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  1. Luthius

    Battlestar Galactica Tactical Mod - IT'S RELEASED

    I'm so glad i've watched the current episodes before reading some of this. Would have come as a big shock! Well about as big a shock as seeing there is a BSG mod for M&B - Utterly crazy, but i'm gonna give it a shot!
  2. Luthius

    choose the faction you participate in 1.003

    No way, i picked the two most popular.... time for a rethink. In 0.751 i was always Vaegirs, may have to go back!
  3. Luthius


    F50 said:
    the other problem with this is when you have all cavalry.

    Indeed. Player created groups would help here. Still, the AI would charge both groups (and then get seperated and then cut down).
  4. Luthius


    .. and if the line holds steady, all you actually manage to do is cause more people to fight at once. In the corners there will be 2 on 1 fighting but along the side of the enemy group fighting would be just like normal. Troops that were waiting to reach the front would instead be fighting, with normal odds, those that attacked from the side. Attacking a thin line from the flanks obviously works well as there is a good number difference in troops actually fighting each other, but a thick enemy group can resist effectively.

    Damage bonus is silly, as has been said, having two different attack directions is what counts. In MTW2, flanking works because it is done largely by cavalry (with smashing and retreating bonus - spearwall is down), because moral is taken into account (which would suffer if you thought you were surrounded) and also because to flank in that game you need superior numbers, which generally win anyway. Against good troops you would still take many losses whether you flanked or not.

    Edit - If you want to flank in M&B, do so with cavalry just as/before infantry melee begins. Either the horsemen of infantry tend to hit a disorganised (and hopefully back turned) opponent. Just keep riding them straight through.
  5. Luthius

    Mount&Blade version 0.903 is out!

    Why is it that an update always seems to come out when i'm busy doing other things. Hehe, great job guys :smile:
  6. Luthius

    Version 0.901 Bug List

    Just incase people don't read the first post.

    armagan said:

    Please post bug reports about version 0.901 in this thread. If you can be specific about the bug details, how it was triggered, what the specific error message was- if any, how to reproduce it (if possible), etc, it will be all the more useful.

    Many thanks in advance for reporting the bugs and problems. Your feedback is so helpful for us.


    1. Opening the command interface, going directly to another screen (tested with the options & character screens) then attempting to open the command interface again causes the game to crash with a generic exception error. Looks like it's fine if you close the interface prior to opening the other screen.

    2. Garrisoned troops are still counted in the party total, and take up slots despite being in a castle. The party total will display the number of troops the player owns, but the garrisoned troops won't be listed in the troop list.

    3. Skill information and similar on the character screen is hopelessly outdated

    4. Some of the map bridges still 'flooded' and impassable

    5. Seems to be a bug with recruitment (seen it mainly at villagers) where the volunteers will be the player. Accepting them as recruits fills their slots in the party screen, but nobody will appear in battle and similar. These invisible troops seem to permanently take up their slots, even after the player has been captured.

    6. Caravans pause on the map for no reason. In fact the whole pursuit / attack routines for enemy parties seem to be screwed up.

    7. Still problems with the values being pulled for village names and the like. Also seems to effect the loyalty level and similar.

    8. Village Elders seem to enjoy stripping off to celebrate your victory against occupying bandits. Either that, or the bandits are stealing his clothes before they leave.

    9. Problem with updates on stocks. For example, you can buy more cattle than a village owns as the number of cattle doesn't appear to update until the end of the conversation. As long as you go back to purchase cattle you can repeatedly request the maximum amount available.

    10. Loaning an NPC Hero as part of a quest can result in you losing that hero forever if the troop slot is filled before you take him back into the party.

    11. Some quests, most notably the cattle driving quests, don't check where you're being offered the quest before selecting a destination. Guildmasters sometimes request you drive cattle to their own town.

    12. Diplomatic changes etc aren't being tracked in the game log, for example if Swadia changes to peace with the Nords, it will still display as being at War in the log.

    13. Lords appear to be happy to attack their fellow Lords and Caravans of their own nation. They'll even lay siege and raid their own settlements. May be restricted to the Vaegir and Rhodock factions.

    14. Pathing problems on the map. Sometimes parties will get stuck in certain areas, other times they'll wander round in circles.

    15. LOD issues with invisible or untextured models persist.

    16. Attacking bandits holding a village - reinforcements don't spawn for the player's side. This might be intentional, but it seems unreasonably difficult to win when the player's army is replaced by farmers and casualties caused in one attempt don't carry over to subsequent attempts.

    17. Pathfinding regarding siege ladders is somewhat questionable. AI troops will sometimes get stuck at the top of the ladder. Also, AI will sometimes walk over the side of the wall or ramparts.

    18. Spawning issues - sometimes (mainly in town and village scenes) enemy troops will spawn outside the map area, or else behind walls and similar which are unreachable for the player.

    19. Quests all seem to start at the same date in the log, regardless of the date the quest was actually given.

    20. Persuasion book is commented out in If it's the same in the game then this means the player will derive no benefit from said book.

    Possible issues / RFE's :
    There seems to be no check on the diplomatic status of the factions, especially when starting a game. It might be an idea to guarantee at least one war simply to give the player something to do.

    Completing quests for a faction NPC only affects your influence with the noble/village or quest giver and doesn't alter your relationship with the faction as a whole. Apart from assisting a faction in combat, it seems impossible to influence your relations prior to joining a faction. Might be an idea to have some relationship change kicked back to the faction relations. It seems silly that I can be best friends with the King, yet at zero (or even negative) relations with his nation ....

    To note about the bandits quest - they respawn with full numbers should you get knocked out. You probably know this - just haven't updated it.
  7. Luthius

    Version 0.901 Bug List

    VladyTepes said:
    My wage depts increase extremely. FRom 1600 den. to 32.000 den.!!! Can't be true, as it said, the weekly cost is around 1.000 dep. Help me out, i'm gonna lose my credit card...  :roll:

    You've been had! If you're with the Bank of Zendar, don't worry, you're covered against this type of fraud. Just nip in to see them (minus weapons) and i'm sure they'll help sort it out.
  8. Luthius

    Replay System

    Trouble is it would show the AI at is daftest - You would always be able to find something innane happening on the battlefield no matter how good the AI is. That spells trouble for developers who maybe try to keep little tricks secret :smile:

    It may also require a lot of work, and quite a bit of storage - it's not like the game would replay out the same if you let it, you'd have to know what every model is doing everywhere in the battle. It would be like Madden replays but far more insane.

    However, this said- It would be pretty damn good to watch proper footage - not grainy vids on youtube.
  9. Luthius

    The art of Persuasion should rely on Charisma, not Intelligence.

    Archonsod said:
    No, I tend to ignore anyone who can't give me a logical validation of why they deserve to exist, let alone talk to me :lol:

    Charisma won't help you determine the motivation and situation or similar of the person you are talking to, which intelligence and empathy do,  and has a much larger influence on persuasion than your personal charisma. As Tarrantmw points out, the key thing you need to persuade anyone is something they desire, or at least think they desire.

    You tend to already know what someone wants before you start to convince them otherwise. You don't need intelligence to fathom out something from somebody, such as what they desire. It helps to have some understanding as to what somebody in a certain position would require but the major factor is empathy, and noticing emotions. You could know nothing about somebody but can tell when you've said something offensive or if they are hurt or happy. This is gleaned from just being able to tell. You do not have to think to yourself 'hmm they furrowed their brow a bit and are frowning', you just instantly know this - if you're at all empathic. This is not logic, not intelligence, it is charisma that determines this. You can work out what someone disires and how to play them purely from the way they respond not only to what you say, but also - some would argue mostly so, to how you say it. This is all charisma. Knowing how to glean a reaction is one thing, interpreting it is another. Intelligence can set you off, but charisma guides you home. - that was cheesy I know.

    Ever played much poker? Persuasion without words....
  10. Luthius

    The art of Persuasion should rely on Charisma, not Intelligence.

    If you're only going to skim this, just read the last bit :smile:

    Roller said:
    Males have it more difficult but a bookworm will certainly not persuade anyone.

    Stephen Hawking has managed to convince most of the scientific community about the structure of the universe etc. Einstein convinced the world about his theories of relativity and gravitation. This is however not my point - this is a different matter to that of a man convincing another that he won't steal his cows.

    I have to go with Persuasion being based on Charisma, agreeing with what Feanaro said (bar his final point). Some people are just likeable, there's no two ways about it. You don't have to be clover to make someone believe you, lying is a natural inborn trait which is said to be the first complex cognative traits developed in evolution. Rogue traders are not usually clever - people are often persuaded by their charisma that they are right for the job, or they will come back to finish the work. The trouble with this whole topic is that with intelligence you can reason what to say to make someone believe you, you learn the 'art' of lying. You don't however learn the art of lying well, that is natural. It is one thing to understand the principles behind an argument or to fathom what to say but even if you are completely correct it takes time to manage to persuade someone to your point of view should you not be charismatic. Being instantly likeable gets quick results, and in the game you need quick results.

    A naturally gifted person gains friends and followers even though they do not necessarily cause them any benefit. Leadership is based on charisma, yet a more astute general (one based in intelligence) would be a better one to follow. If people are prepared to follow a leader irrespective of tactics (i.e. based on charisma alone) then should it not be the same charisma that governs persuasion, as there is a fine line between the two - both mainly being based on trust.

    I'd scrap the skill altogether and base negotiations between lords and commoners based purely upon your intelligence and charisma values, dependent somewhat upon what type of persuasion is required.

    In the end the 'art' of persuasion is a taught skill, it could be learned through intelligence, yet in could be equally developed from natural charisma. Spending skill points in persuasion could equally be seen as spending time developing your natural ability to communicate, similarly to what must be imagined for leadership, or the learned reason to argue. Of these two options, there is only so much expansion of thought and training of your brain (which is what the intelligence means as you are not actually growing brain cells) required to understand the concepts of persuasion (unlike the immense understanding required for engineering or surgery), yet the better you are at beguiling and causing others to empathicly bond with you (basically your charisma) the better results you will get. The benefit of intelligence is limited, whereas the benefit of charisma is less so .'. Charisma is the most important factor in persuasion, so it should be based here - if it is based anywhere.
  11. Luthius

    Future of Native (pseudo-realism or dark fantasy? adventure or strategy game?)

    I agree entirely with Archonsod, which is unusual for me (I tend to disagree with most things anybody says), but this time at least I think he is bang on.

    oRGy said:
    Native currently does not make you think as clearly as it should, i.e encourage players to think about battlefield strategy and tactics, experiment with them, develop your own band/army with its unique fighting style, and so on.

    M&B is an action game revolving around medieval warfare. When most things come down to hacking, clubbing and stabbing there is little time for strategy. 'You can't kill me with that spear, I'm a swordsman don't you know (and I have more attack points, ha ha)' is bull****. There's already a fair amount of benefit to having some troops, as a rule cavalry do destroy infantry but if the guy on the ground manages to stick his sword into the eyes of the knight, then good on him! Medieval battles essentially come down to everyone bashing each other until one army is either all dead or running away. How it gets to this point is quite irrelevant but certainly shouldn't be based upon arbitrary values but on the blows dealt out in the field - which is exactly what M&B creates!

    Sure some people believe archers might be too heavily armed and some balancing issues may still remain but M&B is definitely on the right track as it is right now.
  12. Luthius

    Version 0.901 Bug List

    I met King Yaroglek out in the wild and he asked me to collect taxes for him from Reyvadin. Of course he owns the place, so it's not too bad, only the problem comes with the fact that it is a town, not a village. When the populace, I think it called them that, not peasants, revolted (at this point I thought i was heading for crash, or an amazing through the street running battle with peasants) the alleyway map was loaded but half the peasants started inside a building. Luckily my men sought them out and bashed them through walls. Looked great the fist time because the peasent appeared through a doorway. However I then thought all the others would be stuck. The enemies were called rebel peasants.

    All in all it was good fun, I collected 7800ish is denars (which I may not return... not my liege hehe) over 3 days with 3 trade skill. Probably shouldn't have happened though.

    <Again, was playing Band of Brothers mod but I doubt this affected anything>

    Edit - I also found a caravan following some bandits - mod specific, but I think it may be because war started with the people it was heading towards.
  13. Luthius

    Grouped parties (more of a bug than a suggestion, sort of)

    I've often found it infuriating when you have 3 friendly armies and yourself in close proximity (2 armies are even accompanying the 3rd) only to have them all run away from 1 army half the total size of theirs. For instance 3 parties of say 50 men shouldn't run from a party of 80. There should...
  14. Luthius

    When taken prisioner

    Theres been quite a bit said about the whole issue of capture (and mainly death) here,27799.0.html

    You may find it interesting.
  15. Luthius

    Reject help from farmers

    If the farmers spawned irrespective of your own troops it would work better. I don't think this can be done though. Even in battle with an ally, both your troops are restricted in number. It would however solve the problem (unless you get knocked out). You get your army as normal, but the meat shield still charges. If they were present already in the town, you could get reputation depending upon how many you save (or don't). This whole thing needs fixing.
  16. Luthius

    Version 0.901 Bug List

    It 'doesn't occupy anywhere' would probably sound better still.
  17. Luthius

    Revamping books to make them more fun and rewarding

    More bonus's is better, and a shorter reading time too.

    Now if somewhere hidden in a book entitled say, 'Castles in Calderia', there was a paragraph explaining the workings of a secret door into Sungetche castle, that would truly be awesome.

    Even better if it were back in the days when Rolf was a bandit lord in his own castle and the book allowed you entry through secret passages. Then you could have the beginnings of a truly awesome unique quest. Or start the quest much earlier but it leads to you needing access to an otherwise unreachable area, to which the solution resides somewhere within a book.

    Then books really would take on a major role, and be respected throughout the game.
  18. Luthius

    Bows/Crossbows Overpowerd ore underpowerd

    You could be picky and introduce different arrow properties based upon their fletchlings. To explain; arrows with larger flights experience more drag than those with small flights, reducing their range and impact speed (and hence damage/AP value). They would however be more accurate in flight as the larger flight reduces the movement of the arrow through the air, preventing it from straying as far from the intended course.

    I would assume that bodkin arrows, meant for their armour piecing abilities, would have smaller flights than khergit arrows which, as mainly shot from horseback at close range, benefit more from the added accuracy, but do not lose out on power, as at closer range the power is nearly the same. The accuracy could be considered to be similar at closer range as well, but I'd think that arrows fired from horseback would benefit much more from increased stability, than range/damage. Bodkin arrows are designed with impact damage in mind. In fact the smaller heads on bodkin arrows probably mean that less fletchling is needed to maintain stability anyway, but I'm not entirely sure. They may travel quicker than other arrows but fall quicker too.

    I know this is a little point, but seems to be somewhat on topic. I'd say that bodkin arrows should be more damaging that khergit arrows at the moment in game, but khergits should get an accuracy bonus. (whether any of this works or not in game is already I don't know)

    I do however, seemingly against what I've previously stated, think that bodkin arrows should get a damage reduction but have a higher armour piercing potential than normal arrows. This reflects the fact that they were small headed, designed more to pierce armour than to cause as much damage as possible, like normal arrows. Then a player could select their arrows dependent upon what type of enemy they were fighting.
  19. Luthius

    Playing 0.901, or waiting for an update?

    Archonsod said:
    Erm, the whole point of M&B being updated in this way is so we can get out and find those bugs. Defeats the point if we don't :lol:

    Well no, I don't quite agree. The point is more to expand the game, heading towards the eventual final release whist letting players experience what is new. It isn't released purely so we can bug test it, we just do anyway (as the devs hope). Of course it is only mentioned on the forums, not on the main page, but who on earth doesn't find out about it if they play M&B? Bug testing is of course important, and we are wanted to go and find the bugs, but I don't think you could hold it against a player if they only played without 'bug testing' the new version of if they waited for a more stable version altogether.

    Personally I think it's great that so many people try to help fix a new release with all their reports, I am one, but I don't feel obliged to because of the manner of release.
  20. Luthius

    Town Infested by Infinite Bandits?

    Jericho said:
    Momaw said:
    Obviously I suck or something. Because when I try to take on village bandits, they line up 30-strong and annihilate my men. It sounds like bow-machine-gun-fire. I want to see video clips of people soloing 30 archers;  I really, really want to see that.
    Do you fight strickly as infantry? - If yes then then YES it is very tough indeed getting past all those arrows.  :sad:
    If you ride, then try bowling with a heavy warhorse or charger if you can afford one and have high enough skill to
    ride it, but I still wouldn't want to solo 30 archers in either case! :neutral:

    But in the early game you don't have all this. Your horse gets stuck full of axes and javelins and then you're on foot anyway. You can steal another, but given your armour in early game, it only takes around 5 hits tops to put you down. If you're wearing plate, everything is easy. If you've only got a leather jerkin, you're in trouble  :cry:
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