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  1. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    An interesting selection for a minor faction after the majors are done could be a faction simply called "Holy Roman Empire" or "German Minors". Various troops from Hanover, Bavaria, The Netherlands, and the dozen or so tiny Germanic nations that were still around at the time.
  2. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    What would be the practicality of re-doing the reload animation so that the player holds the rifle by the end of the barrel and braces it against the ground as an actual musket user would?
  3. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    Out of curiosity what sources do you use?
  4. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    After further investigation and using more resources than just Napoleon Total War I have found that you're assertion is 100% correct. The Napoleon Total War models and unit organizations should NOT be used as a standard for realism. Other than the 120 man count of the Line Infantry Companies the entire thing is quite inaccurate. The uniforms are off, the distribution of Voltigeurs/Skirmishers is not present, the coloring of the shakos/shoulder accoutrements are inaccurate, along with about a million other little things.

    I really should have noticed these things before, seeing as I both collect Napoleonic miniatures AND am seeking occupation in the military history field.
  5. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    Alright, I suppose that sounds reasonable. But do run the test once more and see if I wasn't just a little bit correct in my assertion.
  6. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    I feel that I understand the aiming mechanics rather well. I actually am a rather proficient shooter, but I think that even with skill the bullet spread seems humorously ridiculous. Sometimes it's as if the shots puncture a hole halfway down the barrel and just fly at a 45 degree angle above the target.
  7. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    I am absolutely against the idea of musket malfunctions. It's already hard enough to hit anything with them, adding random errors just makes undue rage occur. If anything they need to be more accurate and reliable. Pretty sure Old Guard Grenadiers could hit a human sized target at 20 meters, yet everytime I try and close fire in game I see someone within a few musket lengths get hit.
  8. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    I think looking at Napoleon Total War units is the best way to get new unit ideas. They have the proper names, positions, and appearances of the units right at hand.
  9. DanRatherman

    Harry's Armoury (is closed)

    Oh wow, those are quite nice.

    Do us all a favor and enlist this man on the team ASAP!
  10. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    I'm almost certain it's been said before but I must state my ultimate desire.

    Canister Shot for the cannons. The thought of an artillery crew spraying a dozen fist sized metal shots into oncoming smug infantry is just fantastic.
  11. DanRatherman

    Favorite thing on the battlefield!

    Massed infantry volleys for sure. Most especially if they end in simultaneous cannon and musket rampage.
  12. DanRatherman

    Community Reenactors thread. Post pictures and videos

    Smissen said:
    For all Napoleonic Reenacters who particulate in the March to Russia. Believe
    it or not,you can eat parts of your uniform. Back then some soldiers boiled their
    belt,(leather)hat,boots,cartridges pouch,weapon sling,sabre scrabbard,bayonet scrabbard,
    leather gloves and parts of the saddle. These are in fact leather so animal skin what's
    totally eat-able. Only be sure you boil it good enough and chew good enough :wink:

    However, one you've read about the pre-industrial process of Leather-making you won't want it anywhere near your mouth.
  13. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    I find the best maps to be a large plain, some hills to either side, and a pair of small villages around the spawn points. Maybe add a focal point in the middle like another village, a windmill, a manor house, or maybe a bridge.
  14. DanRatherman

    The Bayonet is a fine Fellow! But....

    While I think that melee combat is pretty much fine in MM, I happen to have the personal preference that the universal melee damage for weapons be lowered VERY slightly to lengthen melee fights.

    I love a good bayonet or sabre charge after a few volleys, but the sobering fact that immensely twitch-skilled players with a ping of 0.002 will always beat me sort of ruins my fun in the moment. If the damage was maybe 2/3rds what it is now than that fight could at least be more rewarding for the less-skilled player but equally rewarding for the skilled player as he still likely wins.
  15. DanRatherman

    Mount&Musket: Suggestions

    I was just today thinking that sappers would be a wonderful addition. The doors, barricades, and walls on maps are almost unbreakable with bayonets, and that can result in some quite insurmountable bottlenecks.

    I bet a cool model of a scruffy greatcoat wearing man with an axe would fit well.
  16. DanRatherman

    Line Battle, May 13th @ 8:30pm EST (North American server).

    Had a great time working the Cannons, never used them before and we still did pretty good. Good linebattle all around.
  17. DanRatherman

    Delete this Thread Please

    The leader of your Regiment that is, if it isn't you. Incidentally, if there is a discussion regarding this over Steam I would wish to be present
  18. DanRatherman

    Line Battle, April 22nd @ 8:30pm EST (North American server).

    Alright, I look forward to it. Sounds like there will be some fielded Cavalry and Cannon this time around.
  19. DanRatherman

    Delete this Thread Please

    Trotsky said:
    since you are not a russian speaking person it is understandable that you dont see the difference between the two names, but we do speak russsian and both our names are the same for us, you are right it is a matter of translation, but as you said yourself there arent many russian regiments around so i dont see why we should have two regiments with similar names

    Alright, I had a hunch it may have been a translation issue. I'll chat with the Regiment about a name change.
  20. DanRatherman

    Delete this Thread Please

    While the names are quite similar, again I must make it known that we were unaware of your regiment's existence at the time of our regiments founding, so do not mistake this coincidence for outright plagiarism.

    1.) On your Steam Group Page, MM Forum page, and Ingame tags, you refer to yourselves as (And I'm quoting here.)
    Use our nick-name 1st_LejbGuard_Name
    We use the Sevk tags within the game, meaning that any sort of in-game miscommunications are unlikely.

    2.) You again refer to yourself as LejbGuards, as opposed to Semenovsk which we refer to ourselves as. I highly doubt there will be mistaken identity, and it certainly hasn't happened yet as far as I know.

    3.) You appear to be a largely Russian and EU based Regiment, whereas we are mostly GMT and EST. This time difference leads be to believe we will rarely encounter one another in-game, thus decreasing the chances of a mix up on top of the already very different ingame tags.

    4.) Lastly, I again must be reminded of the fact that our names ARE in fact different.
    Semenovsk (Us) as opposed to Semyonov (you.)

    A search for our name provides this.
    A historial Regiment of Lifeguards in the time of MM.

    A search for Semyonov provides this.
    A list of both names and a town in Russia.

    I'm not sure if it's a matter of translation, but the two names seem to be completely different things.

    Now I'm not against the idea of changing our name outright, but it would be an inconvenient mess to edit all of our existing material to suit a relatively minor discrepancy.

    I will consult the regiment on the issue of a name change asap, if we are in unison then we will change it.
                      -Daniel Ratherman
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