so amazing! keep up with the great work, this really is shaping up to be one of the best MB mods.
  4. Rakrak

    Main Topic

    christ, give the man a break.
  5. Rakrak


    I'm sure his slew a good amount of those elf bastards.  :twisted:
  6. Rakrak

    Main Topic

    I thought 1805 was for warband, or am i wrong?
  7. Rakrak

    [Archive] Bug Reports/ Crashes [Read OP]

    It's the best way to get good relation before declaring your own faction
  8. Rakrak

    Perisno 0.6 Talk

    The idea is for them to invade and become a major faction in the game so they need all the same options as the other factions. the best soulution is for them to have the zan outpost become a castle/town when the invasion is triggered.
  9. Rakrak

    Main Topic

    So will the swadians be crusading in the sarraids territory?
  10. Rakrak

    Version 0.611 <RELEASED!>

    The third image fits the game the best, the others don't fit the perisno theme. which is medievil.
  11. Rakrak

    Nordous' Sceners Guild

    it wll probably bee pretty straight forward.
  12. Rakrak

    B Medieval [WB] Crusader - Way to expiation

    i think the reasson people lost interest in this mod was because they don't release any scrrnshots or inform fans of the mod that it's even alive. Thus after 3-4 years people just lose hope in it ever getting done. Inform people of progress or they think you are just BSing them. Thats just my opioin.
  13. Rakrak

    Discussion + Suggestions

    Both ideas are great, the peasent rebllion makes the game more realistic and adds an interesting twist. good idea.
  14. Rakrak


    i think its in video options
  15. Rakrak

    Version 0.611 <RELEASED!>

    the crossbow axe damn!
  16. Rakrak

    [Plaza] - Main Topic

    what about prussia?
  17. Rakrak

    Discussion + Suggestions

    Great idea always thought it would be fun to have nords or swadians invade perisno, or have exiled lords come to the perisno lands
  18. Rakrak

    Main Topic

    Been looking for a mod like this for a long time.
  19. Rakrak


    I think i'm going to start a perisno LP when patch 0.6 comes out. It's going to be speed up and i'll just narrate over then video. And igot got my M&D fixed.  :razz:
  20. Rakrak

    Post ideas of factions here

    Yea it is! I hope you can come up with some more awesome faction ideas.
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