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  1. Naroghin

    Just getting back into this game- where do i start??

    I would certainly second Solid and Shade as well as Lords and Realms.  Custom settlements is good in a way that it really turns the gameplay into something else, but many people find it to be a bit slow.
  2. Naroghin

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yeah, that sounds pretty fun and I certainly have the time.  I don't know too much about polishing a whole mod, though. :S
  3. Naroghin

    The Skin Poppet - Suggestions

    That sounds excellent!  I hadn't considered the use of the antihero archetype but now that I think about it that would be much more appropriate considering the mod's... tone?  Anyway, thanks for the reply; I look forward to the next release and trying to find all the secrets.
  4. Naroghin

    The Skin Poppet - Suggestions

    While I know this isn't really the point of this mod, I really only downloaded it to slay evil creatures and test my mettle against the tainted hoards.  Also, I did an in depth search in this particular thread for related questions and found nothing, so forgive me if this suggestion has already been dealt with.

    May I humbly suggest: maybe a few quests or secrets on the other, "holy" side, based on cleansing Calradia?  Maybe even just simple, open "savanger hunt" type quests where clues are found as to the locations of holy artifacts and one has to at least find them, if not solve simple puzzles to get to them.  At this point it looks like the gameplay choices are 1)Complete evil with totally awesome stuff and fun things to do, or 2)Normal gameplay where you pick a faction to try and protect the people and sometimes end up fighting zombies or something.

    If not, that's fine.  I've created my own holy artifacts for fighting the undead and it's still pretty fun, there's just no mystery or struggle this way.

    Also, this is not at all a criticism of the mod; I think it is amazing and holds a level of depth that most mods lack (not to mention the fact that it's one of the few tentatively active mods for old M&B).  It's just my humble opinion that the story is a little... one-sided?  Perhaps I've simply missed the whole point of the mod and need a stern reprehending from the mod's champions.  Any and all responses welcome.
  5. Naroghin

    Frequently Asked Questions

    I know I'm super-rezzing this topic but it's stickied so I guess it doesn't matter? I dunno, I'm just a super-lurker.  Also, I realize the game is pretty much dead (or at least seeking a new leader at this point or something?) but in the chance that someone who knows some things comes across this and is able to help me, I'll go ahead and leave a question.

    Is there a way to change which settlements become the first big cities OR is there a way to move Custow to a different part of the map?  I think many of the issues with boring/slow/uninteresting early-to-mid-game play stem from the fact that the largest "good" settlement is really not so far away from the largest "bad" settlement.  There is a whole sea of green punctuated with orange where bandits almost never venture because Custow creates a massive wall of patrols and hero parties that protect the rest of the world from the bandits.  This leads to players either targeting a different "good" faction to pad their pecuniary and slave income and just using the cheats to spawn in bad guys to fight.  If I could instead go in and change the main "good" city to one on the opposite corner of the map OR move the city itself then all other settlements would be between the main powers and would lead to much more interesting and dynamic settlement growth.  I just have no idea how to do this. 

    I have plenty of experience with coding so any suggestions requiring changing text files are perfectly fine with me. Also, if this is simply impossible then that's ok, too.  I still love the mod to pieces and will continue playing it, I just think this one little tweak will add a lot to the gameplay.

    TL;DR Can move Custow? May fix some issues.
  6. Naroghin

    **The official questions thread** aka. The F.A.Q.

    I applied some party size tweaks to this mod and ended up with some impressive party size potentials.  However, when I went into scripts.txt to edit moral settings, there was no "get_player_party_morale_values -1."  No matter where I looked I couldn't find it, so i used the "find" function, but it said there was no such line.  Did you completely write a new set of code for the morale of this mod, or was the name of the line just changed?

    I was wondering if you could briefly explain how morale works in this mod and if there is a simple way to edit it.

    Thank you!
  7. Naroghin

    1866 - Help Needed

    If you still need composers I can be of service.
  8. Naroghin

    Top 10 mods for Mount&Blade

    I was happy to see that video as well.  I'm not much for accurately rating anything, but this is the only mod I've stuck with without changing to a new one for more than one character.  it's also the only one I've downloaded twice, on two different computers to play again after being dissatisfied with other mods.
  9. Naroghin

    Not Sure What's Going on.

    Regarding custom banners, I have made a couple games with different ones, but the problems didn't go beyond the banner not displaying correctly on the world map and on armor.

    I just checked the faction name and color change a few times as well.

    The first was with my main character: female, random beginning choices, let me quit without saving.  When I changed colors and name it didn't affect anything.

    The second: male, all top (except wanderlust), let me quit without saving.  Everything was just fine after that.  I did it twice in the same game to make sure it worked.

    The third: male, all top except wanderlust, don't let me quit without saving.  When I changed color and name tis time I had some troubles, however, the game didn't crash.  After I did this, every time in this file when I press "Esc," only the top three options appear and are usable.  The bottom options are not only invisible but don't work.  It seems in trying to help I've created a whole new problem.

    I tried another few times with different combinations but I couldn't get it to crash or anything like that.  It could be that it has something to do with your computer, but I really wouldn't know what.

  10. Naroghin

    Regarding Sieges

    I figured it was much mroe complex than switching a few things around and pressing "go."  However, thanks for reading my idea and taking it into consideration.
  11. Naroghin

    Regarding Sieges

    I have grown weary of the typical belfry and siege ladder borne tactics in every castle and city.  When I was playing around in my castle after revamping the whole thing, I found that portcullises and gates are destructible along with siege ladders and belfries.  This led me to wonder if sieges...
  12. Naroghin

    The most epic video of Mount and Blade you will ever see. Ever.

    Wow.  Really?  Come one man there are kids playing this game and frequenting these forums.
  13. Naroghin

    Not Sure What's Going on.

    Hmmm this is interesting.  I never had this problem with earlier versions, but today I started playing after a long hiatus and haven't tried to customize anything in game yet.  I'll try this later today to see if it happens to me too.
  14. Naroghin

    What are you listening to right now? Mark IV.

    Minuet in G
    Christian Petzold
  15. Naroghin

    Great Mod

    It's always better to finish something first before "just move(ing) on."  Besides, I'm sure there are still a lot of people like me that still only play M&B.  Warband sounds great, but I don't really have the means to buy it at this point.
  16. Naroghin

    Regarding enemy aggressiveness

    I will admit that's the only part of the mod I didn't like.  I started in a neutral city, wandered outside and got picked up right away.  After quitting and restarting several times with the same results, I eventually just decided to ride the bandit parties like waves until I made it to a town where I was able to fight some melee matches, win a tournament, and buy some decent equipment (lowest level of the stuff I wanted for my character: 2/1 hand weapon, shield, javelin, horse).  After that I went deep into Rus territory and found a spot very near where river pirates spawned.  This spot was also out of the way, so no large enemy forces came to hunt me down.  The river pirates came flowing in like nothing else and I got almost an endless supply of loot and experience.

    I stopped playing then and made a note to start up with a new character once the mod was completed.
  17. Naroghin

    Wich one of these MODs you like most? (for 1.011)

    I rather enjoy fire arrow.  It seems to be right between the mods that are overpowered and the ones that are way underpowered.  It has a lot of features I enjoy, including new armors that actually go well on female characters, cattle pastures and wheat fields that can be seen on the world map, and optimized menus.  The best thing about it, though, is the balance between ease and difficulty; it's challenging but not impossible, beatable but not stupid.

    I guess my bias is a little unfair, though, because the only mods I've played on this list are Fire Arrow, Native Expansion (III), and Ranger's Apprentice.  Ranger's apprentice was downright annoying with the super speed lords and way overpowered units.  Also, the game play is way too fast for my liking.  I got to level 30 in one night and had a force of 400.

    Speaking of Rus XIII, though, I can't wait till it's finished.  Even the beta was probably one of the best mods I've played, while I have to admit I have no idea how to pronounce any (I mean ANY) of the city, troupe, or character names.
  18. Naroghin

    Funny seiges

    My most frustrating siege instance was when I, on my own accord, took a castle for the Nords.  I just figured it would be mine since no one else helped out.  I left to gather troops to fill it with, and upon my arrival I had found that not only had the king given the castle to some other runt-lord, but the bastard wouldn't let me even come in.

    My silliest siege story happened when I attempted to take a castle (filled to the brim with elite units) with a party of about 50 huscarl.  I put the battle size down to 25 in opes of making it a bit easier, but found myself in the court yard all alone, fighting the new enemies as my reinforcements spawned outside the walls.  Soon my health dwindled and I was left walking backwards (shield up) up the stairs and away from the remaining four enemies. I was going to side step as soon as I got to the wall, allowing my fresh reinforcements to trounce the remaining rabble, when a stray archer capped me from a tower on the other side of the area (over the shield, in the eye).
  19. Naroghin

    Sanutys, The Swadian Pride

    I don't think that's bad for 900 days; after all, some people just really don't like ranged weapons.  I don't really either, which is why I use throwing weapons on horseback.  With the right timing it's basically like using a flexible 10-30 ft lance; it has the strength and speed of a melee weapon with a shorter effective range than bows or crossbows (though some people I'm sure are very effective at long ranges with javelin).

    I would post something like this as well if I could stick with one character (or mod for that matter) for more than 20 levels.
  20. Naroghin

    Compilation of 82 little tweaks to the text files to change your gameplay(links)

    Hello there.

    I had a quick question that I hoped you could answer, if you have a spot of time; otherwise, I suppose I could try and figure it out on my own.  I read that one can modify menus to allow attacking of parties of factions with which one has positive relation points.  I was wondering if this same idea could be applied to besieging a castle.

    The situation is that I am an independent warlord that would like a castle that is held by a certain faction.  I figured I would have to go through the trouble of becoming a vassal of the king of the enemy of that faction to be able to take it.  So I looked up the faction and found that it had absolutely no enemies.  If I could find the right text to modify so that I could besiege and take the castle regardless of faction relationship, then it would take care of this problem and any others I might have in the future.
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