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  1. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Bug player duplicate

    maybe you will meet on the battlefield xDD
  2. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    unclear lords portraits

    Hi I got graphical problem , when i speak to lords or anyone else his portrait is obscured  , cant see them clearly . can anyone tell me how to fix it
  3. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Mercenary companion 'on a mission' and will not come back

    i meant ransom broker  just as a try . if it doesnt work than i have no idea how to get him back , check the traveler as someone mentioned
  4. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Mercenary companion 'on a mission' and will not come back

    hes a monk so its normal that hes on the mission xD
    You can try slave trade maybe you can ransom him through him
  5. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Couple of questions

    you can send your formations with the click on mini map , IN game in battle press backspace and there you have it
  6. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    raise ladder freeze

    During siege  I got freeze when I  get to castle gate and it says there raise ladder , I m  trying  F button and got freeze Is it bug or I did something wrong
  7. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Is it me or the shader function is a little buggy?

    1.02 is  without glow now  so if u  uncheck shades in main installer  1.02 wont spoil it
  8. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Option Menu - AI marshal army gathering inefficiency ?

    as far a I  understand  low - mean high efficiency
    normal - normal
    masochistic - low efficiency
    none -default
  9. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Your Story So Far

    Just started new game. For now im a freelancer for any lord who can afford my services . I got sergeant rank now and pay of 250 per week enough to get some vodka and cheap slut in any **** hole Im happening to be. No plans for now just make a living xD
  10. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Freelancing - weak promotions

    freelancing is same everywhere  , its more challenging and time consuming  now just like most of the community wanted
    There is no more 2 h  ride to highest tier as it was before now you have to earn it  .
  11. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    [ 1.0 ] Feedback

    ty for all your commitment guys
    Speaking for myself now but I think all community is hugely grateful
    Have some fantastic gym sessions Dr Thomas , enjoy summer guys cheers
  12. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Since the hot new 1.02 is out, do we still need to patch 1.01 ???

    no need to install 1.01  just go with 1.02
  13. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    Freelancer bug?

    not a bug at all mate this was done to make freelancer more interesting and challenging
    Great change in my opinion
  14. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    1257ad future

    thank you guys for all ur hard work to give us all extra :mrgreen:
    really appreciate it
  15. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    SP Musket Era Enhancement Mod. Rule your own kingdom! 1.75 final. Open mod source code.

    Few things that I ve noticed
    1 My companions who I made lords when taken captive by random rebels  are never released so Im loosing them for good while until I track down these bandits which is rather difficult or other lords  do it
    2 When I talk to my lords former companions I see they leveled up but  I cant upgrade them . Is it mean that's not happening automatically and they will stay at lvl  they had when I made them lords?
    3 How  can I improve relations with other nations ? ARE there any new options for that?
    4 When i give village as a fief to my companions its coming back to me after some time ,  cities and castles working  fine  . Problem is that castles dont give too much money so I wanted to grant my lords extra income but it inst working

    Ive been modifying this post few times coz new things appears while playing but thats it for now , what troubles me most
  16. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    SP Musket Era Enhancement Mod. Rule your own kingdom! 1.75 final. Open mod source code.

    k05mic said:
    Hey all

    I love this mod but im a little confused. i read about 15 pages and didnt see my problem anywhere and i got lazy :sad: so here it is. I Have a legal copy i got from steam. i downloaded the mod installed it. it runs properly no bugs or anything. however. when i took my first castle by myself alone with out any help from any lord or faction backing me, i had the option to pick what faction my kingdom was going to be but i did not get the option to make my companions lords. i dont see the castellan or where its placed. do i need to be part of a faction then renounce myself from them? i just farmed bandits for like 2 weeks and bought the Calvary females for my army. did i install it wrong ? where is the castellan?
    he should be in ur calstle hall
  17. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    General Suggestion thread - 0.97Beta.

    Druzhina said:
    The Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582. Before that both Catholic and Orthodox used the Julian calendar, so Christmas would be celebrated by both on the same day before then.

    sites of wargaming interest
    Ty for that its  just amazing that Christians were once so close
    Anyway there will be no changes in the mod so u just updated my knowledge  :mrgreen:
  18. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    The Deluge steam fix (download)

    Yep I have no idea
    and to be honest I dont really care
    Ty anyway  :mrgreen:
  19. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    General Suggestion thread - 0.97Beta.

    Well then
    lock the thread
  20. Msciwoj Gniewko the First

    General Suggestion thread - 0.97Beta.

    I would like to see acknowledgement of important event like Christ Mass or Easter
    for Catholics and Orthodox (different dates)
    Ramadan for Muslims
    No idea about Balts  but I'm sure u guys would know
    In my opinion if done with that awesome artwork drawings  we can enjoy now , would add alot to overall atmosphere
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