Search results for query: *

  1. Question

    I once again seek the wisdom of the Taleworlds forum. I just had an idea: "Make your own bloody kingdom!" I tought. But since This will be the first time I try this I have to ask you if what I think may be possible. So, this is it: 1. Character: Male lord. Why? I think it would help me a bit...
  2. Intrebare

      Ce joc FPS mi-ati recomanda? As prefera unul cu o comunitate multiplayer, pe langa SP. M-am saturat de call of duty, unde toata lumea alearga, alearga, alearga, impusca pe cineva si alearga mai departe,chiar daca are o pusca cu luneta (urasc asta - un lunetist ar trebui sa fie un lunetist, nu...
  3. Nords Vs. Everyone

    Hi guys, I'm here to ask for a bit of wisdom coming from the M&B comunity. I play the campaign, I have a level 15 character, vassal of King Ragnar of the Nords, and lord of Derchios Castle, Fearichen and Ibieran. I had a great time fighting the Swadians to extinction, but now every single other...
  4. Needing a bit of help

    I made a big pause of playing M&B:Warband, and I don't really know any more how to deal with spearmen while comanding cavalry. Ca you tell me what should I do? I lead an army of swadian men-at-arms and knights, with 5 mounted heroes, and few infantry troops ( all of which I want to make...
  5. Unable to connect to server

    I need help with the multiplayer - I can't find any servers. When I search, I just get an error saying "Unable to connect to server.". I have bought the game from the main site ( not steam ) and patched it up to V1.153 before trying to get on the servers. My firewall is off and I tried to edit...
  6. Multiplayer

    I need help with the multiplayer - I can't find any servers. When I search, I just get an error saying "Unable to connect to server.". I have bought the game from the main site ( not steam ) and patched it up to V1.153 before trying to get on the servers. My firewall is off and I tried to edit...
  7. Ce melodii ascultăm... Partea a II-a

    *** primul topic a fost abandonat, hai sa facem unul nou. Titlul spune tot! Am gusturi muzicale ciudate, depinde in ce stae de spirit sunt, dar ma rezum la: Rock/Metal: - Stairway to Heaven a celor de la Led Zeppelin  ...
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