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  1. TweakMB (With Fire & Sword support!) [v5.09; updated 12.29.13]

    Awesome! Thanks for great update again!
  2. Prophesy of Pendor Version 3.0 Status Update

    saxondragon said:
    We are in the process of investigating (when I say we I mean Mad Vader), the scope of work to port this to Warband.  We are in the investigation phase to answer the question "Can this be done and then should this be done?".



    Excellent. Fingers crossed here for PoP 3 to come for WB.
  3. Recruiting defeated lords?

    Ricox said:
    I once cheated my RtR to 99 just so I could get those lords, but they NEVER showed up, why? I conquered the whole Calradia (without cheats) and even then I was waiting weeks for lords to show in my court, yet none showed up.

    Add your experience to
  4. A singleplayer manual

    Galdus said:
    - Right to rule- Is more sparse to get. You gain that mostly from when your in a faction or in your own and a truce treaty initiates. I think you will get +3 but I am not positive. The other way is to talk to your companions and tell them you aspire to be King,and then send them out for a long mission. You can only do that one at a time, every three days for a +3 boost. If there is other ways to obtain it I forgot or don't know.

    You also gain right to rule everytime you succesfully recruit a lord.
  5. Is expansion... harder than non-exp?

    estevesbk said:
    - My horse has much less "life" e.g. takes much less hits to cripple.

    Lower tier horses seem a bit easier to kill. Not sure if this is the actual case, but atleast it feels that way. On the other hand, the top tier horses, especially heavy chargers, seem almost immortal.

    Get heavy chargers for yourself and for your companions. Give them plate armours too, and after few more levels they become the death incarnate.
  6. SP Native Custom Commander v1.396 for Warband 1.165+ (source code included)

    Man, loads of good stuff here. Hopefully big mods will incorporate most of this.
  7. Screen shots :D

    socks said:
    Either you cheated Rooferi or you're my new god :razz:

    Just too much free time to play the game. Besides, with full cavalry army there isn't much that can stop you. Didn't mean to brag or anything, just thought it was amusing how they get along nicely in the same small cell.
  8. Screen shots :D


    A group portrait of all the faction leaders.
  9. Best mod of Mount&Blade: Warband

    TuranianGhazi said:
    Hey oldies, are there any news on some signature popular mods being worked on into Warband?

    Easily one of the very best ones, Prophecy of Pendor, is.
  10. PC for unlimited battle size - suggestions

    TuranianGhazi said:
    ..snip... WANT LARGER maps or else my HIT&RUN strat won't work (invisible edgewall exploit :twisted:)

    Just download latest TweakMB, it allows easy editing of random battlefield sizes now.

  11. What now?

    Like the poster above said, you don't need a war to start your own kingdom.
  12. Lords not joining my faction

    Have you used the tweak to remove relation penalties for assigning fiefs ? If so, that change also affects the computer kings - everyone of their lords will love the king and not join you.

    In any case, first use your companions to scout the remaining kingdoms. They will then report to you the relationships every lord in that kingdom has with their liege. Go after those who love you but hate their king.

    You might want to up your persuasion skill too and be sure to use the correct reason ( land, nobility rights, etc) for the lord.
  13. About these companions and party skills...

    Charles du Lac said:
    You can use TweakMB to turn off the companion interaction so you can have any or all companions in your party, but it does not work with saved games, you have to start a new one.

    For already running games, you can get the companions stay with the 'We hang deserters' option.

  14. Is it Possible to Pimp out your Castle?

    Yes, you can renovate the castle to look like whatever you want.

    Enable edit mode (from configuration panel), ride to your castle, go to the lord's hall, press control+e to enable edit mode and alt+enter to go to windowed mode so you get the object panels visible.

    When you are done, just save your work.

  15. TweakMB (With Fire & Sword support!) [v5.09; updated 12.29.13]

    The wish and guide for the changing of random battle map sizes is actually on this thread on page 3 =)

    Yeah, it would be nice.

    Other small tweaks still have to be done manually are:

    Changing the amount of ransom offered for Lords
    Changing the amount of honor lost for refusing to release Lord for ransom

    And experience multipliers for player, heroes and normal troops. Those are easily changeable in the module.ini, but incorporating changing those too to the great tool would be awesomesauce.

  16. Two concerns.

    Cornelius said:
    2. Wait. So you're saying I should go all solo or what? Thus far I have no idea how to get lords from other factions to join my kingdom so companions are my only choice I suppose.

    Like the poster above me said, companions can be usefull vassals if you give 'em some top tier troops to get them started. If you have  (and you really should have) been putting couple trainer points for every companion you still keep in your party, as it stacks. You can then train raw recruits to usefull troops really quickly. Then just go to your vassal and use the dialog option to give them some troops. Without that boost, companion vassals won't be very usefull.

    Also, to make it easier to recruit lords to your faction, make only the noble companions into vassals. Firentis, Matheld, Rolf, Alayen and Bahestur.
  17. What is the deal with -1 when companion or lord of your kingdom lost fight ??

    Just use the dialogue option to give them loads of top tier troops. Only a marshall-commanded army can then take them, so you should see that -1 much, much less. In addition, that way you won't be needing that many lords either, as the couple superstacked lords you have will do just fine. So less headaches about balancing the fiefs.

  18. Lost the gambit... +how long does it take for Towns to regarrison?

    someboddy said:
    Anyways, we are at war with the Khergits, and those horse benders captured Khudan at our previous war. I noticed their main army - they had about 8 or 10 lords, and their Khan was with them - headed for my castle. I had about 95 troops with me, but I figured that won't make much of a difference against that horde, so I went to Reyvadin to see if I can get any help.

    That's where you were wrong. Unless you have just started out and your character is extremely low level and poorly equipped, computer armies usually have no chance whatsoever taking over a castle were player is actively fighting in the defense. With garrisons of few hundred, the player can easily beat attacking armies of couple thousand.

    That 250 strong garrison force of yours and the 95 men strong party, should have been able to beat the khergits back relatively easily on the walls.
  19. My Vassals not garnisoning their castles ?!

    Temuçin said:
    So they eventually garnison their castles, thanks. However, is there any explanation about why their flags are not on their castles ?

    If you use the menu that pops up after the siege, to give out the castles, they don't seem to  get it. It's bug. For me, only way to actually give the damn thing to my vassals, is to use my minister for it.
  20. so nords are very powerful

    sgtsniper said:
    with warriors and higher you can win fights you really shouldnt

    ive done this and won a 90 v 250+

    they arent just good for sieging but basically everything lol

    Still, full cavalry army is better. 190 mameluks vs 1240 Rhodoks in mountains was pretty easy win. Huscarls are nice to fight with, but with mameluks or knights you win the battles faster (in both real and game time) and survive and win battles the huscarls can't. And get to your destination on the world map way faster.

    The edge huscarls have in the sieges isn't worth the disadvantages they have when compared to top cavalry. I field huscarl army now and then, for change of pace, but do most of the fighting with mounted troops.

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