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  1. Shadow0

    garrison sizes

    Slyve said:
    I think the amount of troops in castles and cities is pretty good, actually. (Although maybe an option could be added to increase the amount of troops for people who want the game to be even harder)

    But i think the AI could use a little help when it comes to deciding what to attack, like you said. It just doesn't make sense that a kingdom attacks a castle on the other side of the map just because it has a weak garrison because it was just attacked. Not a very strategic move.
    I'm going to second this. In my current playthrough I was originally with the Swadians, they got wiped out because the entire army (500-1000 men) was off raiding villages near Jelkala instead of retaking their lost towns and castles. What's odd is at the same time, EVERY time I took something for my faction the entire enemy army was on my ass within a week or two.
  2. Shadow0


    So the question comes down to, do we humor him or just ignore him?
    I'll just say this as to not be an ass, you can search your computer for file and folder names. Try Ctrl + F on a folder if you can't see it.

    "i need help lol."
    "comprehensive lis on wat to do lol"
      ^ Deja vu.
  3. Shadow0

    Can we stop *****ing about Khergits?

    Last time I used Khergit Horse Archer everyone ran into the city and hid because they were sick and tired of getting circled (non-shielded infantry) or run over (archers with their bow out), good times.
    I usually never die before I use all 90+ arrows because the cavalry can't catch me alone (edit: Also chasing a horse in a large blob won't work either! spread out), I'm not stupid enough to run into the infantry and the archers there needed to learn that a smart guy on a horse won't keep going the same way at the same speed.

    As for stopping horse archers my advice is..

    Infantry = shields, personally I don't even BOTHER if you have a shield, I'll just go look for someone else to harass or shoot you in the back when your busy fighting. As long as you're on foot w/o ranged though you won't be catching me any time soon, throwing weapon maybe? I've gotten an axe in a horsemans face before so it's definitely possible.

    Cavalry, attack in at least a group of 2, take a side and try to stop them from turning off that way, if you have a lance you can just couch their horse if they try to turn and then they're royally screwed. If you have a bow then the solution should be fairly obvious.

    As for archers, if your aim is good enough it should be a quick finish, if not then try to take out their horse but do keep in mind a decent horse archer will be WATCHING YOU (and likely shooting you) if they know you're there so try to take out the horse before they spot you, if they start moving erratically then they likely know you're aiming at them.

    Lastly, taking a horse archer by surprise is always an option, especially for archers. If you find a nice spot it'll turn the tables and you'll become the harasser that THEY want gone.

    ^ All of the above, fairly obvious stuff that also works for me, I usually go with archer though so catching a Khergit isn't a problem.
  4. Shadow0

    Owned? Throwing lances for the win.

    I lol'd when I saw that picture, I would of LOVED one of those in multiplayer last week, some guy on a horse was harassing me so I threw my axe at his face, it would of been a lot better if a lance went right through it.

    Does the switch only work for throwing weapons?
  5. Shadow0

    Warband Vassal Recruitment Tweak???

    I find this funny because I've taken over most of the Nord faction and nearly half the Swadian faction almost purely by convincing their lords to join me (and thus bring their fiefs with them).

    Could have to do with your conversation choices or it may be linked to Persuasion.
  6. Shadow0

    Throwing weapons is AWESOME

    Throwng weapons = useless? Tell that to the cavalry guy I saw in MP a few days ago, I'm sure the axe sticking out of his face would tell another story.

    I mainly use throwing weapons in a few situations...

    1) When some cavalry is harrassing me, as stated above I'll put an axe in their head as they pass me.
    2) As infantry approach me, it'll often scare or surprise them.
    3) When I and my opponent separate a bit, just switch and throw before they realize your about to lob an axe at their face.
    and 4) When approaching archers, as those few feet can mean the difference between life and death.

    You have to admit it's a massive put off when someones fighting you and you back off then he suddenly tosses his axe at you.

    In SP though their uses are rather limited in comparison to archery, mainly due to the suicidal rushing of the AI and the sheer numbers.
  7. Shadow0

    Spear Bracing

    Urist said:
    Usually more experienced cavalry is too smart to attack an aware pikeman.
    They search for another target then.

    What gets the footmen killed is usually the lack of disciplin. If every
    pikeman would stick to a crossbowman, defending him and
    if furthermore the pikemen would secure each other's backs in a tight group,
    then cavalry would have a very hard time.

    I'm with this guy, I steer clear of anyone with a spear that's aware of me and I can rack up huge k/d's (over 20-0 once) and just bumrush anyone who isn't paying attention, works like a charm.

    I've also fought cavalry while on foot and in most cases I just laugh at them while I out-manuever them and take out their horse or wedge an axe in their face while their busy thinking it's a swinging axe (I LOVE THROWING AXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, also only works if your fully aware of them).

    And most importantly, I've also seen what archers can do to infantry who are dumb enough to stand still, move in a straight line or stick to a small area. If bracing was added then it'd likely leave the person doing it stationary, no? well that's just a free kill for an archer, and last time I checked it only takes a moment for an arrow to hit its mark.
  8. Shadow0

    how to make spamming less effective?

    Last spammer I saw got a 2hander implanted in his skull. The one before that got a bolt in his head. The one before that got a few arrows in his chest. The one before that got an axe in his sword arm (wasn't me that time).
    The only really problematic ones are the ones that keep close to their team and blindside you, in which case you and possibly some others on your team aren't doing something right. Got archers on the lookout? have them take out the pest, its a free shot in most cases. Try blindsiding THEM instead, I've tried, its actually damn easy if you watch out for the attacks hit area (might accidentally walk into it and take the hit for the team).
  9. Shadow0

    Graphics error in tavern.

    Yeah I get it too, its in all indoor areas. Only started after 1.103 came out.
  10. Shadow0

    Ungrateful Villagers?

    Put a few of them to the pyre, see if their ungrateful then :smile:
  11. Shadow0

    Extra Morale Questions

    Are companions from specific factions? I have -28 morale for the Nords, I have Yrima, Katrin and Jeremus but no Nord troops (hell, theres not a single infantry in my army, its pure cavalry atm).
  12. Shadow0

    MP Native WarBand: MMO Persistent World Module!!

    I want to join too, I has uber magix :3

    In case anyone's dumb enough to take the thread seriously for long enough to read this post;u=66711
  13. Shadow0

    Horse Archery

    AWdeV said:
    Yep. Power draw is just for bows. Power throw covers throwing and crossbows don't work with power anything. One thing I need to say however is that crossbows don't works as well from horseback. Only the lighter kinds of crossbow (hunting and light) can be used from horseback. You'd need to get off your horse to reload after every shot if you're using a heavier crossbow. (crossbow, heavy and siege). Bows tend to work much better from horse, and certainly in later levels where they outmatch crossbows in pretty much everything, including damage. :razz:
    Try shooting a knight with a siege crossbow, they'll just shrug it off and run you down. I've actually added a very large damage boost to crossbows in the mod I play and bows STILL out power them.
    All crossbows have on bows is range.
  14. Shadow0

    Spears vs cavalry? oh and crossbows vs bows.

    Rhodoks are generally seen as pathetically weak. The #1 reason being that the AI just plain sucks and theres nothing we can do since its hard coded, the AI cant use their spears properly, and spears themselves suck unless on horseback (which can be changed pretty well with modding).

    The one and only thing going for the Rhodoks are probably their heavier crossbowmen, thats it. They get demolished in every other area.
  15. Shadow0

    "Troop Type" to target "Troop Type" request..

    I was hoping for something like this just yesterday. Its a pain when archers focus on infantry with shields instead of the defenseless but dangerous and annoying archers.
  16. Shadow0

    AI behavior

    Its possible in a way, but it would be buggy.
    Its possible to get information on how far away a troop is from another troop, and I'm pretty sure its also possible to force a weapon switch, but not sure if it would remain that way for long, so if their too close and the code tells them to draw their gun, they might end up switching weapons repeatedly, but I'm not sure about that.
  17. Shadow0

    Handguns - Reloading animation

    Cloud Breaker said:
    That appears to be true. My AI were dumb maybe.
    The AI does indeed fire properly, although its spaced, a faster weapon would counter it but it'd still be slower than a player using the same.
    Also, the AI is already dumb, yours is just dumber :smile:

    EDIT: Guns dont appear in the shop, you'll need to set them to refresh in the weapon npc's inventory yourself.
  18. Shadow0

    Handguns - Reloading animation

    atm making your own animation isnt possible, and seting max ammo to 500 may be a bad idea unless you have a ridiculous number of shots available. I'd recommend setting the max_ammo of the gun to whatever your mags have (if they have 24 shots and you only plan to carry one, set it to 24, if you plan to carry 2 then set max_ammo as 4:cool:.
  19. Shadow0

    Melee fighting from horseback- why do I always miss?

    Last time I checked, swinging over someones head doesnt hurt :smile: aim lower!
  20. Shadow0

    Training Troops

    They take ages to level up. I recommend getting a huge amount of nords, each nord gets a set amount of exp which goes to their stack, so its FAR faster to level up 50 Nord Veterans tan it is to level up 4.

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